Eden Editor: Configuring Attributes

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class Cfg3DEN
	// Configuration of all objects
	class Object
		// Categories collapsible in "Edit Attributes" window
		class AttributeCategories
			// Category class, can be anything
			class MyCategory
				displayName = "Object Init"; // Category name visible in Edit Attributes window
				collapsed = 1; // When 1, the category is collapsed by default
				class Attributes
					// Attribute class, can be anything
					class MyAttribute
						property = "MyAttribute"; // Unique config property name saved in SQM
						control = "Edit"; // UI control base class displayed in Edit Attributes window, points to Cfg3DEN >> Attributes
						unique = 0; // When 1, only one entity of the type can have the value in the mission (used for example for variable names or player control)
						validate = "code"; // Validate the value before saving. Can be "none", "expression", "condition", "number" or "variable"
						condition = "object"; // Condition for attribute to appear (see the table below)
						// Expression called when applying the attribute in Eden and at the scenario start
						// Entity is passed as _this, value is passed as _value, property name is passed as _property
						// %s is replaced by attribute config name. It can be used only once in the expression
						expression = "_this setVariable [%s,_value];";
						// Expression called when custom property is undefined yet (i.e., when setting the attribute for the first time)
						// Entity is passed as _this
						// Returned value is the default value
						// Used when no value is returned, or when it's of other type than NUMBER, STRING or ARRAY
						// Custom attributes of logic entities (e.g., modules) are saved always, even when they have default value
						defaultValue = "42";


Conditions are written as simple expressions. Example:

objectBrain * (1 - objectDestructable)

Object must be indestructible AI character (theoretical example, no such object exists in unmodded game).

Supported conditions:

Condition For Type Description
objectBrain Object Object with simulation "soldier" or "UAVpilot"
objectControllable Object Object with simulation "soldier"
objectAgent Object Object with non-empty agentTasks[], i.e., animals
objectVehicle Object Vehicle which can be boarded
objectSimulated Object Object which is simulated (e.g., falls down when in the air)
objectDestructable Object Indestructible object, i.e., when destrType config property set not DestructNo
logicModule Logic Logic which is a module (vehicleClass config property is "Modules")


Data Validation

Scripting Commands

Event Handlers