From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Description needed
- Groups:
- Groups
- Syntax:
- Syntax needed
- Parameters:
- group: Object or Group
- [nameFormat, nameParam1, ..., nameParamN]: Array
- nameFormat: String - format template (%keyword1 - %keyword2...etc)
- nameParam1: String - param keyword
- Return Value:
- Return value needed
- Example 1:
- Arma 3:
group player setGroupId ["Some name for the group"]; hint groupId group player; // "Some name for the group" player sideChat "lalala"; // Some name for the group (KK): "lalala"
- Example 2:
- Arma 3:
group player setGroupId ["%GroupNames :=: %GroupColors", "Alpha", "GroupColor2"]; hint groupId group player; // "Alpha :=: Red" player sideChat "lalala"; // Alpha :=: Red (KK): "lalala"
- Example 3:
- ArmA / Arma 2 / Arma 3:
_group1 setGroupId ["Assault Squad"];
- Example 4:
- OFP:
_group1 setGroupId ["Delta", "GroupColor4"]
Additional Information
- See also:
- See also needed
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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
- Posted on April 21, 2015 - 23:21 (UTC)
- Killzone Kid
List of available keywords from config:
"if ((configName _x) select [0, 5] == 'group') then { diag_log ('%' + configName _x); for '_i' from 0 to count _x - 1 do { diag_log ('* ""' + configName (_x select _i) + '"" → ' + getText ((_x select _i) >> 'name')); }; }; false" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgWorlds");