CfgMoves Config Reference
cfgMoves is the nerve center of all skeletal character animation. The animation of human characters that is - not the simple, procedural animation of objects (e.g. raising/lowering a barrier, opening/closing of an aircraft canopy).
cfgMoves has two major sections: Actions and States.
It is where the character animation state machine is set up. It's a bit confusing that BI called the animation state handler "Actions", and the actions are called "States", but this is what it is.
What this thing does, is configure all the possible animation states (e.g. standing upright with a rifle, kneeling with a pistol, parachuting), and define for each of them which animations can be played in and from that given state.
For instance, from the kneeling with a pistol state (PistolKneelActions), you cannot directly go into crawling forward on your stomach with a rifle (even if you have a rifle). First you would have to holster the pistol and grab your rifle, then lie down, or viceversa. Similarly, if you're prone (whether unarmed, or armed with a pistol or rifle), you cannot salute - first you'd have to stand up.
What animation can or cannot be played, in what situation, is set up here in Actions. Player input (key presses, clicks) are then directed to this state machine, which interprets them and decides what action/animation the avatar will perform next, according to these rules. Same rules apply to AI players.
In this section, each animation file (RTM) has a corresponding entry. Animation properties, such as playback speed, interpolation rules, blending times, collision shapes to use during animation, etc.., are configured here.
These animations are the ones referenced in the Actions section above. While Actions represents a complex graph, States is more like a list of items, even though some rules are also set up here (see the ConnectTo[] and InterpolateTo[] properties).
cfgGestures is similar to States, it holds the bone-masked or layered animations introduced in Arma 2. Welcome to reloading-while-running.
Namespace of anim classes and files
A: Description of the animation type, i.e.: mov for movement, cts for cutscene
P: Stance: erc for erected, knl for kneel, pne for prone
M: Speed of animation: stp for stopped, wlk for walk, run for running, eva for evasive
S: Weapon holding: low for lowered, ras for raised
W: Weapon: non for unarmed, pst for pistol, lnr for launcher, rfl for rifle.
D: Direction of movement: non for no direction, f for forward, etc.
- If there is a second movement definition named [_A...P...M...S...W...D] after the first one, the animation is a transition from the first animation to the second.
[_Comment]: additional comments, if required.
Example: AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon means: Movement - Prone - Stopped - civil (no weapon) - no direction (due to being static).
Alphabetical Order
- Type
- Integer
- Description
- See access (CfgVehicles).
access = 3;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Sets the action class/group to which this state belongs to.
actions = "PistolStandActionsRunR";
actions = "RifleStandActions";
actions = "InjuredManActionsnon_norot";
actions = "SitActions";
- Type
- String
- Description
- This property references BlendAnims class entries to use when aiming up/down. These are sets of named selections, with weights associated to them, defining how much should the bodyparts move while aiming.
Notice how for instance aimingDefault[] sets up increasing weights for bones: Spine (0.3), Spine1 (0.4), Spine2 (0.5), Spine3/Head/Neck (0.6), shoulders and upper arms (0.8) and finally forearms, hands and weapons (1). This makes for a smooth arching of the body while aiming.
aiming = "empty";
aiming = "aimingDefault";
aiming = "aimingNo";
aiming = "aimingCivil";
aiming = "aimingLying";
aiming = "aimingPistol";
aiming = "aimingLauncher";
aimingDefault[] = {"head", 0.6, "neck1", 0.6, "neck", 0.6, "weapon", 1, "launcher", 1, "LeftShoulder", 0.8, "LeftArm", 0.8, "LeftArmRoll", 1,
"LeftForeArm", 1, "LeftForeArmRoll", 1, "LeftHand", 1, "LeftHandRing", 1, "LeftHandPinky1", 1, "LeftHandPinky2", 1, "LeftHandPinky3", 1,
"LeftHandRing1", 1, "LeftHandRing2", 1, "LeftHandRing3", 1, "LeftHandMiddle1", 1, "LeftHandMiddle2", 1, "LeftHandMiddle3", 1, "LeftHandIndex1", 1,
"LeftHandIndex2", 1, "LeftHandIndex3", 1, "LeftHandThumb1", 1, "LeftHandThumb2", 1, "LeftHandThumb3", 1, "RightShoulder", 0.8, "RightArm", 0.8,
"RightArmRoll", 1, "RightForeArm", 1, "RightForeArmRoll", 1, "RightHand", 1, "RightHandRing", 1, "RightHandPinky1", 1, "RightHandPinky2", 1,
"RightHandPinky3", 1, "RightHandRing1", 1, "RightHandRing2", 1, "RightHandRing3", 1, "RightHandMiddle1", 1, "RightHandMiddle2", 1,
"RightHandMiddle3", 1, "RightHandIndex1", 1, "RightHandIndex2", 1, "RightHandIndex3", 1, "RightHandThumb1", 1, "RightHandThumb2", 1,
"RightHandThumb3", 1, "Spine", 0.3, "Spine1", 0.4, "Spine2", 0.5, "Spine3", 0.6};
aimingDefault[] = {};
aimingNo[] = {};
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Probably goes into accuracy calculations when firing a weapon; the higher the value, the less accurate aiming becomes.
Wounded >1, firing upright animations are mostly 1, kneeling is 0.5, and prone values are even lower.
aimPrecision = 5; // Carrying a wounded soldier on your back
aimPrecision = 2; // Injured, cannot stand up
aimPrecision = 1; // Standing upright
aimPrecision = 0.5; // Crouched
aimPrecision = 0.3; // Prone
aimPrecision = 0.15; // Walking slowly while looking down the sights
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions together with binocOn. They define which state is used for bringing up and putting away binoculars.
binocOff = "";
binocOff = "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon";
binocOff = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
binocOff = "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon";
binocOff = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
- Type
- String
binocOn = ""; // No binocs while lying on the ground injured
binocOn = "AwopPknlMstpSoptWbinDnon_rfl";
binocOn = "AwopPercMstpSoptWbinDnon_rfl";
binocOn = "AwopPknlMstpSoptWbinDnon_pst";
binocOn = "AwopPpneMstpSoptWbinDnon_rfl";
- Type
- Float / Boolean
- Description
- Probably obsolescent, used for character collision detection. For more accurate collision models use collisionShape & Co. Still used in Arma 2 for cutscene animations. Sphere collision probably much cheaper than anything else.
boundingSphere = true;
boundingSphere = 1;
boundingSphere = 1.5;
boundingSphere = 8;
boundingSphere = 35;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions.
CanNotMove = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Self explanatory. While in that animation, the player can fire it is weapon, but his trigger finger will remain extended. The little "finger squeezing the trigger" animation won't play.
canPullTrigger = 1;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, defines what happens to a soldier if he were to lose his weapons and become unarmed.
Civil = "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
Civil = "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_gear";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions.
CivilLying = "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon";
- Type
- Array
collisionGeomCompPattern[] = {1,3,6};
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States. Path to the collision model to be used during the animation, a special P3D file with only a Geometry LOD in it. Having "axis" selection point in ``Memory LOD`` of this shape will make unit rotate around this point instead of their entity center.
collisionShape = "ca\Anims\Characters\data\Geom\Sdr\Sstanistat_safe_geom.p3d";
collisionShape = "ca\Anims\Characters\data\Geom\Sdr\geom_Adth.p3d";
- Type
- String
collisionShapeSafe = "ca\Anims\Characters\data\Geom\Sdr\sbeh45l_safe_geom.p3d";
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Possibly some internal requirement of the collision detection algorithm. The strings represent individual vertices (named selections in the P3D).
collisionVertexPattern[] = {"1a", "2a", "3a", "4a", "5a", "6a", "7a", "8a", "1c", "2c"};
collisionVertexPattern[] = {"1a", "2a", "3a", "4a", "5a", "6a", "7a", "8a", "9a", "10a", "11a", "12a", "13a",
"14a", "15a", "16a", "17a", "18a", "19a", "20a", "21a", "22a", "23a", "24a", "25a", "26a", "27a", "28a",
"29a", "30a", "31a", "32a", "33a", "34a", "1c", "2c", "3c", "4c", "5c", "6c", "7c", "8c"};
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions.
Combat = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States; Not used in Arma 2:OA anymore.
connectAs = "";
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Found in States; Not used in Arma 2:OA anymore.
connectFrom[] = {};
connectFrom[] = {"TestSurrender", 0.9, "AdthPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_1", 0.9};
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Found in States. Defines edges in the animation graph, i.e. which animations can follow this one, once it finishes. The first pose of all animations from connectTo should be identical to the last pose of the current animation, otherwise see interpolateTo. The numeric value specifies the cost of the transition.
ConnectTo[] = {"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic0", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic1", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic2", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic3", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic4", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic5", 0.01};
ConnectTo[] = {"BasicDriverDying", 1.0};
connectTo[] = {"TestSurrender", 0.9, "AdthPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_1", 0.9};
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, defines what happens when the AI crouch. There's also PlayerCrouch, which makes different crouching animations possible for players as opposed to AI.
Crouch = "AmovPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, defines the default state for an action.
default = "LadderRifleStatic";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, defines what animation/state is called when the character dies.
die = "AdthPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_r05";
die = "DeadState";
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, and unlike canPullTrigger, it can prohibit the character from firing his weapon.
disableWeapons = 1;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, and apparently the only time disableWeaponsLong differs from disableWeapons is when the weapon is lowered (Ctrl doubletap).
disableWeapons = false;
disableWeaponsLong = true;
// or
disableWeaponsLong = 1;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, tells what animation to play when hitting the "Go prone" key.
//class RifleBaseStandActions
down = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
//class RifleProneActions
down = "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon";
down = "LadderRifleDownLoop";
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Duty used to mean some mandatory states/actions the character had to reach, before being able to perform a certain animation. Not sure about what this does in ArmA anymore, if anything.
//OFP config
#define RunDuty -0.5
#define WalkDuty -0.7
#define RestDuty -1
#define CrawlDuty -0.0
#define SprintDuty 0.6
duty = -1;
duty = -0.7;
duty = -0.5;
duty = -0.4;
duty = 0.1;
duty = 0.2;
duty = 0.25;
duty = 0.3;
duty = 0.4;
duty = 0.5;
duty = 0.6;
duty = 2;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States. In Arma 2 there's a single occurrence of it being true: class TestDance.
enableAutoActions = 1;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, defines whether the character can use binoculars or not.
enableBinocular = 1;
enableBinocular = false; // class CutSceneAnimationBase
enableBinocular = false; // class AmovPercMrunSnonWbinDf_rfl
enableBinocular = true; // class AwopPknlMstpSoptWbinDnon_rfl
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, similar to disableWeapons. It enables/disables the firing of shoulder launched rockets (RPGs, MANPADS).
enableMissile = true; //class AidlPercMstpSrasWlnrDnon_player_idleSteady01
enableMissile = 1;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, enables/disables looking down the weapon sights.
enableOptics = 1;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States, not sure what it does. The animation class is mostly equivalentTo another one, and oddly, sometimes to itself. Popular with healing, death, idle and cutscene animations.
equivalentTo = "";
class AdthPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_1 : AdthPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_1 {
file = "\ca\Anims\Characters\data\Anim\Sdr\Dth\Erc\stp\ras\Rfl\AdthPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_1";
speed = 0.72;
equivalentTo = "AdthPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_1";
equivalentTo = "AmovPsitMstpSlowWrflDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, along with EvasiveForward, -Left and -Right. They point to the possible evasive animations that can be triggered.
EvasiveBack = "AmovPercMrunSlowWrflDf_AmovPercMevaSrasWrflDb";
- Type
- String
- Description
- See EvasiveBack.
EvasiveForward = "AmovPercMevaSlowWlnrDf";
- Type
- String
- Description
- See EvasiveBack.
EvasiveLeft = "AmovPercMrunSlowWrflDf_AmovPercMevaSrasWrflDl";
- Type
- String
- Description
- See EvasiveBack.
EvasiveRight = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPpneMevaSlowWrflDr";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, walk.. defines the walking animations, slow.. defines the running/jogging and fast.. the sprinting animations.
The suffixes mean the following: B (backward), F (forward), L (left strafe), R (right strafe) and a combination of these: RF (45 deg. strafe), RB (135 deg. strafe), LB (225 deg. strafe) and LF (315 deg. strafe).
fastB = "AswmPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
fastB = "AmovPercMrunSrasWrflDb";
fastF = "AswmPercMsprSnonWnonDf";
fastL = "AswmPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
fastLB = "AswmPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
fastLF = "AswmPercMsprSnonWnonDf";
fastR = "AswmPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
fastRB = "AswmPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
fastRF = "AswmPercMsprSnonWnonDf";
file = "\ca\Anims\Characters\data\Anim\Wmn\cts\erc\stp\non\non\ActsPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_MarianQ_shot5.rtm";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions.
FireNotPossible = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- getInCar and getOutCar are found in Actions; they define what animations to call when getting into/out of a car. Similar to getInTank/getOutTank.
None of these are really used in the Arma 2 config anymore (one exception: class LauncherKneelActions). Instead, getInHigh, -Medium and -Low are used with their respective getOuts. Assigning the different getIn actions for each vehicle is done in CfgVehicles.
getInAction = "GetInCar"; //CfgVehicles
getInCar = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
GetInHigh = "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AcrgPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_getInHigh";
GetInLow = "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AcrgPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_getInLow";
GetInMedium = "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_AcrgPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_getInMedium";
getInTank = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
getOutCar = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
GetOutHigh = "AcrgPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_getOutHigh";
GetOutLow = "AcrgPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_getOutLow";
GetOutMedium = "AcrgPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_getOutMedium";
getOutTank = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to transition to, when the character draws it is pistol. It is not the transition animation itself, where the character brings up the pistol (and puts away his rifle/launcher if he had any), but the end result of that: character standing, aiming with the pistol.
handGunOn = "AmovPercMstpSrasWpstDnon"; //class RifleBaseLowStandActions
handGunOn = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
- Type
- Boolean
hasCollShapeSafe = 0;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States, references BlendAnims class entries. Permits/forbids the character to rotate his head freely. Similar in functionality to aiming.
head = "headDefault"; // class Default
head = "headNo"; // class CutSceneAnimationBase
head = "empty"; // class HaloFreeFall_non
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Found in class BlendAnims, defines a set of bones, with weights associated to each of them.
headDefault[] = {"head", 1, "neck1", 0.5, "neck", 0.5};
headDefault[] = {};
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Found in class BlendAnims, always an empty array. Serves for disabling free head movement (independent of the RTM animation).
headNo[] = {};
- Type
- Number
- Description
Valid values
HeadBobUndef = 0
HeadBobRaw = 1
HeadBobBeginEnd = 2
HeadBobAverageFrame = 3
HeadBobStraightHorizon = 4
HeadBobCutScene = 5
headBobMode = 5; // Cutscene
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Found in States, used together with interpolateTo for setting up two-way interpolation rules. interpolateFrom[] however, seems to have fallen in disuse.
interpolateFrom[] = {"TestSurrender", 0.9, "AdthPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_1", 0.9};
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Found in States; defines edges in the animation graph which should be interpolated immediately instead of connected at the end of this animation. As with connectTo, the numeric value specifies the cost of the transition.
Typically, animations will play to the end, then another animation will be played. Sometimes though, it is important to be able to just cut the current animation short, and immediately change to a different animation.
A good example would be death animations: if the character is half way through "eating a kebab" animation and the kebab explodes in his face, he won't continue munching. Instead he will play a death animation and fall to the ground right away.
To make the cut between the two animation less visually jarring, a couple of frames of transition/interpolation is provided.
interpolateTo[] = {"AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_1", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_1", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_2", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_3", 0.01,
"AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_4", 0.01,
"AdthPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_inventory", 0.1};
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Found in States, disused.
interpolateWith[] = {"BasicDriver", 0.02};
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, true mostly for transition animations.
interpolationRestart = false; // Default
interpolationRestart = true; // DefaultDie
interpolationRestart = 2;
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in States.
interpolationSpeed = 200; // AidlPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_aiming01, AdthPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_rS0
interpolationSpeed = 30.5; // AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_player_idleSteady01
interpolationSpeed = 6; // Default
interpolationSpeed = 0.5; // AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPercMsprSrasWrflDf_2
interpolationSpeed = 0.1; // AinjPfalMstpSnonWrflDnon_carried_Up
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, disused.
JumpOff = "";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States, defines what animation to switch to when letting go of the ladder.
ladderOff = "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States, defines what animation to switch to when letting go of the ladder, having reached the bottom of it.
ladderOffBottom = "LadderRifleDownOff";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States, defines what animation to switch to when letting go of the ladder, having reached the top of it.
ladderOffTop = "LadderRifleTopOff";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States, defines what animation to switch to when getting onto the bottom of the ladder.
ladderOnDown = "LadderRifleOn";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States, defines what animation to switch to when getting onto the top of the ladder.
ladderOnUp = "LadderRifleOn";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in both Actions and States, references BlendAnims class entries. Defines how much each bone/bodypart should be influenced when leaning.
Leaning, similar to aiming, is not an animation played back from a file. It's procedural, if you will, and so needs extra setting up in the config to look it is best.
leaning = "leaningDefault"; // Default
leaning = "aimingLying"; // AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon_injured
leaning = "empty"; // class AmovPpneMrunSlowWrflDf - disables leaning while prone
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Not used in Arma 2, appearing only once in ArmA config, where both leaningCorrectionAngleBeg and leaningCorrectionAngleEnd are zero.
leaningCorrectionAngleBeg = 0;
leaningCorrectionAngleEnd = 0;
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in States, leaningFactorBeg sets how much influence leaning has at the start of an animation, while leaningFactorEnd takes care of the end. If the two values differ, leaning is blended in or out during the animation.
leaningFactorBeg = 1; // StandBase
leaningFactorEnd = 1;
leaningFactorBeg = 0; // SprintBaseDf
leaningFactorEnd = 0;
leaningFactorBeg = 0.5; // AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon - limited (half) leaning with launcher
leaningFactorEnd = 0.5;
leaningFactorBeg = 0.75; // AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDf - limited leaning while walking with rifle raised
leaningFactorEnd = 0.75;
leaningFactorBeg = 1; // amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon_amovpercmstpsraswlnrdnon
leaningFactorEnd = 0.5;
leaningFactorBeg = 1; // AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon
leaningFactorEnd = 0; // -transition betwen a state with full leaning to one where leaning is forbidden-
- Type
- Float
- Description
- See above.
leaningFactorEnd = 0.75;
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Appears only once in both ArmA & Arma 2, no variation across States or Actions.
leaningFactorZeroPoint = -1;
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in Actions, sets the amount of lean possible and the angle of leaning.
With a value of 1, the character will lean about 70 degrees off vertical, looking like it just broke it is back, so the more reasonable amount to lean is about half of that. Doctor's orders.
leanLRot = 0; // NoActions, RifleProneActions
leanLRot = 0.5; // RifleBaseLowStandActions
leanLRot = 0.57; // CivilStandActions
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in Actions. In addition to tilting the upper body during leaning, it is also possible to move it into the lean.
Typical values are very small, anything else will produce excessive deformations of the model.
leanLShift = 0; // class RifleProneActions
leanLShift = 0.01; // class RifleBaseLowStandActions
leanLShift = 0.07; // class CivilStandActions
leanRRot = 0.57;
- Type
- Float
- Description
- See leanLShift.
leanRShift = 0.01;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, appeared in ArmA, complemented/superseded in Arma 2 by leftHandIKCurve[].
These properties set whether at the beginning and end of the animation, IKs for both arms are enabled or not.
left/right-HandIKCurve[] allows for a more complex and detailed control of FK/IK (see below for more details) blending.
Typical uses:
leftHandIKBeg = true;
leftHandIKCurve[] = {1};
leftHandIKEnd = true;
leftHandIKBeg = false;
leftHandIKCurve[] = {};
leftHandIKEnd = false;
leftHandIKBeg = false;
leftHandIKCurve[] = {0, 1, 0.075, 0, 0.725, 0, 0.8, 1};
leftHandIKEnd = false;
leftHandIKBeg = false;
leftHandIKCurve[] = {0.05, 1, 0.125, 0, 0.6, 0, 0.675, 1};
leftHandIKEnd = true;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- See above.
leftHandIKEnd = 0;
- Type
- Array
- Description
- As the name suggests, this array describes the curve controlling FK/IK blending on the left arm.
Every pair of values describe a 2D point, with the first number representing time (horizontal) and the second being the weight (vertical).
Time ranges from 0-1, where 0 is animation start, 0.5 is half way, and 1 the end.
Weight also ranges from 0-1, where 0 means animation is taken from RTM file (FK) and IK is disabled, 0.6 meaning a 40% blend of FK and 60% IK, and 1 is 100% IK.
Let me interpret the last example below (the long one). The curve has 4 points [0, 1], [0.05, 0], [0.95, 0] and [1, 1]. When the animation starts playing, the IK takes full effect, but is gradually disabled by point
- 2. It stays disabled until point
- 3 towards the end, when it is weight starts climbing again. At the end, at point
- 4, the IK is fully on again, overriding all FK.
leftHandIKCurve[] = {}; // IK OFF.
leftHandIKCurve[] = {1}; // IK fully ON.
leftHandIKCurve[] = {0.1, 1, 0.15, 0}; // IK fully ON one-tenth into the animation, but disabled soon afterwards.
leftHandIKCurve[] = {0, 1, 0.05, 0, 0.95, 0, 1, 1}; // IK ON at start, but soon disabled. Re-enabled towards the end.
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States, references BlendAnims class entries. Used for deforming the character on sloping surfaces (hillside, stairs, etc..).
Most of the RTM animations have been recorded in a motion capture studio, on a perfectly flat floor. When standing on a slope, the character would normally have one foot sinking into the ground, while the other would be hanging in the air. So BI devised this system for deforming the bodyparts that have contact with the ground.
When standing upright, it is just the legs. When prone, it is most, if not the whole body. Like everything else in BlendAnims, it is a list of bones, with weights (amount of influence) associated.
legs = "legsDefault"; // Deafault
legs = "legsNo"; // DefaultDie
legs = "legsLyingAiming"; // AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon_injured
legs = "Wholebody"; // AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon
legs = "empty"; // HaloFreeFall_non
- Type
- Array
- Description
- BlendAnims class entry. See above.
legsDefault[] = {"LeftUpLeg", 0.9, "LeftUpLegRoll", 0.9, "LeftLeg", 0.95, "LeftLegRoll", 0.95, "LeftFoot", 1, "LeftToeBase", 1,
"RightUpLeg", 0.9, "RightUpLegRoll", 0.9, "RightLeg", 0.95, "RightLegRoll", 0.95, "RightFoot", 1, "RightToeBase", 1};
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Always empty BlendAnims class entry, see legs above. Disables all deformations on contact with land. Death animations are a typical case.
legsNo[] = {};
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in Actions, used for limiting the slow.. movements, although the names suggests a limiting of fast...
limitFast = 0.5; // RifleProneActions_injured
limitFast = 2; // SwimmingActions
limitFast = 4; // class CivilStandActions, SwimmingFastActions
limitFast = 5; // NoActions
limitFast = 5.5; // RifleBaseLowStandActions
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States.
limitGunMovement = false; // HealBase
limitGunMovement = false; // SprintBaseDf
limitGunMovement = 0.1; // AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon
limitGunMovement = 0.3; // AovrPercMstpSlowWrflDf
limitGunMovement = 0.6; // AmovPercMwlkSlowWpstDnon_transition
limitGunMovement = true; // Default
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, sets whether the current animation should start over once it is finished. Loop, that is.
looped = 1;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to play for the "Prone with weapon" situation. CivilLying is the unarmed equivalent.
Lying = "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to be used by a medic when triggering the "Heal.." action.
medic = "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic";
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, flags the animation as ladder related.
onLadder = 1;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States. If at the start of the animation the character is lying on the ground (prone), onLandBeg equals true. If at the end of the animation the character is lying on the ground (prone), onLandEnd equals true. Otherwise false. Not sure what these flags are used for.
onLandBeg = false;
onLandEnd = false;
onLandBeg = false;
onLandEnd = true;
onLandBeg = true;
onLandEnd = false;
onLandBeg = true;
onLandEnd = true;
onLandEnd = true;
onLandBeg = false;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- See above.
onLandEnd = 1;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions. Similar to Crouch, except it applies only to player characters and not AI.
PlayerCrouch = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions. Similar to Lying, except it applies only to player characters and not AI.
Sets the animation to be used when going prone.
PlayerProne = "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions. Similar to Stand, except it applies only to player characters and not AI.
Sets the animation to be used when standing upright.
PlayerStand = "AwopPercMstpSoptWbinDnon_rfl";
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Disused in Arma 2, appears once in ArmA.
predictSpeedCoef = 1;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, sets whether to load the animation file (RTM) into memory at game start, or just read it from disc when there's a demand for it.
All animations are set not to preload in Arma 2, while in ArmA some often used animations like running for example, are preloaded.
preload = 1;
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Outlines the main action groups.
primaryActionMaps[] = {"DeadActions", "LauncherKneelActions", "BinocProneRflActions", "BinocProneCivilActions",
"RifleProneActions", "PistolProneActions", "RifleKneelActions", "PistolKneelActions", "RifleStandActions",
"PistolStandActions", "RifleLowStandActions", "SwimmingActions", "CivilStandActions",
"BinocKneelRflActions", "BinocStandRflActions"};
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions. Sets the animation to be used when the character puts something on the ground (e.g. dropping some equipment).
putDown = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Not used in the ArmA series.
PutDownEnd = "";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions. Default actions for reloading are reloadMagazine, reloadAT, reloadMGun and reloadMortar, but addon makers can add their own if they wish.
These actions are invoked in CfgWeapons and CfgMagazines via reloadAction. Most reload actions for upright stances in Arma 2 are bone-masked, they are configured as Gestures.
reloadAT = "LauncherReloadKneel";
reloadMagazine[] = {"WeaponMagazineReloadStand", "Gesture"};
reloadMGun = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
reloadMortar = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";
reloadM1Garand[] = {"M1GarandMagazineReloadStand", "Gesture"};
reloadAction = "ManActReloadM1Garand";
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in States.
relSpeedMax = 0.6;
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in States.
relSpeedMin = 0.5;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- See leftHandIKBeg.
rightHandIKBeg = 1;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- See leftHandIKBeg.
rightHandIKEnd = 1;
- Type
- Array
- Description
- See leftHandIKCurve.
rightHandIKCurve[] = {}; // IK OFF.
rightHandIKCurve[] = {1}; // IK fully ON.
rightHandIKCurve[] = {0.1, 1, 0.15, 0}; // IK fully ON one-tenth into the animation, but disabled soon afterwards.
rightHandIKCurve[] = {0, 1, 0.05, 0, 0.95, 0, 1, 1}; // IK ON at start, but soon disabled. Re-enabled towards the end.
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, salute points to the animation the character will transition to when saluting, while saluteOff points to the animation the character should return to when done saluting.
Neither of these properties point to the transition animations, where the character is actually raising/lowering it is arm.
salute = "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_salute";
saluteOff = "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon";
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, sets pistol visibility on/off.
showHandGun = 1;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, sets item (binoculars, specifically) visibility on/off.
showItemInHand = 1;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, sets item (binoculars, specifically) visibility on/off in the right hand. Looks it is not working on Arma 3.
showItemInRightHand = 0;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, sets whether crosshairs are displayed or not for given animation.
showWeaponAim = 1;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to transition to when the sitting action is triggered. Not the to and from transition animations, but the sitting idle.
SitDown = ""; // RifleStandSaluteActions_Idle - can't sit down while saluting
sitDown = "AmovPsitMstpSlowWrflDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Sets the skeleton to be used.
skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";
skeletonName = "WomanSkeleton";
slowB = "AmovPercMrunSlowWlnrDb";
slowF = "AmovPercMevaSlowWlnrDf";
slowL = "AmovPercMrunSlowWlnrDl";
slowLB = "AmovPercMrunSlowWlnrDbl";
slowLF = "AmovPercMrunSlowWlnrDfl";
slowR = "AmovPercMrunSlowWlnrDr";
slowRB = "AmovPercMrunSlowWlnrDbr";
slowRF = "AswmPercMrunSnonWnonDf";
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Found in States. Deprecated forms soundEdge1, soundEdge2 (used very little in ArmA, not at all in Arma 2).
Used for sound timing during an animation. If there's a sound file associated with the animation, it won't play right away as the animation starts. It will play when and as many times as soundEdge tells it to.
soundEdge[] = {0.5, 1}; // Default
soundEdge[] = {0.45}; // DefaultDie
soundEdge[] = {0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1}; // AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDf - timing of the 4 footstep sounds
soundEdge1 = 0.5;
soundEdge2 = 1;
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, enables/disables sounds being played with the animation.
soundEnabled = 1;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States, points to the actual sound to play with the animation.
soundOverride = "bodyfall";
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in States, sets the animation playback speed.
Note that speed depends on animation length, on the number of frames it contains.
For example, setting speed at 0.5 for a 50 frames long animation will result in it playing at about 25 frames per second. Setting the same speed for a 300 frame animation, will result in that animation playing much faster. Speed, seems to me more akin to duration.
speed = 0.00833333;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, see playerStand.
Stand = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to be used when starting to swim.
startSwim = "AswmPercMrunSnonWnonDf";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to be used when stopping.
stop = "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to be used when stopping with weapon lowered ("SAFE" behaviour).
StopRelaxed = "AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon01";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to be used when ending swimming.
stopSwim = "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in Actions, not really used. Has been around since OFP if I remember correctly, probably an attempt to introduce fist fighting, but then abandoned.
StrokeFist = "";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Similar to strokeFist above, attempt at melee fighting but not used.
strokeGun = "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to be used when taking the flag during a CTF match.
takeFlag = "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon";
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in States, flags the animation as being "terminal". True for death animations, false for everything else.
terminal = 1;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, along with testDriverOut and TestGunner. "Test" suggests it might have been just that, an experiment during development.
//class ManActions
TestDriver = "BasicDriver";
TestDriverOut = "BasicDriverOut";
TestGunner = "BasicSittingGunner";
- Type
- String
- Description
- See above.
TestDriverOut = "BasicDriverOut";
- Type
- String
- Description
- See testDriver.
TestGunner = "BasicSittingGunner";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to be used when throwing a grenade.
throwGrenade = "AmovPercMrunSlowWpstDf_AmovPercMstpSrasWpstDnon_gthThrow";
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Empty array in both ArmA & Arma 2. No apparent use for it.
transitionsDisabled[] = {};
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Empty array in both ArmA & Arma 2. No apparent use for it.
transitionsInterpolated[] = {};
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Empty array in both ArmA & Arma 2. No apparent use for it.
transitionsSimple[] = {};
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, points to the animation to be used when being healed by a medic. Medic will be using animation defined in medic.
treated = "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_healed";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, turnL and turnR define the turning animations, while turnLRelaxed and turnRRelaxed do the same thing for the "relaxed" (weapon lowered, behaviour "SAFE") modes.
turnL = "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_turnL";
turnLRelaxed = "AmovPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_turnL";
turnR = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon_turnR";
turnRRelaxed = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon_turnR";
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in Actions, sets turning speed.
turnSpeed = 0.1;
- Type
- String
- Description
- Not found in Arma 2, and not really used in ArmA either.
untiltWeapon = "untiltWeaponDefault";
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Same as above.
untiltWeaponDefault[] = {};
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions. Together with down sets up what looks like a standing/kneeling/prone toggle. Which I don't think is used in the game's current control scheme.
up = "AmovPknlMstpSlowWrflDnon"; // RifleBaseLowStandActions
up = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon"; // RifleBaseStandActions
up = "AmovPknlMwlkSlowWrflDf"; // RifleLowStandActionsWlkF
up = "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon"; // RifleKneelActions
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in Actions, seems to define the "upright" stance for each action group.
These "ManPos.." things only appear in root
upDegree = 0; // NoActions
upDegree = -1; // NoActions, ParachuteFreeFall
upDegree = "ManPosDead"; // DeadActions
upDegree = "ManPosStand"; // RifleBaseLowStandActions
upDegree = "ManPosCombat"; // RifleBaseStandActions
upDegree = "ManPosCrouch"; // RifleKneelEvasiveActions, RifleKneelActions
upDegree = "ManPosLying"; // RifleProneActions
upDegree = "ManPosHandGunStand";
upDegree = "ManPosHandGunCrouch";
upDegree = "ManPosHandGunLying";
upDegree = "ManPosNoWeapon"; // CivilStandActions
upDegree = "ManPosLyingNoWeapon";
upDegree = "ManPosWeapon"; // LauncherKneelActions
upDegree = "ManPosBinocStand"; // BinocStandLnrActions
upDegree = "ManPosSwimming";
upDegree = "ManPosBinocStand";
upDegree = "ManPosBinoc";
updegree = "ManPosCrouch";
//enum in root config
enum {
CMD_MOVE = 12,
CMD_FIRE = 27,
- Type
- Boolean
- Description
- Found in Actions. True for action sets containing "Evasive" in the classname, so an obscure flag of some sorts in ArmA. Not used in any significant way in Arma 2.
useFastMove = 1;
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Found in States when there are several variations on the same animation (usually idles) that can be played randomly.
Minimum, average and maximum - these are the inputs for the random number generator, similar to how trigger timeout/countdown works in the mission editor.
variantAfter[] = {5, 10, 20}; // Default
VariantAfter[] = {5, 5, 5}; // AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic0S
variantAfter[] = {2, 3, 5}; // AidlPercMstpSlowWrflDnon_player_0S
variantAfter[] = {0, 0, 0}; // AidlPercMstpSrasWrflDnon_aiming0S
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Found in States when there are several variations on the same animation (usually idles) that can be played randomly.
It lists the animations to be randomly cycled. The numbers represent the probability of that animation being played, the higher the number, the more likely the animation will get to play.
The sum of these numbers is always 1.
variantsAI[] = {""};
variantsAI[] = {"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon01", 0.01,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon02", 0.01,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon03", 0.01,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon04", 0.01,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon05", 0.01,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon06", 0.01,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon07", 0.01,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon08", 0.01,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idleSteady04", 0.23,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idleSteady03", 0.23,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idleSteady02", 0.23,
"AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_idleSteady01", 0.23};
variantsAI[] = {"Mi17_Cargo02", 0.4, "Mi17_Cargo02_V1", 0.1, "Mi17_Cargo02_V2", 0.1, "Mi17_Cargo02_V3", 0.1,
"Mi17_Cargo02_V4", 0.1, "Mi17_Cargo02_V5", 0.1, "Mi17_Cargo02_V6", 0.1};
variantsAI[] = {"aidlpercmstpsraswlnrdnon_1", 0.333, "aidlpercmstpsraswlnrdnon_2", 0.333, "aidlpercmstpsraswlnrdnon_3", 0.334};
- Type
- Array
- Description
- Same as variantsAI[] above, except for player characters.
variantsPlayer[] = {"AdthPercMrunSlowWlnrDf_1", 0.5, "AdthPercMrunSlowWlnrDf_2", 0.5};
- Type
- Float
- Description
- Found in States, probably used for calculating how visible a character is for the AI, based on his stance/animation.
visibleSize = 1.00012; // SprintBaseDf when sprinting more visible than..
visibleSize = 0.700121; // AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon ..when stopped > visible than..
visibleSize = 0.300122; // AmovPknlMstpSlowWrflDnon ..when kneeling > visible than..
visibleSize = 0.100123; // AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon ..when prone.
walkB = "AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDb";
walkF = "AmovPercMevaSlowWlnrDf";
walkL = "AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDl";
walkLB = "AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDbl";
walkLF = "AswmPercMwlkSnonWnonDf";
walkR = "AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDr";
walkR = "AswmPercMstpSnonWnonDnon";
walkRB = "AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDbr";
walkRF = "AmovPercMwlkSlowWrflDfr";
- Type
- String
- Description
- The opposite of weaponOn below.
weaponOff = "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon";
- Type
- String
- Description
- Found in States, and references the animation that needs to be reached when switching to RPGs/MANPADS.
weaponOn = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; // RifleBaseLowStandActions
weaponOff = "AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon";
weaponOn = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; // RifleKneelActions
weaponOff = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon";
weaponOn = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; // RifleProneActions
weaponOff = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon";