Eden Editor: System

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Revision as of 14:50, 9 February 2016 by Str (talk | contribs)
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Info Development
Name Category Description Class Type
Type Type Object class. itemClass String
Variable Name Init Unique system name. Can contain only letters, numbers and underscore. The name is not case sensitive, so 'someName' and 'SOMENAME' are treated as the same variables. Name String
Init Init Expression called upon at start. In multiplayer, it is called on every machine and for each player who joins in the progress. The variable 'this' refers to the affected object. Init String
Position Transformation World coordinates in meters. X goes from West to East, Y from South to North and Z is height above terrain. position Position3D
Rotation Transformation Local rotation in degrees. X is pitch, Y is roll and Z is yaw. rotation Number
Placement Radius Transformation Placement radius in meters. The entity will start at a random position within the radius. placementRadius Number
Player Control Player in singleplayer. When enabled, the character will also be available in multiplayer and team switch ('Playable' status cannot be disabled individually in such case). ControlSP Bool
Playable Control When enabled, the character will appear as a slot in the multiplayer scenario lobby and in the list of roles available for team switch. ControlMP Bool
Role Description Control Multiplayer role description visible in the multiplayer lobby. When undefined, the object type name will be used by default. description String
Probability of Presence Presence Probability of presence evaluated at the scenario start. When it fails, the object is not created at all. presence Number
Condition of Presence Presence Condition of presence evaluated at the scenario start, must return boolean expression. When false, the object is not created at all. presenceCondition String