Unique Features of ArmA – Talk

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No word on HDR audio?

Does anyone have the specifics on the scale of battles allowed in ArmA? I know OFP was something like 144 (12 units per group, 12 groups) units per side with four sides. Does ArmA have similar group size limitations, or is the limit on groups overall increased? Also, does it have a hard coded limit on how many players can connect, or is it solely limited to however many playable slots there are? [Tychon 07:09, 22 November 2006 (CET)]

Group size is very high now in ArmA. I am not sure about the exact limit but can be something like 100 soldiers per group.

Also, nore more 144 groups per side but much much more (again, I am at the momentu usure of exact number).

--Maruk 17:26, 22 November 2006 (CET)