From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- Returns gear slot item name.
- Groups:
- Unit InventoryGUI Control
- Syntax:
- gearSlotData control
- Parameters:
- control: Control - CT_ITEMSLOT 103
- Return Value:
- String
- Example 1:
- CopygearSlotData _myControl;
- Example 2:
- Open any ammobox and click by any gear slots:
Copyprivate "_display"; disableSerialization; waitUntil { _display = findDisplay 106; ! isNull _display; }; uiNamespace setVariable ["/TAG/RscDisplayGear/SlotDataEH", { _weaponName = gearSlotData (_this select 0); _conf = configFile >> _confSection >> _weaponName; _name = getText (_conf >> "displayName"); _desc = getText (_conf >> "Library" >> "libTextDesc"); _image = getText (_conf >> "picture"); hint parseText format [ "<t size='1.3' align='center' shadow='true' shadowColor='#000000'>%1</t><br><img image='%2' size='6' align='center' /><br>%3<br>%4", _name, _image, _desc ]; }]; for "_i" from 107 to 145 do { _display displayCtrl _i ctrlAddEventHandler ["ButtonClick", format [ "_confSection = '%1'; _this call (uiNamespace getVariable '/TAG/RscDisplayGear/SlotDataEH');", if (_i >= 109 && _i <= 129) then { "CfgMagazines" } else { "CfgWeapons" } ] ]; };
Additional Information
- See also:
- gearSlotAmmoCount gearIDCAmmoCount
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