Spearhead 1944 AI Systems (AIS)
The AI Tweaks system improves in various ways the AI behavior and their gameplay influence.
When activated via module or functions, the system's functions operate in the background to adjust AI behavior. Depending on the mission setup, it can be active for one or multiple sides.
Detailed information
Main features
- Info Share: This improves the situational awareness and combat responsiveness of fighting forces via simulated voice and radio-based knowledge sharing between groups.
- Unstuck: This system tries to restore the mobility of AI when it's stuck due to various pathfinding issues - applies to both infantry and ground vehicles.
- Collision Insurance: The safety code for AI to avoid harm or damage caused by vehicles colliding with allied mobile infantry and other vehicles.
Additional improvements
- Manning vehicle turrets by passengers to engage enemies
- Improved movement group cohesion to avoid soldiers being left behind
- Autonomous rearming to avoid AI running out of ammo
- Dynamic and situational formation adjustment for combat vs. non-combat phases
- More reliable embarking of vehicles under various conditions
Mission parameters may allow the customizing of certain elements of the system for the given play-session in multiplayer.
Mission maker setup and use
The advanced customization of AI is possible via the module to a large extent and even more so via scripting.
Detailed documentation is found in the Spearhead 1944.
Retreat Flee Surrender System
The Retreat Flee Surrender system simulates the stress, threat perception, and unit morale that may make AI decide to retreat from their current position, drop their weapons and flee the battlefield or surrender altogether. As such, the enemy doesn't have to be killed, yet different actions may also lead to overcoming the opposing force. Finally, POWs can be questioned to receive information on potential enemy forces and their locations.
When activated via module or functions, the system's functions operate in the background to calculate the AI behavior. Depending on the mission setup, it can be active for one or multiple sides. Players won't be directly affected, yet players do influence the AI through their actions.
Detailed information
Units in the scenario that are affected by this system will gain a special stress value that will increase and decrease depending on the current situation (being under fire, wounds, losses, lack of ammo, nearby threats, or allies). Depending on the stress value and the proximity of hostiles, units may be put into one or more non-combatant states. They may temporarily retreat, abandon weapons and flee permanently, become shocked, or surrender. Surrendered enemies, when approached, become POWs and may be interrogated with some chance to get intel about enemy presence in the area. POWs are directed towards certain areas where they will remain. Units in the permanent non-combatant state may get deleted when far enough away from any player.
Mission parameters may allow customizing certain elements of the system for the given play-session in multiplayer.
Mission maker setup and use
The advanced customization of RFS is possible via the module to a large extent and even more so via scripting.
Detailed documentation is found in the Spearhead 1944.
MissionNamespace Variables
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: If set to false AI system will be paused.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Can groups flee?
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Group traces regardless of flee/surrender active.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Do groups share knowledege.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Can units surrender?
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Groups of AI can be tweaked.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: AI can rearm.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Enable unstuck system.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[]
Description: Additional groups for AIS.
Data Type: String
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:cif (SPE_AIS_cadetDifficulty) then {6} else {0}
Description: Additional primary weapon ammo for all AIs out there.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Spawned groups added to AIS. Currently has no effect for Zeus-spawned units.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Should good guys be affected by retreat/flee/surrender/POW/shock.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Use cadet difficulty.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Enables debugging via system chat. SPE_AIS_IFS_DebugSwitch needs to be set to true as well.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Enables debugging. Needs to be set to true for all other debug modes to work.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[EAST,WEST,GUER]
Description: All affected sides.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Is AIS main loop running. Set to false to disable.
Data Type: String
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[((getObjectViewDistance select 0) + 20),((getObjectViewDistance select 0) + 20),-1]
Description: clean up from player distances in format [retreat, fleeing, surrender].
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[120,240]
Description: Time in seconds that must pass from gaining non-combatant status to the moment, when non-combatant can be cleaned up in format [minimum time, max random addition]. Final value is determined at gaining non-combatant status.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Use playable/switchable units instead of current player units to check, if any player is too close to clean up non-combatants.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Other's Retreat/Flee/Surrender behaviour affect my behaviour.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c5
Description: flee check interval in seconds.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c5
Description: info share interval in seconds.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c2
Description: surrender check interval in seconds.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c1
Description: AI tweak interval in seconds.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c10
Description: unstuck interval in seconds.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Group members movement speed manipulation to improve group cohesion on the move.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Switch groups formations to DIAMOND when in combat. Can improve AI navigation over the terrain.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: should unstuck try to hide various map objects around the stuck vehicles.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: should unstuck try to hide blocking foliage objects in front of stuck vehicles.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Leave behind in separate group redundant tank crewmen.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Important empty vehicle seats may be manned by passengers.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Improved reliability of embarking vehicles especially in combat situations.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Tweaked rules of disembarking passengers from vehicle in combat.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[5,50,100]
Description: Flee threshold [5,50,100].
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c1
Description: basic stress multiplier.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c1
Description: threat multiplier.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c3.5
Description: Info share boosted info value.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c300
Description: Info share max distance from the revealed target if receiver is an infantry.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c150
Description: Info share max distance from the revealed target if receiver is an infantry (knowledge boost).
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c150
Description: Info share max distance from the revealed target if receiver is a vehicle.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c50
Description: Info share max distance from the revealed target if receiver is a vehicle (knowledge boost).
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c3.5
Description: Maximal reveal value.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[0,1168.36]
Description: How far AI units can share information.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[500,500,500,500]
Description: How far receiver may get radio info ([east, west, resistance, other]).
Data Type: String
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c!isMultiplayer
Description: Player-local debug. By default disabled in multiplayer.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c10
Description: Player-local debug fade out delay (if applicable - permanent icons excluded).
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: As log this is true, anti-road collisions component will be paused.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: If false, anti-road collisions component will cease to work permanently.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c0
Description: How long it takes to restore vehicle's mobility when all conditions are met in seconds. 0 to repair as soon conditions are met.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c100
Description: Farther groups are ignored as a threat source.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Can fleeing, surrendering or POW units be killed.
Data Type: Side
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:cGUER
Description: Our side, the good guys.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c0.1
Description: Permanent shock probability.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c1.5
Description: Players are scarier than AI units.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[EAST,WEST,GUER,CIV]
Description: Enabling reliable embarking assistance for groups of included sides.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[[],[],[],[]]
Description: Optional sets of custom follow-up behavior codes after disengage stage of retreat routine is completed. Each side array in selectRandomWeighted-ready format: [string,probability]. Code must be finite, otherwise group will be considered in retreating state indefinitely.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[[],[],[],[]]
Description: Optional sets of positions, towards which retreating groups should move per side. Each side array in selectRandomWeighted-ready format: [coordinates,probability]. Example: [[500,1500,0],0.25,(getMarkerPos 'marker1'),0.75].
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[-1,0]
Description: Duration in seconds of disengage stage in retreat routine in format [minimum time, max random addition]. Unlimited (by default) when result is negative.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c60
Description: Surrendered will automtically walk as POWs after that amount of seconds + 2-5s.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c2
Description: Must be positive number. The higher, the more being AT-capable reduces stress generated by armored threats (it is already somewhat lower for this equal to 1).
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c1
Description: The lower, the easier for retreat/flee.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c1
Description: The lower, the easier for surrender.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c3
Description: The lower, the bigger impact on group's stress has game difficulty setting values below 1.5 are treated as 1.5.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[90,150,200]
Description: Surrender threshold.
Data Type: Number
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c1
Description: Decides, by how much threat source distance reduces generated threat. values below 1 amplify influence of distance down to 0.001, which basically nullifies the threat at any distance. values above 1 reduce that influence, so farther hostiles would be more threatening.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[true,true,true,true]
Description: Should bounding box based move aside empty vehicles unstuck feature be active per side: [west,east,resistance,other].
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[true,true,true,true]
Description: Should EPE-contact move aside not moving vehicles unstuck feature be active per side: [west,east,resistance,other].
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[]
Description: Additional groups to be checked by the unstuck system.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Unstuck not in player's sight.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Should unstuck move aside obstacles only if non hostile.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Should unstuck move aside obstacles only from the road.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Should unstuck move aside obstacles only, if vehicle moves on the road.
Data Type: Boolean
Locality: GEGlobal
Description: Should tank kind obstacles be moved aside only by other tanks.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[]
Description: Units excluded from unstucking.
Data Type: Array
Locality: GEGlobal
Default Value:c[[],[],[],[]]
Description: which types of terrain objects can be hidden by unstuck component:
- 1: c['TREE','SMALL TREE','BUSH','FOREST','HIDE','FENCE','WALL'] - Can hide near stuck vehicles when player observer within 200m
- 2: c['TREE','SMALL TREE','BUSH','FOREST','HIDE','FENCE','WALL'] - Can hide near stuck vehicles if no player observer in 200m
- 3: c['TREE','BUSH','FOREST','WALL'] - Blocking foliage to hide in front of a stuck vehicle
- 4: c['river','pond'] - Don't hide blacklist per substrings present in the terrain object name string (str object), case-insensitive, probably best to keep it short due to performance impact (numerous string comparisons).