Eden Editor: Configuring Attributes: Controls

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Entity attributes in Eden Editor are represented by specific UI controls. By default, the game offers a wide range of pre-define controls.


Full article - Eden Editor: Modding Attributes

class Cfg3DEN
	class Object
		class AttributeCategories
			class MyCategory
				class Attributes
					class MyAttribute
						control = "Edit"; // Control name, see the list below


Class Description Saved Value
ActivationType Combo box with triggerActivation options
AmmoBox Table with all weapons and equipment in the game, filtered by type. Array in format:
  • Arrays with String class names
    • Weapons
    • Magazines
    • Items
    • Backpacks
  • *n - Arrays with counts. Indexes match class name indexes
  • isVirtual - Bool, true if equipment is in infinite number (array with counts is empty then)
BehaviourGroup Drop-down list which shows all behaviour states String
BehaviourWaypoint Drop-down list which shows all waypointBehaviour states String
Checkbox Simple checkbox Bool - true if the checkbox is ticked
CheckboxNumber Simple checkbox with numeric ouput Number - 1 if the checkbox is ticked, 0 if it isn't
CheckboxReversed Simple checkbox with reversed output Bool - false if the checkbox is ticked
CheckboxState Category toggle. When ticked off, all other attributes in the category will be disabled and greyed out. Bool - true if the checkbox is ticked
CombatModeGroup Drop-down list which shows all combatMode states String
CombatModeWaypoint Drop-down list which shows all waypointCombatMode states String
Combo Empty drop-down list, used as a base class.
class Value: Combo
	// Static items
	class Items
		class None
			text = "None";
			data = "";
	// Dynamically loaded items
	class ItemsConfig
		path[] = {"CfgNotifications"}; // Path to config container
		localConfig = 1; // 1 to search local Description.ext as well
		// Name of the property which will be used for item text
		propertyText = "title";
		// Name of the property which will be used for item right text
		propertyTextRight = "description";
		// Name of the property which will be used for item picture
		propertyPicture = "iconPicture";
		// Name of the property which will be used for item text color
		propertyColor = "color"; 
String or Number (depends on original value type)
ComboPreview Empty drop-down list with preview button, used as a base class. If data of the selected item are found in CfgSounds, CfgEnvSounds, CfgMusic or CfgSFX, clicking on the button will play the sound. String
Edit Single line text input. String
EditAB Two-dimensional size setting. String
EditArray Array input. Items must be divided by commas or semicolons. String
EditCode Single line code input. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. String
EditCodeMulti3 Multi line code input. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. String
EditCodeMulti5 Multi line code input. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. String
EditCodeShort Single line code input with decreased width. Good for shorter values, like numbers. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. String
EditMulti3 Multi line text input. String
EditMulti5 Multi line text input. String
EditShort Single line text input with decreased width. Good for shorter values, like numbers. String
EditXY Position setting of X and Y axis. Array
EditXYZ Position setting of X, Y and Z axis. Array
EditZ Position setting of Z axis. Number
EnableDebugConsole Combo box
Skill Slider in range <0.2; 1> (AI is too dumb with skill 0, so designer shouldn't be unable to set it), with customized tooltip describing specific values Number
Slider Percentage slider, value is in range <0; 1>, default value is 1, description adds "%" at the end (e.g., "100%") Number
SliderMultiplier Multiplier slider, value is in range <0.5; 1.5>, default value is 1, description adds "x" at the end (e.g., "1x") Number
SliderTime Time slider, value is in seconds and in range <0; 3600>, default value is 0, description appears in format "HH:MM:SS" Number
SliderTimeForecast Variation of SliderTime, with range <1800; 28800> (30 min to 8 h) and default 3600 (1 h) Number
SliderTimeRespawn Variation of SliderTime, with range <0; 300> (0 min to 5 min) and default 0 Number
Sound Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgSounds. String
SoundEffect Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgSFX. String
SoundEnvironment Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgEnvSounds. String
SoundVoice Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgSounds. As opposed to "Sound" control, its "No Sound" option has different value. String
Speaker Drop-down list which shows all voices from CfgVoice. String