Dynamic Groups – Arma 3
To add the Dynamic Groups functionality to your mission do the following steps:
Create a file in the mission root directory named initServer.sqf (if you don't have it there already).
This file is executed only on the server, when the mission starts.
Into this file, copy & paste one of these two lines to make the server initialise the Dynamic Groups framework:
Create another file in the mission root directory named initPlayerLocal.sqf (if you don't have it there already).
This file is executed only by machines which have a human player when the mission starts (every machine but a dedicated server or a headless client - see hasInterface).
Into this file, copy & paste one of these two lines to make a client/player initialise the Dynamic Groups framework:
Dynamic Groups Interface Access
The Dynamic Groups interface is tied to the TeamSwitch action, and its default keybind is U.
Additional Functionality
If you would like to register a group manually (same as a player clicking the CREATE button in the UI) use RegisterGroup. Please note that the leader you pass must be the actual leader of the given group, for example: