New Scripting Commands – Operation Flashpoint: Elite Category
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Pages in category "Operation Flashpoint: Elite: New Scripting Commands"
The following 108 pages are in this category, out of 108 total.
- actionKeys
- actionKeysImages
- actionKeysNames
- activateAddons
- activateKey
- addLiveStats
- addWaypoint
- assignedTarget
- assignTeam
- attackEnabled
- camSetFocus
- camUseNVG
- clearRadio
- commandGetOut
- composeText
- createCenter
- createGroup
- createGuardedPoint
- createMine
- createSoundSource
- createTrigger
- deleteGroup
- deleteMarker
- deleteWaypoint
- dissolveTeam
- doGetOut
- enableAI
- find
- finishMissionInit
- getPosASL
- glanceAt
- isKeyActive
- isKindOf
- keyImage
- keyName
- lightAttachObject
- lightDetachObject
- lineBreak
- lookAt
- moveToCompleted
- onPlayerConnected
- parseText
- playMission
- preloadCamera
- preloadObject
- preloadSound
- preloadTitleObj
- preloadTitleRsc
- preprocessFileLineNumbers
- processInitCommands
- radioVolume
- respawnVehicle
- runInitScript
- scriptDone
- selectLeader
- selectPlayer
- sendSimpleCommand
- setAttributes
- setCameraEffect
- setCameraInterest
- setDate
- setDestination
- setDropInterval
- setEffectCondition
- setFormationTask
- setFriend
- setHideBehind
- setLightAmbient
- setLightColor
- setMarkerBrush
- setMarkerDir
- setMarkerText
- setMusicEffect
- setParticleRandom
- setPlayable
- setPosASL
- setTargetAge
- setTitleEffect
- setTriggerArea
- setUnitAbility
- setUnitRank
- setVectorDir
- setVectorUp
- setVehicleArmor
- setVehicleId
- setVehicleInit
- setVehicleLock
- setVehiclePosition
- setWaypointBehaviour
- setWaypointDescription
- setWaypointFormation
- setWaypointHousePosition
- setWaypointPosition
- setWaypointScript
- setWaypointSpeed
- setWaypointStatements
- setWaypointTimeout
- spawn
- surfaceIsWater
- surfaceType
- synchronizeWaypoint
- terminate
- triggerAttachObject
- unassignTeam
- vectorDir
- waypointAttachObject
- waypointAttachVehicle
- weaponDirection