ORBAT Viewer – Arma 3

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Template:SideTOC A3 ORBATViewer.jpg


CfgORBAT can be defined in configFile or missionConfigFile.

class CfgORBAT
	class 7thInfantry
		id = 7;        // Unit ID
		idType = 0;    // Unit ID type
		side = "West"; // Unit side from CfgChainOfCommand >> Sides
		size = "Division"; // Unit size from CfgChainOfCommand >> Sizes. Displays relevant icon above the Type icon
		type = "HQ"; // Unit type from CfgChainOfCommand >> Types
		insignia = "\ca\missions_f\data\orbat\7thInfantry_ca.paa"; // Unit insignia, displayed in ORBAT background and in tooltip
		colorInsignia[] = {0,0,1,1}; // Insignia image color (white default), can be either RGBA array, or class from CfgMarkerColors
		commander = "Armstrong"; // Name of unit commander. Can be either direct name, or class from CfgWorlds >> GenericNames (random name from the list is then selected)
		commanderRank = "GENERAL"; // Rank of unit commander (by default selected based on unit size)
		tags[] = {BIS,USArmy,Kerry,Hutchison,Larkin}; // Group tags. When opening ORBAT viewer, user can define what tags will be accepted.
		text = "%1 Combat Technology Research %3"; // Custom text and short text, can still use some arguments when defined:
		// 	%1 - ID (e.g. "7th")
		// 	%2 - Type (e.g. "Infantry")
		// 	%3 - Size (e.g. "Division")
		textShort = "%1 CTR %3";
		texture = "\ca\missions_f\data\orbat\customTexture_ca.paa"; // Custom texture, will replace icon set by 'type' param.
		color[] = {0,0,1,1}; // Custom color, will replace color set by 'side' param. Can be either RGBA array, or class from CfgMarkerColors
		description= "All of your text would go here."; // A brief description of the group or unit.
		assets[] = {{B_Heli_Transport_03_F,5},{B_Heli_Light_01_F,3},{B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F,4},B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F}; // Will display pictures of all available assets to the unit commander:
	 	// Can be an array with format {classname, [int active icons], [int greyed out icons]}, or simply a classname
		subordinates[] = {2ndBCT}; // Subordinates, searched on the same level as this class.
		// When 'subordinates' are missing, child classes will be used. They can have their own subs - number of tiers is not limited.
		class 1stBCT
			id = 1;
			type = "Armored";
			size = "BCT";
			side = "West";
			commander = "NATOMen";
			tags[] = {"BLUFOR", "USArmy","Kerry"};
	class 2ndBCT

Valid Attributes

ID Type






Tags are used by BIS_fnc_ORBATOpen. The function will search and classes with given tags.

ORBAT Group Module

A3 ORBATGroup Module.jpg


The group you want to be display on the map.

Example: missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "unitClassName" >> "subordinateUnitClassName"

CfgORBAT Ceiling

The highest superior unit to display in the ORBAT Viewer while this group is selected. If blank, the CfgORBAT Path unit is displayed as the ceiling.

Example: missionConfigFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "unitClassName"


Groups containing at least on of these tags will be added

Max. Tiers

Defines how many tiers are are shown.

Working Example

  • Place a fire team in Eden Editor
  • Place the ORBAT Group module
  • Syncronize the module with the group leader
  • Open the module and fill in the following:
    • CfgORBAT Path: configfile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "BIS" >> "B_1_A_1_2"
    • CfgORBATCeiling: configfile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "BIS" >> "B_1"
  • Leave Max. Tiers and Tags empty
  • Enter the preview mode and open the map

Texture in missonConfigFile

As texture is treated as a new texture (rather than an image, as icon is), Arma needs a direct path to it. Example, C:\Users\Kerry\Documents\Arma 3\Kerry\missions\MyMission.Stratis

However, as CfgORBAT is defined in description.ext, we cannot use SQF scripting like missionConfigFile. But we can define a global variable in description.ext using PreProcessor Commands to our mission's folder. In this case, MISSIONLOCATION.

__EXEC (MISSIONLOCATION = __FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15])

In our CfgORBAT, be it in a separate .hpp file or your description.ext, we can now define the path to our texture with the following:

texture = __EVAL(MISSIONLOCATION + "someFolder\SomeImage.paa");

