Known Issues – Arma Reforger

From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 12:00, 10 January 2023 by Lou Montana (talk | contribs) (Add BE issue)
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Possible Fixes


Could not initialize platform services
Cannot initialize game!
Unable to initialize the game
Start ArmaReforgerSteam.exe directly from the game files

Network Issues

Getting kicked 30 seconds after joining a server
Not being able to join a server at all
Not being able to see anyone and then getting kicked after a short while
Can only join servers with less than 32 players, still getting kicked
Known issue, fix is TBA - turning off BattlEye server-side can help
Getting kicked with "Missing GameID/MasterPort server config settings"
See Server Hosting - BattlEye: the server's BEServer_x64.cfg BattlEye config file is invalid - the server administrator must fix this, nothing can be done client-side.
Server Desync issue where players get "detached" from their in-server bodies - becoming harmful ghosts
Entering a vehicle fixes the issue


Failed to load metafile of mission config image
RESOURCES    : Packaging project successful
RESOURCES (E): Failed to load metafile of mission config image: 
DEFAULT   (E): Cannot copy image: 
RESOURCES (E): Creating bundle failed
When you are making your own MissionHeader, the 3 images in the config need to be in your addon, you cannot reference image files from other addons (and you also cannot leave the defaults).

XBox-specific Issues

Arma Reforger (Game Preview) needs ## MB total. Uninstall something from Internal storage, then try again. (0x80070070)
Arma Reforger has a limit of 10 GB for mod storage. If the sum of all mods is greater than this, a new mod cannot be downloaded and will see its download interrupted. Uninstall other mods to make room.


Cannot log in to Bohemia Account through Reforger
Cannot reassign keybinds
Scrolling through the servers list turns the list empty

0.9.5 Issues

See Arma Reforger 0.9.5 Known Issues.