Enhanced Configuration Project
- 1 Enhanced Configuration Project (ECP)
- 2 Using the ECP
- 3 ECP Promotional Media
- 4 External Links
Enhanced Configuration Project (ECP)
The Enhanced Configuration Project aims to increase the potential of OFP through providing enhanced configuration files and associated scripts that run without any in-mission triggers or code.
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The ECP provides:
ECP is an OFP 'modification' consisting of the following components:
You only need the ECP Core, however it is highly recommended that you download the other plug-ins as well. In addition to increasing the enjoyment of the game for individuals, we aim to provide an open-source enhanced configuration for use by all mods. |
Using the ECP
Core Features
There are many reasons why you should use the ECP mod instead of standard OFP. OFP provides a rich scripting language and configuration system, and we have tried to push the envelope with regards to in-game effects without you requiring a P4 3.0 GHz in order to enjoy it. The ECP does not provide new units or terrain. Our overall goal is to improve the quality of gameplay through configuration modification and effects scripting. We'll leave the addons to those who are skilled in that area, and we offer the ECP as a backbone to whoever is interested. The ECP (core) provides the following features across all OFP missions and campaigns.
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Optional Plugins
ECP Plug-Ins are ECP exclusive addons that resort to the existing structure to provide new features - new experiences. Install, enable and experiment! Download plug-ins from the ECP links at the bottom of the page.
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ECP Settings
The ECP has both new effects and simulations. Effects are purely visual changes to enhance your OFP experience. Simulations are 'things that happen' and they may modify gameplay.
There are two ways to configure ECP effect and simulation settings:
- Via the settings files in the @ECP folder, or
- Via the ECP settings dialog.
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ECP Multiplayer
The ECP is fully compatible with MP play. It is recommended that all computers play with the ECP mod to prevent 'modified config.bin' error messages. It is important that all computers have the same version of the ECP as well.
You may play on non-ECP servers with the ECP installed, however many effects will not be visible because a number of important eventhandlers are registered on remote computers, not your own.
The ECP will operate in either dedicated or designated server mode.
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ECP Mission Editing
The ECP is designed with mission editing in mind, and all ECP settings can be explicitly defined by a mission editor for a specific mission. In order to know which values you should modify in the ECP database, take the ECP_Settings.sqf as reference.
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ECP Compatible Addons
Updated 03/06/05 If you are making an addon that provides a new vehicle, and defines it's own 'class EventHandlers', you'll need to do the following in order to make it ECP compatible.
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Using ECP in your MOD
ECP is open-source and we are happy for other mods to use our scripts and config settings. We do ask that:
- Full credit is given to either a) the ECP mod or b) individual script authors as appropriate.
- You contact us if you intend to sell a mod that contains ECP components.
- If you modify or improve scripts please send them to us for inclusion in later ECP releases. You will of course be credited appropriately.
- You must read and agree to the ECP End User License Agreement.
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End User License Agreement License. ECP license agreement. ECP stands for Enhanced Configuration Project. OFP stands for the game Operation Flashpoint. OFPR stands for the game Operation Flashpoint Resistance. IP stands for intellectual property. MOD stands for modification. EULA stands for End User License Agreement. The ECP is a MOD for the game OFPR and OFP. The ECP Team retain all ownership and copyright for the code within the ECP (in particular, each ECP team member retains ownership and copyright for his/her own code) with the exception to the debug spectate code. The debug spectate code is now privately owned and may not be modified in any way by anyone. The ECP Team has been given permission to retain the debug spectate code within the ECP for the benefit of the community. The debug spectate code may not be used for any military training, may not be sold, may not be leased, may not be rented, may not be developed, and may not be used with any software other than OFP or OFPR. The ECP is free for all to download, free to use, and free to distribute, and free to develop for the game OFP or OFPR for the purpose of entertainment. The ECP code may not be used for any military training, may not be sold, may not be leased, may not be rented, and may not be developed or used with any other software other than OFP or OFPR without written permission from the ECP Team and the ECP author of that particular code. The ECP may be used as a base for third party modifications for the game OFP or OFPR on the condition that any betterment's or code enhancements to any particular ECP code be forwarded to the ECP team for inclusion in the next ECP release, full credit for any enhancements will be given to the author. If you are using ECP as a base for a third party MOD you may switch off any and all ECP effects and add whatever code you like, but the end user must have clear and definitive instructions on how to re enable any and all ECP effects. Any changes to ECP code MUST be logged and we take NO responsibility for any errors caused by the code when included in a third party MOD. If you only wish to use one or two particular elements from the ECP for your MOD then full credit MUST be given to the author of that particular code and listed in your MOD. Support for any ECP code that has been isolated and incorporated into any third party MOD will be the responsibility of the MOD author. We will do what we can to help, but it can be very difficult to solve ECP code issues when it has been put into a foreign architecture. That is why we recommend that the ECP remains intact as a single entity, and that it is built on, rather than pulled apart and mutilated. Many of its effects and simulations are all inter linked with the ECP architecture. The ECP MOD RELEASE VERSION (labelled as such) may not be altered in any way or be released by anyone other than the ECP Team. The ECP Team retains the sole right to develop and release the ECP MOD RELEASE VERSION. We encourage development and inspiration from the community with the ECP MOD DEVELOPMENT VERSION. That is why we make a development version available for the community to download and work on. If you would like your development alterations to be added to the ECP MOD RELEASE VERSION then we would love to have you on board as an ECP team member. If you do not wish to join the ECP Team but you wish to add your ECP development code then you may forward that code to the team and it will be included in the next ECP MOD RELEASE VERSION, full credit will be given to the author and the author will retain his/her ownership and copyright for that particular code. This ECP EULA must be included with any third party MOD that uses any ECP code or code developed from ECP code. By the community, for the community. Disclaimer. The ECP is in no way affiliated with Bohemia Interactive Studios or Codemasters. The ECP is not an official modification for the game OFP and OFPR. The ECP Team is not responsible in any way for any negative results that may happen to your computer after installing the ECP. Use this software at your own risk. Note. The ECP requires version OFP 1.96 or higher. Download the appropriate patch from the ‘Operation Flashpoint - Flashnews’ board of the Official Forum: |
The ECP development version will be required if you intend to use ECP as a backbone to your mod. Contact us if you require assistance and we can provide this to you.
ECP requires OFP version 1.96 or higher.
Current (known) limitations of the ECP are as follows (these will probably change with each
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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Go up and read Limitations if you haven't already. Contact the ECP Team if your question isn't answered here. FAQ last updated 03/06/05 (ECP 1.085).
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In this section we'll try to credit everyone who have contributed for the ECP.
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ECP Promotional Media
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External Links
Release Announcement
ECP 1.085e (latest patch) BI forum release thread
ECP 1.085 Official OFPEC forum release thread
Be sure to get the 1.085e Patch! Solves CTD.
ECP 1.085 download at Operation Flashpoint Files (+1.085e Patch)