BIS fnc addStackedEventHandler – Talk
Not being able to override default engine behavior was really bumming me out, so I took a look at BIS_fnc_executeStackedEventHandler. By adding 2 variables, I was able to make the function perform as intended (as I see it). Please push this fix to the next hotfix, BIS!
Author: Nelson Duarte
Edit by: Dread (in bold)
This function executes the stacked items, should not be called independently
_this select 0: STRING - The onXxx event handler
True if executed code returns true
False if executed code returns anything else
private ["_event"];
_event = [_this, 0, "", [""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
//Mission namespace id
private "_namespaceId";
_namespaceId = "BIS_stackedEventHandlers_";
//Mission namespace event
private "_namespaceEvent";
_namespaceEvent = _namespaceId + _event;
//The data
private "_data";
_data = missionNameSpace getVariable [_namespaceEvent, []];
//Add 2 new variables and define
private ["_return","_trash"];
_return = false;
_trash = false;
//Process data
//Data item parameters
private ["_code", "_arguments"];
_code = [_x, 2, "", [{}, ""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_arguments = [_x, 3, []] call BIS_fnc_param;
if (typeName _code != typeName "") then {
//Execute code
_trash = _arguments call _code; //call can return, why waste?
} else {
//Execute function
_trash = _arguments call (call compile _code); //not really sure what's happening here. 2 calls?
if (typeName _trash == "BOOL") then
if (_trash) then
_return = true;
} forEach _data;
Can't get this post formatted correctly. I'm just going to leave it like it is. - DreadedEntity