Killzone Kid – User talk

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Not important, but nice to know

Hi. I'm just wondering (and Google didn't help) what "sqf" stands for; do you know? Fred Gandt (talk) 04:03, 23 March 2014 (CET)

[14:44] Karel Mořický: 
SeQuence Script
SeQuence Function


Thanks KK. My OCD is sated :-) Fred Gandt (talk) 01:28, 25 March 2014 (CET)

Sorry to butt in uninvited. My understanding is SQS = "Status Quo Sequence (or maybe Script?)" (SQS was originally only intended for controlling the camera during cutscenes), SQF = "Status Quo Function", SQM = "Status Quo Mission", SQC = "Status Quo Campaign". "Status Quo" was the original working title for "Operation Flashpoint", and like the game engine, the file types date back that far. I don't have any sources though. Cheers :) --Ceeeb (talk) 04:31, 25 March 2014 (CET)

I'm not sorry you butted in Ceeeb :-) I like information \o/ Legacy stuff can often seem to make little sense after some years have gone by. I have "Pictures of Matchstick Men" as an earworm now! Cheers! Fred Gandt (talk) 04:41, 25 March 2014 (CET)

Ceeeb makes a lot of sense, I'm sorry I haven't been with Arma since OFP but I believe him. I'd call Some Quality [insert a letter] if it was for me :) --KK

The first scripting language I learned was LSL which I came to wish was built better differently, and am now thinking of what those letters could have stood for on a rough day. I think "Lousy Sodding Language" would sum it up quite well, but in all honesty I owe that shoddy mess a great deal, as it introduced me to programming and development.
I can't help but think that Karel probably knows what he's talking about even though "Status Quo *" makes a lot of sense. In the long run, it doesn't really matter, but - it's nice to know :-) Fred Gandt (talk) 17:52, 25 March 2014 (CET)

Request for comment

At Village_Pump_(proposals)#Interlinking_via_.22See_Also.22  -- Fred Gandt (talk/contribs) 15:32, 11 April 2014 (CEST)


Is there a reason beyond "because no one has done it yet" why the BIS_fnc_* funcs are not thoroughly documented here? -- Fred Gandt (talk/contribs) 02:11, 13 April 2014 (CEST)

My guess would be that each BIS_fnc_ contains header comment with function description and is available from debug console in game. --KK
The issue came to light in chat on the Skype group for scripting, regarding a "how to" question, which revealed the lack of documentation.
I'm assuming that since there's a list of available functions and a few have their own page's, that it would be considered an acceptable use of resources to document the rest for ease of access?
If for no other reason, interlinking would prove useful; all the documentation in one place.
Can you see any reason to not go ahead with adding the rest? I can add the task to my list of things to do (expanding rapidly) >.O -- Fred Gandt (talk/contribs) 22:34, 13 April 2014 (CEST)
I am nobody so you don't have to consult with me on what you want to add. --KK