The Unsung MOD

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The Unsung Vietnam War Mod



The Unsung Website

The Unsung Vietnam war MOD was the effort of a few Operation Flashpoint fans and Vietnam war 'freaks'. In the early days of OFP (Operation Flashpoint) the idea came forth that with this ultimate war simulation, the Vietnam war could be brought into the gaming world like never before. And with the gathering of a few talented members willing to go the painstaking road of working from the ground up in realising this MOD, The Unsung was born.

2004 saw the coming of the website for The Unsung mod. And it had finally a face. But with lot's of work to be done and fewer members of the team able to carry on, the team slowly fell apart and the Unsung started to fade away into history. Three community members didn't want to let the MOD die and took over where the previous team could no more. And the Unsung rose again from the ashes. It took yet again some time for new members to show up and join the at that point 3 men team. But once new possible members saw and heard, the team started expanding and has now a very capable team of moders working for it that is growing larger still. Since the re-birth of The Unsung, the mod achieved it's first two Demo releases for OFP. They show the quality and capabilities of the hard work of all Unsung members to date. Finally all the hard work of the first team and the current team came to realisation. No work has gone unnoticed in the process of making it all happen.

As hard work and countless hours of dedication to the MOD brought more and more beautifull creations we found ourselfs at a turning point for the MOD once more. Armed Assault was at the horizon, and the team was asking itself what to do next as we were working to a full release. But the minds and thoughts were the same, all the work done so far and unreleased were to go on into Armed Assault including the work for what was to be the full release for OFP! The Unsung Vietnam War MOD continues on...


The Unsung plans to recreate many events from the Vietnam war, between the mid 1960's - the early 1970's.

Most of the overall project will encompass the years in which US involvement in more than a funding and advisory role was no longer secret, this being 1965 - 1973. This was a very significant period in time for the United States of America. It was an engagement spanning ten years, where attitudes and tactics changed. It could be argued that America lost this war, this was their longest war, and yet, it wasnt a war at all.

It was also the coming of age of the helicopter, the creation of advanced tactics to combat a foe unlike any before encountered, in a country that held no front lines, no battle fields, it was the battlefield, its deep jungles and high mountains became the ever shifting sea of front lines. The US military quickly established various strategic bases, these were to provide support for the ground troops who would seek out and destroy the enemy where ever he may be.



Our work to date

Khe Sanh


Story line

Terrain work

Unit work



Display of work

Operation Flashpoint

Armed Assault