Alef/nocdkey – User
nocdkey here doesn't mean you can play illegal copies with this plugin!
This plugin simulate what you usually can do just dropping your connection to the internet using -host mode.
You can't use kickduplicate=0 because the -config=server.cfg doesn't get read in -host mode.
This is a file called ws2_32.dll to put in the same arma.exe directory, and get enabled using -nocdkey and -host arguments on the command line. It will intercept the host name resolution for gamespy service, returning a "not found" answer. This is the same effect you can obtain disconnecting the network cable.
How to run 2 ArmAs on the same PC
Need a crafted ws2_32.dll, which returns WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND in gethostbyname() for or if -nokey is given on the server (-host) command line.
Editor/Server: \ArmA\arma.exe -window -nosplash -world=empty -nopause -host -nokey Client: \ArmA\arma.exe -window -nosplash -world=empty -nopause -connect=localhost
The server will get the message "No challenge value was received from the master server."
Will post on OFPEC for beta, if someone interested, and on BI forum.