From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
Returns item category and type.
Weapon / VehicleWeapon VehicleWeapon Item Equipment Magazine Mine - AssaultRifle
- BombLauncher
- Cannon
- GrenadeLauncher
- Handgun
- Launcher
- MachineGun
- Magazine
- MissileLauncher
- Mortar
- RocketLauncher
- Shotgun
- Throw
- Rifle
- SubmachineGun
- SniperRifle
- Horn
- CounterMeasuresLauncher
- LaserDesignator
- AccessoryMuzzle
- AccessoryPointer
- AccessorySights
- AccessoryBipod
- Binocular
- Compass
- FirstAidKit
- LaserDesignator
- Map
- Medikit
- MineDetector
- NVGoggles
- Radio
- Toolkit
- UAVTerminal
- VehicleWeapon
- Unknown
- UnknownEquipment
- UnknownWeapon
- Watch
- Glasses
- Headgear
- Vest
- Uniform
- Backpack
- Artillery
- Bullet
- CounterMeasures
- Flare
- Grenade
- Laser
- Missile
- Rocket
- Shell
- ShotgunShell
- SmokeShell
- UnknownMagazine
- Mine
- MineBounding
- MineDirectional
- Execution:
- call
- Groups:
- Inventory
- Syntax:
- weaponClass call BIS_fnc_itemType
- Parameters:
- weaponClass: String - weapon's class name
- Return Value:
- Array in format
- 0: category
- 1: type
- Example 1:
Additional Information
- See also:
- currentWeapon
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- Posted on 2017-05-14
- Demellion
More detailed description about some specific Weapons and Vehicle Weapons:
CopyGrenadeLauncher // Underbarrel and HGLs BombLauncher // Aircraft bomb throw weapons. MissileLauncher // Guided missile weapons (alike Titan series). RocketLauncher // Non-guided missile weapons (alike RPG32). Cannon // Main vehicle turret (alike tank cannon). Throw // Throw-like weapons (grenade weapon, melee weapons from mods, etc).