setGroupId – Talk
From Bohemia Interactive Community
The ArmA variant of setGroupId has new abilities. As can be seen in the syntax description, it can take a parameter array
[nameFormat, nameParam1, ...]
The nameFormat part is a format string that determines the parameter(s) that follow it. An example:
player setGroupid ["%GroupSquad-%GroupPlatoon-%GroupCompany","Squad1","Platoon2","CompanyCharlie"]; player sideChat "Hello";
This will result in my player character saying
1-2-C 1 (Killswitch): "HELLO"
One can also get the old OFP style group names by
player setGroupid ["%GroupNames %GroupColors","November","GroupColor3"]; player sideChat "Hello";
which results in
November Green 1 (Killswitch): "HELLO"
Take a look at the main ArmA config, in class CfgWorlds and look at
* the groupNameFormat string. * the classes GroupSquad, GroupPlatoon, GroupCompany and their contents. * the classes GroupNames and GroupColors.
I wasn't sure if all of this was suitable for a note, so I put my findings here on the discussion page instead.
Killswitch 18:21, 21 April 2007 (CEST)