New Scripting Commands – Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Category
From Bohemia Interactive Community
List of all new commands in Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead.
Commands not listed here but backported after being introduced by later titles:
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Pages in category "Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: New Scripting Commands"
The following 101 pages are in this category, out of 101 total.
- actionKeysNamesArray
- addBackpack
- addBackpackCargo
- addBackpackCargoGlobal
- addCamShake
- addMagazineCargoGlobal
- addMagazineTurret
- addMPEventHandler
- addWeaponCargoGlobal
- aimedAtTarget
- aimPos
- allDead
- allMissionObjects
- allowCrewInImmobile
- assignedTeam
- backpackSpaceFor
- callExtension
- clearBackpackCargoGlobal
- clearMagazineCargoGlobal
- clearWeaponCargoGlobal
- currentMuzzle
- currentVisionMode
- currentWeaponMode
- currentZeroing
- deActivateKey
- diag captureFrame
- diag captureSlowFrame
- diag logSlowFrame
- disableTIEquipment
- enableCamShake
- enableEngineArtillery
- enableGunLights
- enableIRLasers
- entities
- eyePos
- fadeSpeech
- fireAtTarget
- forceWalk
- gearIDCAmmoCount
- gearSlotAmmoCount
- gearSlotData
- getBackpackCargo
- getElevationOffset
- getMagazineCargo
- getPlayerUIDOld
- getResolution
- getTerrainHeightASL
- getWeaponCargo
- hasInterface
- hostMission
- isAutoHoverOn
- isForcedWalk
- isManualFire
- isWalking
- laserTarget
- libraryCredits
- libraryDisclaimers
- lineIntersects
- lineIntersectsWith
- loadMagazine
- magazinesTurret
- moonIntensity
- onEachFrame
- productVersion
- publicVariableClient
- publicVariableServer
- removeAllMPEventHandlers
- removeBackpack
- removeMagazinesTurret
- removeMagazineTurret
- removeMPEventHandler
- resetCamShake
- scoreSide
- sendUDPMessage
- setCamShakeDefParams
- setCamShakeParams
- setCamUseTI
- setOwner
- setPlayerRespawnTime
- setSimpleTaskTarget
- setToneMapping
- setToneMappingParams
- setUnitRecoilCoefficient
- setVehicleTIPars
- setVelocityTransformation
- setWaypointVisible
- setWeaponReloadingTime
- sunOrMoon
- surfaceNormal
- systemChat
- terrainIntersect
- terrainIntersectASL
- unitBackpack
- unitRecoilCoefficient
- visiblePosition
- visiblePositionASL
- waypointVisible
- weaponState
- weaponsTurret