weaponsItems – Talk

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no magazine in weapon

Posted on October 25, 2014 - 01:45 (UTC)
If you use this command on a unit that does not have a magazine loaded, the array containing magazine info is not included (_this select 4). Sample output with running "hint str weaponsItems player;" after manually removing the magazines from the weapons.
Tested with "B_Soldier_F". [ [ "arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F", "", "acc_pointer_IR", "optic_Aco" ], [ "hgun_P07_F", "", "", "" ] ] You can use this code to easily check if an array element exists (note the curly brackets): if (isNil {_weaponsItemsOutput select 4}) then {hint "No magazine is loaded";} The output does not follow a specific weapon order, weapons will be listed in the order they were picked up or added through script.
This command returns an empty array if the unit has no weapons equipped.
All of this was tested in A3 1.32.127785

Fixed on dev Killzone_Kid (talk) 13:48, 11 September 2015 (CEST)


Posted on March 16, 2015 - 12:07 (UTC)
Since revision 129742, this command also returns an attached bipod.

old notes need updating

Posted on October 25, 2014 - 01:45 (UTC)
The output of this command is an array of arrays and is as follows: (If the unit only has 1 weapon, output is an array within an array.) [ [ ((_arr select 0) select 0) //STRING - The weapon's classname ((_arr select 0) select 1) //STRING - Classname of the unit's equipped 'Muzzle/Barrel Accessory' ((_arr select 0) select 2) //STRING - Classname of the unit's equipped 'Side Accessory' ((_arr select 0) select 3) //STRING - Classname of the unit's equipped 'Top/Optic Accessory' ((_arr select 0) select 4) //ARRAY - Magazine information [ (((_arr select 0) select 4) select 0) //STRING - Classname of the loaded magazine (((_arr select 0) select 4) select 1) //SCALAR(Number) - Amount of bullets in the mag ] ] //If unit has more than one weapon, the output will follow the same pattern as above except with a new element ]