Multiplayer Server Commands

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Revision as of 01:58, 24 May 2009 by ArmAtec (talk | contribs)
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See also Armed Assault: Multiplayer Server Commands.

The following commands are available to you once you have connected to a server. You can access the command line by pressing the / key, which allows you to type any of the following commands in. You have to include the # before the command.

Administration Commands

#login password             Log in as the admin
#logout                     Admin log out
#vote admin (name/ID/PLR#)  Users can vote an admin to control the server
#mission filename           Select mission with known name
#missions                   Select mission
#restart                    Restart mission
#reassign                   Start over and reassign roles
#kick (name, ID or Player#) Allows you to kick the nickname or the player # (ie #kick 46)
#shutdown                   Shuts down the server
#monitor (interval in sec)  Shows performance information of the server. Interval 0 means to stop monitoring
#debug (command) (interval) Commands can be checkfile, console, totalsent, usersent, userinfo, userqueue
#ban (name, ID or Player#)  Allows you to Ban the nickname or the player #, thier ID will be added to ban.txt

User Commands

#vote missions              Users can vote for the mission selection
#vote mission (name)        Users can vote on a particular mission (named) to play
#vote kick (name/ID)        Users can vote to kick off an individual
#vote restart               Vote to restart the mission
#vote reassign              Vote to reassign
#userlist                   Displays the list of users on the server (use pgup to scroll up)