setMarkerShape – Talk

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Revision as of 13:08, 3 September 2007 by Planck (talk | contribs)
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Somehow hoz I don't think this is for version 1.0. Maybe just use ?? as we don't know what version it is, it came with the newer comref anyway.

Forget I said that, I realise now what is happening here. ;P

Planck 13:42, 13 September 2006 (CEST)

wrong paramater type?

unlike all the other setmarker xyz's this syntax states a handle (object) NOT a string

this differs from the ofpec comref which says string just like all the others

is this correct?

ditto comment for SetMarkerShapeLocal

ook? 07:12, 3 September 2007 (CEST)

If you check back in the history for any of these commands you will find out that they all had the correct information from BI supplied documentation entered into them when they were first populated, bar any typos.
This command also used to be correct, until it was altered at some point.
The reason the ofpec comref is still accurate is because It isn't available for edit by all and typos.
Planck 12:08, 31 August 2007 (CEST)
have ammended (corrected) the blurb accordingly (and for it's Local equivalent.
in fact, I don't see how you could get a "_MarkerObject", no command exists afaik to object=getMarker "MarkerName", and interestingly (for me at least) all manipulations of a marker are strictly by it's "MarkerName"
ook? 07:12, 3 September 2007 (CEST)
I haven't a clue what you mean Mikero, I have at no time set any markerobject, _markerobject, "markerobject" or "_markerobject" anywhere in this document.
The syntax should not be changed into another example field, we already have an example field for use below.
name setMarkerShape shape is the EXACT syntax supplied by BI for this and similar syntax examples for many other commands, the fact that name is a string is handled by the following parameter description there is no need to declare name as a string in the syntax line when it is handled by the following parameter fields........or it used to be.
Checking in history for this command reveals that in the example field for this command it used to originally say:
"Marker1" setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE"
markerobject setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE" ....changed to this by kronsky in December 2006
_markerobject setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE" ....changed to this by Mikero in August 2007
"Marker1" setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE" ....changed to this by Mikero in August 2007
So it is now back to where it first started.
Planck 13:08, 3 September 2007 (CEST)