Eden Editor: Configuring Attributes: Controls
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Entity attributes in Eden Editor are represented by specific UI controls. By default, the game offers a wide range of pre-define controls.
Full article - Eden Editor: Modding Attributes
class Cfg3DEN
class Object
class AttributeCategories
class MyCategory
class Attributes
class MyAttribute
control = "Edit"; // Control name, see the list below
Class | Description | Saved Value |
ActivationType | Combo box with triggerActivation options | |
AmmoBox | Table with all weapons and equipment in the game, filtered by type. | Array in format:
[ [ [<W>,<M>,<I>,<B>], [<Wn>,<Mn>,<In>,<Bn>] ], <isVirtual> ] |
BehaviourGroup | Drop-down list which shows all behaviour states | String |
BehaviourWaypoint | Drop-down list which shows all waypointBehaviour states | String |
Checkbox | Simple checkbox | Bool - true if the checkbox is ticked |
CheckboxNumber | Simple checkbox with numeric ouput | Number - 1 if the checkbox is ticked, 0 if it isn't |
CheckboxReversed | Simple checkbox with reversed output | Bool - false if the checkbox is ticked |
CheckboxState | Category toggle. When ticked off, all other attributes in the category will be disabled and greyed out. | Bool - true if the checkbox is ticked |
CombatModeGroup | Drop-down list which shows all combatMode states | String |
CombatModeWaypoint | Drop-down list which shows all waypointCombatMode states | String |
Combo | Empty drop-down list, used as a base class.
class Value: Combo
// Static items
class Items
class None
text = "None";
data = "";
// Dynamically loaded items
class ItemsConfig
path[] = {"CfgNotifications"}; // Path to config container
localConfig = 1; // 1 to search local Description.ext as well
// Name of the property which will be used for item text
propertyText = "title";
// Name of the property which will be used for item right text
propertyTextRight = "description";
// Name of the property which will be used for item picture
propertyPicture = "iconPicture";
// Name of the property which will be used for item text color
propertyColor = "color";
String or Number (depends on original value type) |
ComboPreview | Empty drop-down list with preview button, used as a base class. If data of the selected item are found in CfgSounds, CfgEnvSounds, CfgMusic or CfgSFX, clicking on the button will play the sound. | String |
Date | Three drop-down lists for year, month and day selection. Days of the week described and weekends are highlighted. | Array in format [<year>,<month>,<day>] |
Two text input fields for hour and minute selection. | Array in format [<hour>,<minute>] | |
Default | Base class for other attribute controls | N/A |
Edit | Single line text input. | String |
EditAB | Two-dimensional size setting. | String |
EditArray | Array input. Items must be divided by commas or semicolons. | String |
EditCode | Single line code input. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. | String |
EditCodeMulti3 | Multi line code input. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. | String |
EditCodeMulti5 | Multi line code input. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. | String |
EditCodeShort | Single line code input with decreased width. Good for shorter values, like numbers. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. | String |
EditMulti3 | Multi line text input. | String |
EditMulti5 | Multi line text input. | String |
EditShort | Single line text input with decreased width. Good for shorter values, like numbers. | String |
EditXY | Position setting of X and Y axis. | Array |
EditXYZ | Position setting of X, Y and Z axis. | Array |
EditZ | Position setting of Z axis. | Number |
EnableDebugConsole | Drop-down menu with Debug Console settings | |
Face | Drop-down list which shows all faces from CfgFaces. | |
GameType | Drop-down list which shows all game types from CfgMPGameTypes. | String |
GarbageCollectorMode | Drop-down list which shows corpseManagerMode options | Number |
GuerAllegiance | Toolbox | |
Lock | Drop-down list which shows all lock options. | Number |
MarkerBrush | ||
MarkerColor | ||
ModuleInfo | ||
Music | ||
Pitch | ||
PreferencesSavegame | ||
Respawn | ||
RespawnTemplates | ||
RscTitle | ||
Skill | Slider in range <0.2; 1> (AI is too dumb with skill 0, so designer shouldn't be unable to set it), with customized tooltip describing specific values | Number |
Slider | Percentage slider, value is in range <0; 1>, default value is 1, description adds "%" at the end (e.g., "100%") | Number |
SliderMultiplier | Multiplier slider, value is in range <0.5; 1.5>, default value is 1, description adds "x" at the end (e.g., "1x") | Number |
SliderTime | Time slider, value is in seconds and in range <0; 3600>, default value is 0, description appears in format "HH:MM:SS" | Number |
SliderTimeForecast | Variation of SliderTime, with range <1800; 28800> (30 min to 8 h) and default 3600 (1 h) | Number |
SliderTimeRespawn | Variation of SliderTime, with range <0; 300> (0 min to 5 min) and default 0 | Number |
Sound | Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgSounds. | String |
SoundEffect | Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgSFX. | String |
SoundEnvironment | Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgEnvSounds. | String |
SoundVoice | Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgSounds. As opposed to "Sound" control, its "No Sound" option has different value. | String |
Speaker | Drop-down list which shows all voices from CfgVoice. | String |
StructuredText | ||
Timeout | ||
TriggerActivation | ||
TriggerActivationOwner | ||
TriggerActivationOwnerStatic | ||
TriggerType | ||
Type |