Alef/stringtable.csv – User

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Revision as of 13:22, 26 January 2009 by Alef (talk | contribs) (→‎W.I.P.)
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Start from here:

My way

  • Open the stringtable.csv you want
    1. Use "Character set" -> "Unicode (UTF-8)". You may get "Western Europe (Windws-1252/WinLatin 1)", but it is wrong.
    2. Use "Separated by" -> "Comma"
    3. Use the "Text delimiter" " (double quote). These are going to be removed, but we will add it later again
      • This is needed, otherwise sentences with comma will be spanned across columns.
  • Do the work
  • Save the file as openoffice document (.ods) and work with that.

When ready to export back to arma

  1. Select all the columns but the first
  2. Do a "Find & Replace"
  3. Open "More options"
  4. Check "Current selection only"
  5. Check "Regular expressions"
  6. Type .* in "Search for"
  7. Type "&" in "Replace with" (be sure you put exactly "&", with the double quotes around)
  8. Click "Replace All"

Your document is now ready to be exported. You can still work this way, if you want. To do the final export to ArmA

  1. Click "Save as ..."
  2. Use "Save as type:" -> "Text CSV (.csv)"
  3. Check "Edit filter settings"
  4. Click "Save"
  5. If you get a dialog warning about, confirm you want to keep the current format.
  • As you get "Export to text files" options:
    1. Use "Character set" -> "Unicode (UTF-8)"
    2. Use "Field delimiter" -> " , " (comma)
    3. Use "Text delimiter" -> none, delete what it is showed there
    4. Check "Save cell content as shown"
    5. Click "OK"

If you had empty rows, these will be exported with commas. Don't know if will cause problems. In case, just delete empty rows before exporting.

Google Documents

This can be nice when have to work with more people or just to have it published on the web.

MS Excel

MS Excel doesn't have the option to use UTF-8 when exporting to .csv .