
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 14:56, 10 March 2015 by Kamaradski (talk | contribs) (added example & explanation in note)
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	File: findSafePos.sqf

	Function to retrieve and dynamic position in the world according to several parameters.

	_this select 0: center position (Array)
						Note: passing [] (empty Array), the world's safePositionAnchor entry will be used.
	_this select 1: minimum distance from the center position (Number)
	_this select 2: maximum distance from the center position (Number)
						Note: passing -1, the world's safePositionRadius entry will be used.
	_this select 3: minimum distance from the nearest object (Number)
	_this select 4: water mode (Number)
						0: cannot be in water
						1: can either be in water or not
						2: must be in water
	_this select 5: maximum terrain gradient (average altitude difference in meters - Number)
	_this select 6: shore mode (Number):
						0: does not have to be at a shore
						1: must be at a shore
	_this select 7: (optional) blacklist (Array of Arrays):
						(_this select 7) select X: Top-left and bottom-right coordinates of blacklisted area (Array)
	_this select 8: (optional) default positions (Array of Arrays):
						(_this select 8) select 0: default position on land (Array)
						(_this select 8) select 1: default position on water (Array)
	Coordinate array with a position solution.
	* Maybe allow passing several combinations of position, min and max dist ... so that you can 
	avoid several things?
	* Interpretation of minDist / maxDist is wrong. It's not true distance that is used. Too bad?

(Placeholder description extracted from the function header by BIS_fnc_exportFunctionsToWiki)


Syntax needed
Return Value:
Return value needed


Example 1:
kRandSpawnPos = [kdestPos, 1, 150, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

Additional Information

See also:
See also needed


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note


Example 1 would generate a position as follows: Minimal 1 meter from "kdestPos" but not further than 150, not closer than 3 meters to any other object, not in the water, maximum gradient of 20 meters, not on the shoreline. And safe the generated position in "kRandSpawnPos". --Kamaradski (talk) 13:56, 10 March 2015 (CET) 1 -->

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