Dedicated Server – ArmA: Armed Assault

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This article covers some of the aspects of the dedicated server for Armed Assault and Arma 2

Some of the information on this page covers beta versions of the software and documentation.

This software is released under end user agreement terms as the original game so you should agree with the terms of the end user agreement of ArmA: Armed Assault/Arma 2 as found in the manual before installing and using this software.


We recommend using 2 GHz machine, with 512 MB RAM and a 1 Mbps upload network bandwidth.

ArmA: You need either a Microsoft Windows 2000/XP or Linux computer to run an ArmA dedicated server.

Arma 2: You need a Microsoft Windows XP computer to run an Arma 2 dedicated server.

The rest of this section covers installation on a Windows computer. For installation on a Linux computer see the Linux section.

There are two possible ways to install the dedicated server. When you have installed the ArmA game, you can use the main executable (ArmA.exe) with the command line argument –server to start a dedicated server. While this is easy, it requires the ArmA DVD to be present in the drive during server operation and also original serial number. If you want to run a server without the DVD and serial number, you have to use the standalone dedicated server executable.

The latest version of this executable is always available from the Downloads section.

To install a standalone server

  • Install the corresponding version of the game on any machine (you will need ArmA DVD for this)
  • Add the ArmA_Server.exe file to the same directory as ArmA.exe. Copy your already installed ArmA directory on to the server.
  • Create a configuration file for your server. See server.cfg for further information.

Installing a patch on the dedicated server

To install a patched version on the dedicated server, you can either install the patch on some machine with the full game installed and then transfer the full patched game, or you can download the patch to the dedicated server, make sure there exists a registry entry on the server so that the patch can find the game location, verify the CD key, and apply the patch directly on the server.

The registry entry can be created by exporting a registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA from the machine where the game is installed. The file should look like this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA]
"MAIN"="C:\\Program files\\Bohemia Interactive\\ArmA"

Startup Options


"ArmA_Server.exe -config=server.cfg -netlog -port=2302 -mod=hisky"
-config= <----Specifies the config file to use. See server.cfg
-mod=    <----extra command to run folder mods
-netlog  <----command to record traffic from the game server in BI format (requires 1.02 and above)
-port=   <----Port for the server to listen on.
-world=  <----start another default world
-noland  <----unknown functionality (in player mode it removes all land textures and turns it grey)
-ranking=<filename>   <----path for game stats log (new in 1.07)
-pid=<filename>       <----specifies a file to write the server's PID (process ID) to. The file is removed automatically when the server is stopped

Server Crashes

In the event of a server crash, please help BI to fix the problem by sending the crash files arma.rpt and arma.bidmap files that will be created on each crash. For the location of these files and where to send them to, see Crash Files.


To ban a user you have to know their unique online ID (called Player ID). This can be checked in the players overview screen ('P' key) during the game, or with the #userlist command. To ban a user you have to add their Player ID to file ban.txt residing in the main ARMA directory. If there is no such file there, create a new one. The format of ban.txt is a plain ASCII text list of decimal Player IDs delimited with space, tabulator or end-of-line characters.

Firewall issues

By default the Armed Assault server is reporting to Gamespy and it also uses the Gamespy server to negotiate a NAT traversal. If this does not work reliably for you (e.g. when running behind very strict firewall), you may need to open and/or forward following incoming ports:

port  	UDP (used for game)
port+1	UDP (used for server reporting)
port+3	UDP (used for VoN transmissions)

Following outgoing ports need to be open as well:

port 	UDP (used for game)
port+3	UDP (used for VoN transmissions)

Default value of port is 2302, but you may change it by -port command line argument.

Proxy issues

You may enforce proxy server used to download xml squad page etc. Using the value "proxy" in Server.cfg.

Performance Tuning Options

Moved to Server Basic Config file

Running Server as a Service

You may also consider running the ArmA server as a service, and enabling automatic restart in case of crash. In this case, you may want to disable DrWatson crash monitoring utility on your computer, as it often prevents ArmA server to shutdown properly (by displaying a message box that requires an operator to confirm application termination).

A HowTo for user-defined services can be found at


Support for Linux dedicated servers has been confirmed by Bohemia Interactive. It is under development. Beta version has already been released.

A first description of how-to setup an ArmA linuxserver has been posted on the offical BI forums. You may follow these few steps that illustrate a setup on a Debian-based machine:

1.)  follow all instructions of readme
2.)  edit startupfile "armaserver" and change vars, fitting for your system
3.)  start server manually (command: ./server). Now the player directory should be created.
4.)  stop server with ctrl+c
5.)  edit player/player.armaprofile
6.)  create and edit a arma.cfg (all lowercase! ) in main directory of arma
7.)  run server via   ./armaserver start
8.) have fun!

Please note that you can create other users than the standard player to configure different quality settings. All you need is an directory named <username> and therein a <username>.armaprofile as the configuration file. Then simply start the server with the optional parameter -name=<username>.

When you're a Linux beginner and encounter problems without adequate error messages, then your distribution is probably missing necessary packages.

For instance Unbuntu hardy 8.04 LTS amd64 (64bit) Desktop:

- package build-essential (11.3ubuntu1) and all of it's required packages for the ArmA install script to work

- package ia32-libs (2.2ubuntu11) and all of it's required packages for the ArmA 32bit server application to run on the 64bit operation system.




Official: v1.14.5256 is available from the update page as part of the v1.14 patch.
Beta: v1.15.5268 is available from, (49.7MB, Release: December 23rd 2008)
Beta: v1.16.5277 is available from, (51.6MB, Release: April 24th 2009)


Official: v1.14.5257 is available from server-1.14.tar.bz2 (3.95MB, Release: May 22nd 2008)

Arma 2


Beta: v1.02.58055 is available from the, (4.2MB, Released: June 19th 2009)
Official: v1.03.58659 is available from,, , The Patches Scrolls (4.35MB, Released: August 6th 2009)
Official: v1.04.59026 is available from,

See Also

ArmA Server Configuration

ArmA Multiplayer Server Commands

ArmA Community Tools

ArmA Version History

Arma 2 Version History