AI FSM – Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead
Summary page to gather community knowledge about the exposed AI FSM and the modification possibilities.
What are they about
It seems they expose certain areas of the AI behavior outside the core engine. This means the community can modify some parts of the AI behavior this one. That said in the config space a lot of values permitted tweaking AI as well, yet on a different level.
The available FSM are about:
- Behavior while in formation.
- Behavior while in danger/from danger events.
TODO: Needs more research, testing and specific information.
What are they NOT about
- Micro AI
- Low(est) level AI behavior system
TODO: Clarify and add more details.
Where to find them
Where are they used
No reference.
class CAManBase: Man fsmDanger = "Ca\characters\scripts\danger.fsm";
class Civilian: CAManBase fsmFormation = "ca\characters\scripts\formationC.fsm";
class Civilian: CAManBase fsmDanger = "ca\characters\scripts\formationCDanger.fsm";
No reference. However it is the equivalent to the config definition of:
class CAManBase: Man fsmFormation = "Formation";
Formation itself is also defined, for unknown reasons, in the config space rather as FSM file.
class CfgFSMs - class Formation
How to edit them
Get the FSM Editor part of the BI Tools 2 suite. It allows you to open, study and modify the FSM files.
What do they do
Makes an unit unit communicate his action:
- "Reloading! Cover me!"
- "Running!"
- "Covering!"
Seems to be an event hook to make AI react to various danger events.
Right now only few events are used to initiate actions:
Signal enemy via gesture.
Cause 8 "CAN FIRE"
Stop to fire makes the unit no longer move to return fire more effectively. If the threat is dead or after 4 to 8 seconds delay the unit moves on.
Next cause
The FSM can get multiple events supplied by the engine. Assumption: The FSM is meant to loop through all of them, yet it seems the looping is broken or disabled intentionally. See the technical details section below for more details.
When are they run
Assumption: Not at all. Seems like a test version and the actual system is integrated into the engine nowadays.
Unknown. Was yet to log an occurrence for non Civilian infantry.
Technical details
- _who = _this select 0;
- _state = _this select 1;
Danger causes
The FSM contains this description block:
DEFINE_ENUM_BEG(DangerCause) (0) DCEnemyDetected, // the first enemy detected (1) DCFire, // fire visible (2) DCHit, // vehicle hit (3) DCEnemyNear, // enemy very close to me (4) DCExplosion, // explosion detected (5) DCDeadBodyGroup, // dead soldier from my group found (6) DCDeadBody, // other dead soldier found (7) DCScream // hit soldier screaming DEFINE_ENUM_END(DangerCause)
The index numbers in brackets are added for easier viewing only in this article. It seems that later an ninth (index 8) event was added: DCCanFire. It looks like an event when the unit has a target in sight and is able to fire it's weapon.
Engine parameters
The FSM gets supplied by the engine the following parameters:
- _this: References the unit.
- _dangerCause: An integer to specify the "first" danger event type. Assumption: First could be most recent or oldest or with the highest priority.
- _queue: An array that contains multiple danger events and their details. One queue element contains:
- The danger cause (integer).
- A position. Assumption: It could be the danger target position.
- A float. Assumption: It looks like the timeout timestamp. It always has +5 seconds or less to the event call time.
- An unit. Assumption: Most likely the unit the threat is coming from. Can be <NULL-object>.
//Note this data was retrieved assigning the FSM to civilian units as it never triggered so far for non Civilian units. diag_log["danger.FSM",time,_this,_dangerCause,_queue]; "danger.FSM",0.05,C 1-1-A:8,3,[[3,[1665.17,1686.23,1.31488],5.60283,O 1-1-A:5],[3,[1665.17,1686.23,1.31488],5.79803,O 1-1-A:5]]
FSM Init
It seems only the highest priority event is handled:
// Retrieve the highest priority event from the _queue private ["_priors","_priorCur"]; _priors = [3, 4, 5, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2]; if (_dangerCause>0) then {_priorCur = _priors select _dangerCause} else {_priorCur=-1}; { private ["_cause"]; _cause = _x select 0; if ((_priors select _cause)>_priorCur) then { _dangerCause = _cause; _dangerPos = _x select 1; _dangerUntil = _x select 2; _dangerCausedBy = _x select 3; } } forEach _queue; _queue = [];
Danger cause events ordered by priority. Highest comes first:
(2) DCHit, 5 (1) DCFire, 4 (4) DCExplosion, 4 (0) DCEnemyDetected, 3 (7) DCScream 2 (8) DCCanFire 2 (3) DCEnemyNear, 1 (5) DCDeadBodyGroup, 1 (6) DCDeadBody, 1
After handling an event the FSM gets into the 'Check queue' state. In the condition 'Next cause', it checks 'count _queue>0' and returns to the init state if true; otherwise exits.
The strange thing is that the _queue gets emptied in the init state. So either the _queue can get refiled while the FSM is processed, or it will always exit.
TODO: Log the value of _queue once in the state to determine how it works.