Sound: ExampleWeaponConfig – Arma 3

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Example Weapon Config


CfgPatches is the class that that gives your addon it is identity. More info in the CfgPatches page.

class CfgPatches
	class TAG_ThisIsMyAddon
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredAddons[] = { "A3_Weapons_F", "A3_Sounds_F", "A3_Sounds_F_Mark", "A3_CargoPoses_F" };
			requiredAddons is important. It kind of answers the question "What addons do I load before loading this one?"
			If your addon will overwrite certain data from the original arma3 config (that is mostly the case
			with sound/asset REPLACEMENTS) you need to put the cfgPatches class here that contains the information that you are about to
			overwrite. For example most arma3 sounds are defined in a config that's cfgPatches class is "A3_Sounds_F". So if you want to
			overwrite data from there you need to put it into the requiredAddons array. If you want to change vehicle sounds, look in which
			cfgPatches they are configured and add that to requiredAddons.
		requiredVersion = 0.1;
		version = "0.01"; //optional: internal version number
		author = "Megagoth1702"; //optional: your alias
		authorUrl = "URL"; //optional: URL to your website/online presence


More detailed infos on CfgSoundShaders can be found on the Arma 3: Sound: cfgSoundShaders page.

class CfgSoundShaders
	//###################################### SHOTS ######################################
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_Closure_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }}; // you can use wav/wss/ogg, ogg will have a small delay before playback (not too good for weapons/explosions)
		volume = 0.4466836;
		range = 5;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_closeShot_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = 1.0;
		range = 50;
		rangeCurve = "closeShotCurve";
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_midShot_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = 0.7943282;
		range = 1800;
		rangeCurve[] = { {0,0.2}, {50,1}, {300,0}, {1800,0} };
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_distShot_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = 1.0;
		range = 1800;
		rangeCurve[] = { {0,0}, {50,0}, {300,1}, {1800,1} };
	// ###################################### TAILS ######################################
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_tailInterior_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = "interior";
		range = 500;
		limitation = 0;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_tailTrees_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*trees/3";
		range = 1800;
		limitation = 1;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_tailForest_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*forest/3";
		range = 1800;
		limitation = 1;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_tailMeadows_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)/3";
		range = 1800;
		limitation = 1;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_tailHouses_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*houses/3";
		range = 1200;
		limitation = 1;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_silencerShot_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = 1.0;
		range = 150;
		rangeCurve = "closeShotCurve";
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_silencerTailForest_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*forest/3";
		range = 150;
		rangeCurve[] = { {0,1}, {150,0.3} };
		limitation = 1;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_silencerTailHouses_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*houses/3";
		range = 150;
		rangeCurve[] = { {0,1}, {150,0} };
		limitation = 1;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_silencerTailInterior_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = "interior";
		range = 150;
		rangeCurve[] = { {0,1}, {50,0.3}, {150,0} };
		limitation = 1;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_silencerTailMeadows_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*(meadows/2 max sea/2)/3";
		range = 150;
		rangeCurve[] = { {0,1}, {150,0.3} };
		limitation = 1;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_silencerTailTrees_SoundShader
		samples[] = {{ "path\to\sound.wav", 1 }};
		volume = "(1-interior/1.4)*trees/3";
		range = 150;
		rangeCurve[] = { {0,1}, {150,0.3} };
		limitation = 1;


more info about soundSetscan be found on the Arma 3: Sound: cfgSoundSets page.

class CfgSoundSets
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_Shot_SoundSet
		soundShaders[] = { "TAG_Your_Rifle_Closure_SoundShader", "TAG_Your_Rifle_closeShot_SoundShader", "TAG_Your_Rifle_midShot_SoundShader", "TAG_Your_Rifle_distShot_SoundShader", "TAG_Your_Rifle_tailInterior_SoundShader" };
		volumeFactor = 1.6;
		volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve";
		sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShot3DProcessingType";
		distanceFilter = "weaponShotDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter";
		spatial = 1;
		doppler = 0;
		loop = 0;
	class TAG_Your_Rifle_Tail_SoundSet
		soundShaders[] = { "TAG_Your_Rifle_tailTrees_SoundShader", "TAG_Your_Rifle_tailForest_SoundShader", "TAG_Your_Rifle_tailMeadows_SoundShader", "TAG_Your_Rifle_tailHouses_SoundShader" };
		volumeFactor = 1;
		volumeCurve = "InverseSquare2Curve";
		frequencyRandomizer = 1;
		sound3DProcessingType = "WeaponMediumShotTail3DProcessingType";
		distanceFilter = "weaponShotTailDistanceFreqAttenuationFilter";
		spatial = 1;
		doppler = 0;
		loop = 0;
		soundShadersLimit = 2;


// ###################################### GENERAL MODES FOR INHERITANCE ######################################
// sooner or later in weapon modding you are going to need to inherit from these classes so why not just put them here for future reference?

class Mode_SemiAuto;
class Mode_Burst;
class Mode_FullAuto;

class BaseSoundModeType;

class CfgWeapons
	class Rifle_Base_F;
	class arifle_MX_Base_F : Rifle_Base_F
		class Single : Mode_SemiAuto
			sounds[] = { "StandardSound", "SilencedSound" };
			class StandardSound : BaseSoundModeType
				soundSetShot[] = { "TAG_Your_Rifle_Shot_SoundSet", "TAG_Your_Rifle_Tail_SoundSet" };
			class SilencedSound : BaseSoundModeType
				// this is wrong, obviously you would create your own silenced versions of soundShaders & sets and assign the SETS here
				// the soundSets was put here as an example
				soundSetShot[] = { "TAG_Your_Rifle_Shot_SoundSet", "TAG_Your_Rifle_Tail_SoundSet" };
		class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto
			sounds[] = { "StandardSound", "SilencedSound" };
			class StandardSound : BaseSoundModeType
				soundSetShot[] = { "TAG_Your_Rifle_Shot_SoundSet", "TAG_Your_Rifle_Tail_SoundSet" };
			class SilencedSound : BaseSoundModeType
				// this is wrong, obviously you would create your own silenced versions of soundShaders & sets and assign the SETS here
				// the soundSets was put here as an example
				soundSetShot[] = { "TAG_Your_Rifle_Shot_SoundSet", "TAG_Your_Rifle_Tail_SoundSet" };