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Returns value of the given scenario attribute from the 1st tier. Since only config properties have values, the attribute should be config property. If it is not found or config class is given, the return is nil. If the attribute defined in multiple places, the command checks them in the following order:
  1. Description.ext entry
  2. Eden Editor scenario attribute
So if an attribute exists in both places, the Description.ext value is used. Previously, scenario attributes were extracted from Description.ext using missionConfigFile. That still works, but it ignores attributes set directly in the editor and should not be used anymore.
This command cannot force return type, it will return the value of the type given in config. Use isEqualType to additionally reaffirm the correct type if necessary to account for human error.
ConfigMission Information


getMissionConfigValue attribute
attribute: String - attribute name
Return Value:
Number, String, Boolean or Array, depending on the attribute value type. Nil when the attribute is undefined.

Alternative Syntax

getMissionConfigValue [attribute, defaultValue]
attribute: String - attribute name
defaultValue: Anything - value used when the attribute is undefined
Return Value:
Number, String, Boolean or Array, depending on the attribute value type. Default value when the attribute is undefined.


Example 1:
private _respawnDelay = getMissionConfigValue ["respawnDelay", 0]; // returns the real, defined respawn delay value private _respawnDelay = getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "respawnDelay"); // old approach, ignoring the Eden Editor-set value

Additional Information

See also:
getMissionConfig missionConfigFile BIS_fnc_getParamValue Mission_Parameters


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