From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Set time acceleration coefficient. May be also used to slow time in cutscenes. This command does NOT work in multiplayer. accFactor is clamped to [1/128; 4].
- Groups:
- Uncategorised
- Example 1:
setAccTime 0.1
Additional Information
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- Posted on August 4, 2006 - 10:58
- hardrock
- Notes from before the conversion: A good habit to get into is setting the accTime to 1 at the start of all cutscenes, in case the player is running at 4x speed when the scene starts.
Bottom Section
- Scripting Commands
- Introduced with Operation Flashpoint version 1.00
- Operation Flashpoint: New Scripting Commands
- Operation Flashpoint: Scripting Commands
- Command Group: Uncategorised
- Scripting Commands OFP 1.99
- Scripting Commands OFP 1.96
- Scripting Commands OFP 1.46
- Scripting Commands Armed Assault
- Scripting Commands Arma 2
- Scripting Commands Arma 3
- Scripting Commands Take On Helicopters