Data Modding Basics – Arma Reforger

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Content Moddability Overview

Can Be Replaced

This means that certain resource can be fully replaced. Usually such resources are created manually by creating same asset with same GUID

Example: Variant of Model.xob from ArmaReforger is created in Addon1 via Override in "Addon1" addon.... This new file share same GUID of original file and can contain completely different mesh

Can Be Modified

Certain elements of the resource can be modified while rest of them is kept

Example: is copied from ArmaReforger to Addon1 with exactly same GUID as original file via Override in "Addon1" action. Copy of, located in Addon1, contain only changes introduced in this addon and those changes are later applied to original prefab.

Can Be Inherited From

A new resource can inherit from an existing file:

Example: Inherited version of ArsenalConfig_BLUEFOR.conf is created via Create Inherited File or Inherit in "Addon1" option. This new file has unique ID and inherits all data from its parent.

Moddability table

Extension File Type Can be replaced Can be modified Can be inherited from


Prefab Warning[1] Checked Checked


Config Warning[1] Checked Checked


Model Checked Unchecked Unchecked


Material Definition Warning[1] Checked Checked


Enfusion DDS Texture Checked Unchecked Unchecked


Enforce Script Source Warning[2] Warning[3] Checked


Layout Definition Warning[1] Checked Checked
.ptc Particle System Definition Warning[1] Checked Unchecked


World Scene Checked Unchecked Unchecked


World Layer Unchecked Unchecked Unchecked


Behavior tree Checked Warning[4] Unchecked


Animation file Checked Unchecked Unchecked


Animation graph file Checked Unchecked Unchecked


Animation graph Checked Checked Unchecked


Animation Workspace Checked Unchecked Unchecked


Animation Set Template Checked Unchecked Unchecked


Procedural Animation Checked Unchecked Unchecked


Procedural Animation Signal Checked Unchecked Unchecked


String Table Checked Unchecked Unchecked


Audio component Checked Unchecked Unchecked


Signal (Audio) Checked Unchecked Unchecked


Supported audio file format Checked Unchecked Unchecked


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Following assets are always overridden and cannot be fully replaced
  2. Script files are fully replaced if script in other addon (filesystem) has same path as the one which is supposed to be replaced. For example AIAutotest.c located in $ArmaReforger:scripts\Game\AI\ will be replaced by variant from Addon1 if it is placed in same location and same name in Addon1 file system - $Addon1:scripts\Game\AI\ AIAutotest.c
  3. Usage of modded keyword is required + few other restrictions apply like method in class must not be private in order to allow overloading it
  4. Behavior trees attempts to override each other, instead of replace

Data manipulation


In principle, any file with meta file and unique GUID - global unique identifier - can be be overridden or replaced . This means however, that files without meta file have to be modified in different way (scripts ) or cannot be replaced at all.

That means that for instance models, textures, layout, prefabs, configs or animations can be replaced using this method.

When replacing assets, engine cares only about GUID - that means neither file name or location doesn't have to be same as source file.

Creating overrides, duplicates or inherited files can be performed from context menu which is available in Resource Browser. This menu is visible after clicking with Right Mouse Button on selected asset. Availability of the actions depends on the type of the assets, so for instance models (XOBs) have only Navigate to ... options.

Override Replacement Duplicate Inherit
Description Override creates a new file which shares same GUID as original asset. This action allows to selectively replaces or add new elements to selected asset.

For instance it is possible to change value

It is not possible to remove elements from the overridden asset this way.

This action can be performed by selecting "Override in '...'" action from the Addons menu.

Replacement, as name suggest, completely replace original file with the new file.

armareforger-data-modding-resource-variant.png In Particle Editor, it is possible to use "Create variant for '...' addon..." action but beside that, in all other cases it user has to create duplicates on his own by ensuring that replacing file has same GUID as original one.

This can be done by either copy pasting meta file (if we have access to it) or changing GUID of asset in text editor, so it matches the original file GUID.

Prefabs, configs and layouts cannot be replaced - they will be always in override mode.

Duplication creates a new file, with new, unique GUID. Duplicated file contains all the data from the original file (including inheritance) but doesn't modify in any way original file.

This action can be performed by selecting "Duplicate in '...'" action from the Addons menu.

Inherit action creates a new child file which inherits all the data from the parent.

This action can be performed by selecting "Inherit in '...'" action from the Addons menu.

Inheritance of prefabs can be only performed in Resource Browser attached to World Editor

Where it can be used Prefabs, configs, materials and layouts Sounds, models, textures, animations, particle effects, world files or behavior trees Prefabs, configs, materials or layouts Prefabs*, configs or layouts

When using CLI parameter to load addons, working addon is equal to the last addon listed in addons list.


-addons addon2, addon1, NewAddon

In above example NewAddon is current work addon

Overriding assets

Using "Override in..." function

"Override to..." function can be used to modify (override) existing assets like configs, layouyts or prefabs.

Override to "..." option is available only for prefabs, layouts or configs. If there is already override in working addon, this option will be missing from the context menu. After this option is clicked, Resource Browser will create new overridden file in working addon (retaining original folder structure) and then navigate to overridden instance of selected asset.

Using "Navigate to..." function

Once you have file in addon which is overriding some data, you can quickly navigate

Navigate to Original

Navigate to Original button is available in file context menu only if selected file overridden or replaced in some addon. If selected asset is not overridden in any currently loaded addon then this option will appear greyed out. After this option is clicked, Resource Browser will navigate to original instance of selected asset.

Navigate to Override

Navigate to Override button is available in file context menu only if selected file overridden or replaced in some addon. If selected asset is not overridden in any currently loaded addon then this option will appear greyed out.

After clicking that option, Resource Browser will navigate to the first overridden instance of selected asset.

In scenario where multiple addons are present and they are overriding same file, Navigate to Override can be used multiple times until last override is reached.

Navigate to Ancestor

Navigate to Ancestor button is available in file context menu only if selected file overridden or replaced in some addon. If selected asset is not overridden in any currently loaded addon then this option will appear greyed out.

After clicking that option, Resource Browser will navigate to the first ancestor of overridden instance of selected asset.

In the scenario where multiple addons are present and they are overriding the same file, Navigate to Override can be used multiple times until the last override is reached.


In Enfusion it's possible to modify already existing scripts by using some of special keyword

  • modded - keyword used to modify existing scripting class
  • override - keyword to override methods in modded classes
  • super - allows you to invoke content of overridden method

Modded keyword

modded class SCR_PlayerScoreInfo { }

Override keyword

modded class SCR_ScoringSystemComponent : SCR_BaseGameModeComponent { override void AddSuicide(int playerID) { { } }

Super keyword

modded class SCR_ScoringSystemComponent : SCR_BaseGameModeComponent { override void AddSuicide(int playerID) { super.AddSuicide(playerID); // Your example code below AudioSystem.PlaySound("{9BB653FF9E065943}Sounds/Animals/Bos_Taurus/Samples/bawl/bawl_0.wav"); } }

Using "Duplicate to..." function

In Resource Browser you can quickly create new, duplicated file in project you are currently working on. This file is exact copy of original file and will be used from that point when any part of the game will try use asset with this GUID. Any changes that you are going to do to that file are going to be applied applied to that copy are not going to be propagated to it.

Duplicate to "..." option is available only for prefabs, layouts or configs. After this option is clicked, Resource Browser will create new duplicated file - with name selected by the user - in working addon (retaining original folder structure) and then navigate to that duplicate.


Using "Inherit in..." function

Inheriting from the prefabs, config files or layouts can be performed via "Inherit in..." function. After clicking with Right Mouse Button on appropriate file and then selecting Inherit in function, a new pop up window will appear asking for a new file name. Once name is confirmed, a new file will be created in working addon with same folder structure as original file. As expected, all of the attributes will be inherited from parent file.


Using "Transfer to..." function

Transfer to function is a functionality for moving data & merging partially overridden files (like prefabs or configs) from current working addon to parent addon. Parent addon need to be unpacked in order to have this functionality working.

Warning - currently this functionality is hardcoded to ArmaReforger addon which makes it unusable for modders.

Replacing assets

Replacing assets means that i.e. AK-74 model can be with a simple gray box and all prefabs which are referencing that AK-74 are going to use that new gray box from now. Such replacement can be performed with sounds, models, textures, animations, particle effects, world files or behavior trees.


In Particle Editor replacement can be performed quite easily by using "Create variant for "..." addon..." function. This action creates new ptc file with same GUID and content as original file.

Extreme caution is advised when doing such replacement - tinkering with Workbench generated files in text editor might break those files if you don't know what you are doing

In all other cases, replacing files is slightly more complicated and requires operations outside of Workbench.

Getting file GUID


First step towards creating such replacement would be obtaining GUID - this can be done via Copy Resource GUID(s) action, available in context menu after clicking on file with Right Mouse Button.

Once GUID is obtained, it can be manually typed into meta file of some newly created model. After that action is completed, restart of the Workbench might be necessary.

Replacing script

Scripts can be replace each other simply when they are in same relative location with same name.

For instance, to replace PickupAction.c located in base ArmaReforger data, you would need to create a new script in your addon in same location and with exact name.


If multiple addons are trying to replace same file, then the last one in the loading chain will be used.