Terrain Processor: Tutorial Sample project

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Summary of the content of the sample data pack for the Terrain Processor demo map project for Arma 3. Use with the Terrain Processor Tutorial.

Export folder "map_TPDemo" to P:\ a3\..

  • ico folder.png Map_TPDemo // Project folder
    • ico folder.png Data // Data folder for binarizing
      • ico folder.png Layers // Satellite and mask textures generated by Terrain Builder
      • ico folder.png Roads // Roads shapefile and roads configuration file. Don't forget that roads shapefile has to have origin at 200 000,0
        • roads.dbf // Database file for shapefile
        • roads.shp // Roads shapefile
        • roads.shx // Roads shapefile index file
        • RoadsLib.cfg // Configuration file for roads
      • L-Middle_mco.paa // Missing description
      • pictureMap_ca.paa // Terrain splash screen
      • s_satout_co.paa // Texture for outside terrain.
    • ico folder.png Map_TPDemo.Cache
    • ico folder.png Map_TPDemo.Layers
    • ico folder.png Map_TPDemo.Shapes
    • ico folder.png Source // Source data folder
      • ico folder.png Heightmap // All heightmap files (original, with perlin noise in forests and with roads smooth)
        • heightmap.asc // UTM heightmap 1024x1024, 4 meters cell
      • ico folder.png OpenStreetMap //Folder for downloaded OSM data
      • ico folder.png Shapefiles // All shapefiles used for project (forests, roads, ...)
      • ico folder.png TemplateLibs // Object templates libraries
        • arma 2 buildings.tml // Arma 2 buildings templates
        • arma 2 bush.tml // Arma 2 bush templates
        • arma 2 misc.tml // Arma 2 miscellaneous objects templates
        • arma 2 trees.tml // Arma 2 trees templates
      • ico folder.png TerrainProcessorOutput // Output folder for Terrain Processor tasks
      • Forests.tpp // Terrain Processor project for forests / treelines, plants all trees in terrain
      • HeightmapGeneration.tpp // Terrain Processor project to create UTM heightmap from Geodetic heightmap, insert perlin noise in trees and smooth terrain under roads
      • layers.cfg // Terrain Builder layer configuration file
      • mapLegend.png // Layers map legend image file
      • mask.tif // Layers mask file
      • Powerlines.tpp // Terrain Processor project for placing powerline poles
      • RoadVergePosts.tpp //Terrain Processor project for placing road stones near roads
      • satellite.tif // Satellite image file
      • satelitte.wld // Satellite image projection file
      • HayBales.tpp // Terrain Processor project for placing haybales
    • cfgAmbient.hpp // Config include: configuration file for ambient life.
    • cfgClutter.hpp // Config include: terrain clutter settings.
    • cfgSurfaces.hpp // Config include: terrain surfaces settings.
    • config.cpp // Terrain configuration file
    • Map_TPDemo.hpp // Config include: Places names file, generated automatically by Terrain Builder upon WRP export.
    • map_tpdemo.tv4p // Terrain Builder project file.