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Sets the group radio callsign, how it will be displayed in radio chat. Two groups on the same side cannot have the same callsign (different side is possible). When trying to apply the same callsign to two groups of the same side, the callsigns will simply be swapped, e.g: group1 setGroupId ["Active Group"]; group2 setGroupId ["Inactive Group"]; group2 setGroupId ["Active Group"]; // group1 is "Inactive Group" now The identity setup can also consist of format keywords (marked with %) and param keywords taken from CfgWorlds config. Basically it is like format command but with some special group keywords (See Example 2).
Arma 3
Possible Arma 3 values:
Since Armed Assault, you can freely decide the callsign, e.g group player setGroupId ["First Assault Recon Team"];.
In Operation Flashpoint, group ID cannot be freely decided and format must be of [letter, colour, picture] or [letter, colour]. Possible values: The radio callsign strings can be overwritten in a mission by writing Stringtable entries of the same name. Some entry names:
For the global variant of this command see setGroupIdGlobal.


group setGroupId [nameFormat, nameParam1, ..., nameParamN]
group: Object or Group
[nameFormat, nameParam1, ..., nameParamN]: Array
nameFormat: String - format template (%keyword1 - %keyword2...etc)
nameParam1: String - param keyword
Return Value:


Example 1:
Arma 3:group player setGroupId ["Some name for the group"]; hint groupId group player; // "Some name for the group" player sideChat "lalala"; // Some name for the group (KK): "lalala"
Example 2:
Arma 3:group player setGroupId ["%GroupNames :=: %GroupColors", "Alpha", "GroupColor2"]; hint groupId group player; // "Alpha :=: Red" player sideChat "lalala"; // Alpha :=: Red (KK): "lalala"
Example 3:
Armed Assault / Arma 2 / Arma 3: _group1 setGroupId ["Assault Squad"];
Example 4:
Operation Flashpoint: _group1 setGroupId ["Delta", "GroupColor4"]

Additional Information

See also:


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Posted on April 21, 2015 - 23:21 (UTC)
Killzone Kid
List of available keywords from config: "if ((configName _x) select [0, 5] == 'group') then { diag_log ('%' + configName _x); for '_i' from 0 to count _x - 1 do { diag_log ('* ""' + configName (_x select _i) + '"" → ' + getText ((_x select _i) >> 'name')); }; }; false" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgWorlds");