From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Disables TI (Thermal Imaging) equipment for given vehicle. In older versions of Arma this command would also disable NV (Night Vision), but since Arma 3 v1.52.132676 this command disables only TI. Use disableNVGEquipment to disable NV.
- Groups:
- Uncategorised
- Syntax:
- vehicle disableTIEquipment state
- Parameters:
- vehicle: Object
- state: Boolean - true to turn TI off, false to turn TI on
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
vehicle player disableTIEquipment true;
- Example 2:
_tank disableTIEquipment true;
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Bottom Section
- Scripting Commands
- Introduced with Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead version 1.52.72031
- Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: New Scripting Commands
- Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: Scripting Commands
- Command Group: Uncategorised
- Scripting Commands: Global Effect
- ArmA 2 OA: New Scripting Commands List
- Scripting Commands ArmA2
- Scripting Commands Arma 3
- Scripting Commands Take On Helicopters