From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
/* Description: * Get array of attribute values out of the parent config class. * Attributes need to be in this format: "_n", where n is an index number (starting from 0). * If any discrepancy in indexing is detected, loading will stop and only the correctly indexed values will be returned. * Max. index supported is 99. * If more then 9 attributes used, 0-9 need to use leading zeroes. CFG example: class Timeline { class StageA { _0[] = {2035,7,7,04,30}; _1[] = {2035,7,7,06,15}; _2[] = {2035,7,7,18,35}; _3[] = {2035,7,8,09,05}; _4[] = {2035,7,8,13,25}; _5[] = {2035,7,8,17,10}; _6[] = {2035,7,8,21,40}; _7[] = {2035,7,9,19,55}; }; }; Remark(s): * Can by called 2 ways: * 1st way (general) works for any config. * 2nd way is for comfortable working with mission description.ext. Parameter(s): _this: CFG _this: ARRAY of STRINGS - missionConfigFile classes. Example: * 1st way of calling: _array = (configfile >> "BulletBubbles" >> "BulletBubbles1") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; _array = (missionconfigfile >> "Timeline" >> "StageA") call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; * 2nd way of calling: _array = ["Timeline","StageA"] call BIS_fnc_getCfgData; Returns: ARRAY or nil, if parent class is not found */
- Execution:
- call
- Groups:
- Configs
- Syntax:
- Syntax needed
- Return Value:
- Return value needed
- Examples:
- Example needed
Additional Information
- See also:
- See also needed
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