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=Note to Other hackers=
== Introduction ==
<big>TokenName Config.cpp Reference</big>

this 'section' will be removed in due course.
Simply put, Token Name & Value pairs are as follows

I am feeling my way round folks.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
SomeName = SomeValue;

please don't touch the [[TokenNameValueTypess|red]], broken links. they are used by me as indicators that i haven't yet finished that 'item'
Token Names are used extensively throughout {{ofp}} 'text' files.

(by all means edit the item with your own knowledge, just leave the link alone pls). If you do add something I'll change it's red status quickly enough.
An example is, when creating a model using class statements inside a [[Config.cpp]], to access it later, via the mission editor

'''ArmA''' indicator is for TokenNames I have not seen in ofp:r and am assuming, probably correctly, that they have been introduced at Xbox Elite time, or, truly, at ArmA pre-alpha phase. Please leave that 'indicator' as is for the moment, thanks.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">

This article details the token-names specifically available within the '''[[Models & Classnames: CfgVehicles - Vehicles|CfgVehicles]]''' class of a [[Config.cpp]]. The primary focus of this document is the TokenNames used for various aspects of controlling models within '''Addons'''.

<big>TokenName Config.cpp Reference</big>
Unlike a command reference, where one meaning fits all, Token names are '''not''' verbs. The meaning of the name, it is effect, can be different, depending on context. You are advised therefore, that these names, as listed, apply ''only'' to the CfgVehicles class. They may, or may not, have identical meanings (if found), in other classes.
This article lists token names, their value ranges, and their type.
=== TokenTypes ===

Simply put, Token Name & Value pairs are as follows
{| class="wikitable"
! Token Type !! Description !! Example
| [[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]|| A signed value that will be held in 4 bytes.|| <code style="display: block">token = 1;</code>
| [[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]|| An [[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]] value of 0 or 1. This is a 'convenience type' in humanly readable text. The engine stores it as an integer.<br>For Elite only: '''All strings must be enclosed in quotes'''. || <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">token = true;</syntaxhighlight>
| [[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]|| Any string value || <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">token = "SomeString";</syntaxhighlight>
| [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]|| An array || <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">token[] = { ... };</syntaxhighlight>
| Float Array || An array of floats || <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">token[] = { 0.5, 0.3, 0.05 };</syntaxhighlight>
| String Array|| An array of strings|| <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">token[] = { "String1", "String2" };</syntaxhighlight>
| Integer Array|| An array of integers|| <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">token[] = { 0, 1, 2 };</syntaxhighlight>
| Complex Array || A mixture of multiple types, including embedded arrays. || <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">token[] = { "String", 1, 0.5, true };</syntaxhighlight>
| Variable Array || The number of elements for '''this''' array in '''this''' class model can have a varying number of elements (depending on context)||

SomeName = SomeValue;
=== Filenames and Paths ===
Filenames are case '''in'''sensitive.

Token Names are used extensively throughout ofp 'text' files.
==== Pbo File conventions ====
The root path of the filename is (generally) the name of the pbo

This article details the token-names available in [[Config.cpp]]. Their meaning in most cases will be the same or similar for [[Description.ext|description.ext]] and mission.sqm. However the primary focus of this document is the TokenNames used for various aspects of controlling models within '''Addons'''.  
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
model= "\anypbofile\'''anywhere'''\....";

For instance, when creating a model using class statements inside a [[Config.cpp]], to access it later, via the mission editor
note the pbo extension is inferred

'''anywhere''' is an (optional) (series of) folder(s) INSIDE the pbo.

This article lists token names, their value ranges, and their type.
Depending on the file referred to, eg a p3d file for a model, the extension (in this case .p3d) is not required.

Where not specifcally specified, the 'useage'of the token name is within [[Config.cpp]], class [[Models & Classnames: CfgVehicles - Vehicles|CfgVehicles]].
==== p3d files ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">

==== paa/pac ====
Wherever these file types are indicated, the default extension is paa

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">

==== jpeg ====
jpeg pictures are usable anywhere a pac (or pac) file is indicated. It is never default.

[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: A signed value that will be held in 4 bytes.
<u>Exception</u>: Operation Flashpoint: Elite specifically, cannot handle jpg.

[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]: An [[TokenNameValueTypess|Integer]] value of 0 or 1. This is a 'convenience type' in humanly readable text. The engine stores it as an integer.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">

[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Any string value. ''ALL STRINGS MUST BE ENCLOSED IN QUOTES'' for Elite. These strings are misinterpreted as '''#defines''' otherwise.
==== Sound files ====
wss is the default extension if not declared.

[[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: An array []={...}
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">

float Array: An array of floats only
Otherwise use Ogg Vorbis format (extension .ogg).
string Arrray: should be obvious
integer Array: ditto
Complex Array: A mixture of multiple types, includig embedded arrays.

Variable Array: the number of elements for '''this''' array in '''this''' class model can have a varying number of elements (depending on context)
=== Vehicle vs 'Vehicle' ===
In this document. a vehicle, is a true vehicle of some kind. Be it a tank, or a car.

'''Notes:''' ''For Models and other items using p3d files, the .p3d extension is not reguired. Similar comment for pac/paa files, and wss (sound) files where appropriate''
A 'vehicle' on the other hand covers cfgVehicles as defined in a config.cpp which would include '''men''' or '''buildings''', since {{ofp}} considers them ''all'' to be 'vehicles'

=== Config.bin vs Config.cpp ===
<u>By convention only</u>, [[Config.cpp|config.'''cpp''']] is the humanly readable text equivalent of [[Config.bin|config.'''bin''']].

Token Names found only in Armed Assault config.bins are indicated in '''bold'''
The engine will accept either or '''both'''.

'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]] : Default false.
When both are encountered, it is the <u>text</u> file that is predominant (the raPified file is ignored). (Which is the text file, and which is the 'binary' is moot, see below).

Your mileage will vary as to their compatibility / usefulness / buginess if used in 'compatible' missions on the older game versions.
While unusual to have both, it is common for an addon, eg a pbo, to have '''both''' inside where the config.cpp is a 'work in progress' that might later be 'binarised' to raP, and the cpp removed.

See the [[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA Disclaimer]]
=== raP files ===
So-called 'binarised' or 'binary' files are encoded in [[raP File Format - Elite | raP file format]]. They are not in the conventional sense a "binary"&mdash;machine readable code or data&mdash;but rather a more convenient encoded form of the text file (from the engine's perspective). They represent the stripping out of comments and extraneous crud, with bells on. For example, save files are raP encoded, just like config.bin is.

==Vehicle vs 'Vehicle'==
By convention only, a config.cpp is a text file. The engine does not actually care; if it encounters a config.cpp with a raP signature, it is treated as per a config.bin.

In this document. a vehicle, is a true vehicle of some kind. Be it a tank, or a car.
The engine unconditionally converts text files to raP encoding before it uses it further. This (obviously) slows game or mission loading and (less obviously) is a source of 'undocumented features'. Prior to finishing your addon, it is a Good Idea&trade; to 'binarise' the config into raP encoding and rename the cpp file to .txt for documentation purposes.

A 'vehicle' on the other hand covers cfgVehicles as defined in a config.cpp which would include '''men''' and '''buildings''', since ofp considers them '''all'' to be 'vehicles'
== Alphabetical Order ==
=== A ===
==== ...Action ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]] : defaults ManActCargo

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
commanderAction = "ManActM60CommanderOut";
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]] : defaults ManActCargo
driverAction = "ManActShipDriver";
gunnerAction = "ManActJeepGunner";
commanderInAction = "ManActTestDriver";
driverInAction = "ManActM113Driver";
gunnerInAction = "ManActM1A1Gunner";
getInAction = ManActGetInTank; // default
getOutAction = ManActGetOutTank; // default

  commanderAction =   "ManActM60CommanderOut";
===== cargoAction =====
  driverAction =     "ManActShipDriver";
Variable String [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: default {ManActCargo}
  gunnerAction =     "ManActJeepGunner";
  commanderInAction = "ManActTestDriver";
  driverInAction =   "ManActM113Driver";
  gunnerInAction =   "ManActM1A1Gunner";
  getInAction =       ManActGetInTank;  //default
  getOutAction =      ManActGetOutTank;  //default

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Variable String [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: default {ManActCargo}
cargoAction[] = { "ManActM113Medic", "ManActM113Medic", "ManActM113Injured" };
cargoAction[] = {"ManActM113Medic","ManActM113Medic","ManActM113Injured"};

'''Note''' that unlike driverAction and gunnerAction this is an array. (for multiple positions)
'''Note''' that unlike driverAction and gunnerAction this is an array. (for multiple positions)
Line 92: Line 146:
see [[#cargoIsCoDriver]]
see [[#cargoIsCoDriver]]

==== ...AngleX/Y ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]] Degrees
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]] Degrees

  initAngleX = 0;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  minAngleX = -30;
initAngleX = 0;
  maxAngleX = 30;
minAngleX = -30;
maxAngleX = 30;

  initAngleY = 0;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  minAngleY = -100;
initAngleY = 0;
  maxAngleY = 100;
minAngleY = -100;
maxAngleY = 100;

  initFov = 0.700000;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  minFov = 0.420000;
initFov = 0.700000;
  maxFov = 0.850000;
minFov = 0.420000;
maxFov = 0.850000;

used by car.ViewPilot class
used by car.ViewPilot class

==== angle ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Degrees

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
angle = -240;

see [[#Indicator... Class]] Or [[#Hatch... Class]]

see [[#selection|Indicator Or Hatch Class]]
==== access ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Determines the manipulability of the class.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Determines the manipulability of the class.

0 ReadAndWrite additional values can be added
1 ReadAndCreate only adding new class members is allowed
0 ReadAndWrite additional values can be added
2 ReadOnly no modifications enabled
1 ReadAndCreate only adding new class members is allowed
3 ReadOnlyVerified no modifications enabled, CRC test applied
2 ReadOnly no modifications enabled
3 ReadOnlyVerified no modifications enabled, CRC test applied

All ''BIS'' classes are '''ReadOnlyVerified''' and can only be inherited into a new class
All ''BIS'' classes are '''ReadOnlyVerified''' and can only be inherited into a new class

==== accuracy ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default value = 0.02.
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default value = 0.02.

Determines how easy an object is to identify. Smaller values are easier to detect.
Determines how easy an object is to identify. Smaller values are easier to detect.

Typically, buildings are 0.2, vehicles, 0.5  
Typically, buildings are 0.2, vehicles, 0.5

'''A value of 1000 causes the underlying class to be identified instead.''' Eg bushy trees, pink trees and yellow trees, can all be 'identified' as "trees". The description "bushy trees" is then used solely when Editing. See [[#VehicleClass]]
'''A value of 1000 causes the underlying class to be identified instead.''' Eg bushy trees, pink trees and yellow trees, can all be 'identified' as "trees". The description "bushy trees" is then used solely when Editing. See [[#VehicleClass]]

  accuracy = 0.2; // buildings
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  accuracy = 0.5; //small vehicles
accuracy = 0.2; // buildings
  accuracy = 0.9;//truck
accuracy = 0.5; // small vehicles
  accuracy = 3.500000;//sniper
accuracy = 0.9; // truck
  accuracy = 1.500000;//lawsoldier
accuracy = 3.500000; // sniper
  accuracy = 1000;//soldier // identify (most) solders as 'man'
accuracy = 1.500000; // lawsoldier
accuracy = 1000; // soldier // identify (most) solders as 'man'

Relationship to [[#camouflage]]:
'''accuracy''' defines how hard it is for the AI to recognise the correct class of a unit. But even if it can't recognise the correct class it can still recognise it as an enemy and engage it.
'''camouflage''' defines how hard it is for the AI to ''see'' that the unit is there.

<u>Related TokenNames</u>
<u>Related TokenNames</u>
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]] [[#vehicleClass]] [[#nameSound]] [[#camouflage]]
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]], [[#vehicleClass]], [[#nameSound]], [[#camouflage]]

==== acceleration ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Integer]]: metres per second  
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: metres per second
acceleration = 7;

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Array]]: 3 separate tokens, airFriction0[],airFriction1[],airFriction2[] that define the X Y and Z component respectively.
acceleration = 7;

airFriction2[] = {25,12,2.500000};
==== airFriction ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: 3 separate tokens, airFriction0[], airFriction1[], airFriction2[] that define the X Y and Z component respectively.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Float [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: Used by reflectors and cargo lights
airFriction2[] = { 25, 12, 2.500000 };
  ambient[] = {0.070000,0.070000,0.070000,1.000000};

  class CargoLight {
==== airFrictionCoefs... ====
  color[] = {0,0,0,0};
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: tokens for defining the friction behaviour of planes, introduced with Arma 3 Jets DLC. They define the airfriction for planes with simulation = "PlaneX". Untested if applicable to other objects as well. The values in each array define the X, Y and Z coefficients respectively. The friction force in a certain axis is calculated ingame by F_friction = v * abs( v ) * airFrictionCoefs2+ v * airFrictionCoefs1+ (sign of v) * airFrictionCoefs0; where "v" is the speed of the plane in that particular axis.
  ambient[] = {0.600000,0,0.150000,1};
  brightness = 0.007000;

als see  [[#direction|Reflectors class]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
airFrictionCoefs2[] = { 0.00100, 0.00050, 0.00006};
airFrictionCoefs1[] = { 0.100, 0.050, 0.006 };
airFrictionCoefs0[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

==== ambient ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]] : Default Value true
Float [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
ambient[] = { 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 1.0 };
See [[#Reflectors Class]], [[#Light Class]], [[#CargoLight Class]]
==== animated ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]] : Default Value true

Used by class models that inherit an animated 'vehicle' to turn those aspects of the vehicle off.
Used by class models that inherit an animated 'vehicle' to turn those aspects of the vehicle off.

  animated = false;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
animated = false;

model is animated, or not.
model is animated, or not.
Line 181: Line 266:
see animations class
see animations class

==== animPeriod ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|float]]: Seconds.  
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Seconds.

This TokenName is generally used inside AnimationSources class (ArmA only). It's use in OFP:R is as follows
This TokenName is generally used inside AnimationSources class (ArmA only). It's use in OFP:R is as follows

  animPeriod = 1.33; // a fountain
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
animPeriod = 1.33; // a fountain
==== animation... ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: These animation strings point to rtm files to create the movement.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]: These animation strings point to rtm files to create the movement.
animationFlag = "\AnyAddon\AnyRTM(.rtm)"; // to wiggle flag in wind
animationOpen = "\AnyAddon\AnyRTM(.rtm)"; // to open or close doors (eg)
animationDrop = "\AnyAddon\AnyRTM(.rtm)";

  animationFlag = "\AnyAddon\AnyRTM(.rtm)";// to wiggle flag in wind
==== animationList[] ====
  animationOpen = "\AnyAddon\AnyRTM(.rtm)";// to open or close doors (eg)
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]] format [<nowiki/>[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]], [[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]<nowiki/>]
  animationDrop = "\AnyAddon\AnyRTM(.rtm)";

(possibly introduced in {{GVI|arma3|1.24|size= 0.75}} when other randomisation features were added)
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]
    animationSourceBody = "Turret_2";
    animationSourceGun = "Gun_2";
    animationSourceHatch = "hatchCommander";

==armor (integer)==
Array of animation sources to randomize the vehicle with similar to facewear/headgear randomization for characters (See {{Link|Arma 3: Characters And Gear Encoding Guide#FIA headgear and facewear randomization}}; format is:
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: A strength value of how much external damage can be taken before 'destruction'. Below are general ranges to give some idea.

armor = 3; // man
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
armor = 10; // motorcycle
animationList[] = { "animation1", weight1, "animation2", weight2, etc. };
armor = 20; // a small car  
armor = 15..60; // aircraft
armor = 150; // buildings
Animations must be classes from the vehicle's AnimationSources. If all the weights are the same value, it functions as straight equal randomisation.
armor = 150..300; // bmp
armor = 400...900; // tank
armor = 300; // boat
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
armor = 10000; // ship
class MyAPC : B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F
animationList[] = {
"showBags", 0,
"showCamonetHull", 0.5,
"showCamonetCannon", 0.75,
"showCamonetTurret", 1,
"showSLATHull", 1,
"showSLATTurret", 1
==== animationSource... ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
animationSourceBody = "Turret_2";
animationSourceGun = "Gun_2";
animationSourceHatch = "hatchCommander";
animationSourceElevation = ""; // new in Arma 3
animationSourceCamElevation =""; // new in Arma 3
==== armor (integer) ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: A strength value of the object, how much external damage can be taken before 'destruction'. It is calculated together with object volume size! (bounding sphere calculated in geometry) Below are general ranges to give some idea.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
approx strength = (0.27/tgtRadius)^2 / armorInConfig
armor = 3; // man
armor = 10; // motorcycle
armor = 20; // a small car
armor = 15..60; // aircraft
armor = 150; // buildings
armor = 150..300; // bmp
armor = 400...900; // tank
armor = 300; // boat
armor = 10000; // ship

If unspecified (or not inherited) the default value is 30
If unspecified (or not inherited) the default value is 30
Line 218: Line 344:
1 bullet will kill armor <=20
1 bullet will kill armor <=20

2 bullets <=40
2 bullets <=40

3 bullets 50
3 bullets 50

==armor (float)==
==== armor (float) ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: The floating version of armor type is only used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: The floating version of armor type is only used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody

  armor = 1.4; // a bee
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  armor = 0.8;// a turret
armor = 1.4; // a bee
armor = 0.8; // a turret

<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#armor (float)]], [[#material]], [[#name]], [[#passThrough]]
<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#armor (float)]], [[#material]], [[#name]], [[#passThrough]]

==== armor... ====
  armorBody = 0.4; // default
// for vehicles general
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  armorStructural= 1; //ranges between 1 and 4.0, default 1
// for vehicles general
  armorFuel = 1.4;// default
armorStructural= 1; // ranges between 1 and 4.0, default 1
  armorGlass = 0.5;// default
armorFuel = 1.4; // default
  armorLights = 0.4; // default 0.4 in all models.
armorGlass = 0.5; // default
  armorWheels = 0.05;//default
armorLights = 0.4; // default 0.4 in all models.
// for tanks
armorWheels = 0.05; // default
  armorHull = 1;
// for tanks
  armorTurret = 0.8;
armorHull = 1;
  armorGun =   0.6;
armorTurret = 0.8;
  armorEngine = 0.8;
armorGun = 0.6;
  armorTracks = 0.6;
armorEngine = 0.8;
// for men
armorTracks = 0.6;
  armorHead = 0.7;
// for men
  armorBody = 0.8;
armorHead = 0.7;
  armorHands = 0.5;
armorHands = 0.5;
  armorLegs = 0.5;
armorLegs = 0.5;
// helicopters
// helicopters
  armorHull = 0.5;
armorHull = 0.5;
  armorEngine = 0.6;
armorEngine = 0.6;
  armorAvionics = 1.4;
armorAvionics = 1.4;
  armorVRotor = 0.5;
armorVRotor = 0.5;
  armorHRotor = 0.7;
armorHRotor = 0.7;
  armorMissiles = 1.6;
armorMissiles = 1.6;
  armorGlass = 0.5;
armorGlass = 0.5;
==== assembleInfo ====
Used for both vehicles that can be diassembled and backpacks that are assembled into vehicles (static guns, drones, etc.)

Class values for backpacks, primary part:
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: Default false
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class assembleInfo
assembleTo = "I_G_HMG_02_high_F"; // Backpack assembles into this vehicle
primary = 1; // This backpack is main part, when assembly is done, its "assembleTo" class will be used for created vehicle
base[] = { "B_HMG_02_support_high_F", "O_HMG_02_support_high_F" , "I_HMG_02_support_high_F" }; // And requires these entities as second part (tripod), can be any number of classnames
displayName = "Static MG"; // String that will be shown in "Assemble X" mouse wheel menu action
dissasembleTo[] = {}; // Backpacks are not disassembled futher, but empty array is required here anyways
Second part (tripod) only needs <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp" inline>primary = 0;</syntaxhighlight>:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class assembleInfo
assembleTo = "";
primary = 0;
base = "";
displayName = "";
dissasembleTo[] = {};
If no second part is needed for assembly, primary backpack's "base" have to be empty string: <syntaxhighlight lang="cpp" inline>base = "";</syntaxhighlight>
Vehicles disassembly info:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class assembleInfo
assembleTo = "";
primary = 0;
base = "";
displayName = "";
dissasembleTo[] = { "B_HMG_02_high_weapon_F", "B_HMG_02_support_high_F" }; // Vehicle will be disassembled into these backpacks. Max 2 allowed.
Note the typo in "dissasembleTo" property, engine expects it like this. Empty values have to be provided to avoid missing config values errors.
Note: Vehicle keeps track which second part (tripod) was used when it was assembled and its used again when you disassemble it back.
==== attendant ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default false

Used for 'vehicles' to repair other 'vehicles'. Thus a hospital has an attendant that can repair soldiers. Adds the action "Heal at XXX"
Used for 'vehicles' to repair other 'vehicles'. Thus a hospital has an attendant that can repair soldiers. Adds the action "Heal at XXX"

  attendant = true;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
attendant = true;

<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#hiddenSelections]]
<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#hiddenSelections]]

==== audible ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|float]]: Default Value 1
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default Value 1
  audible = .05; //man
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  audible = 3;//motorcyle
audible = .05; // man
  audible = 6;//tank/ship
audible = 3; // motorcycle
audible = 6; // tank/ship

how loud you are
How loud you are. The bigger value, the better the unit is heard.

see [[#camouflage]]
see [[#camouflage]]

==== autocenter ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|bool]]: Default true
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default true
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
autocenter = false; // man
==== axis ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
axis = "osa_poklop_driver";
see [[#Indicator... Class]] Or [[#Hatch... Class]], [[#hour|IndicatorWatch Class]]

    autocenter = false; // man
=== B ===
==== body ====

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
body = "mainTurret";

see [[#selection|Indicator Or Hatch Class]], or,  [[#hour| IndicatorWatch Class]]
see [[#Turret Class]]

==== brakeDistance ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: default 5 meters per sec

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
brakeDistance = 1; // man
brakeDistance = 14; // tank
    body = "mainTurret";
brakeDistance = 500;// plane
brakeDistance = 50; // boat

part of any Turret class (tanks eg)
==== bounding ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Memorypoint which extends vehicle bounding box depending on position of this point. Defined for base class of Tanks. Default memorypoint is the tip of the tank's barrel (usti hlavne) - this means that when tank is pointing to the left, its bounding box is extended. You can observe bounding box extending in i.e. Zeus.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
bounding = "usti hlavne";
==== brightness ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
brightness = 1.0;

see [[#gun]]
See [[#Reflectors Class]], [[#Light Class]], [[#CargoLight Class]]

=== C ===
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: default 5 meters per sec
==== ...CanSee ====

    brakeDistance= 1; // man
Used to describe which sensory inputs are available to which crew members.
  brakeDistance= 14; // tank
  brakeDistance= 500; //plane
  brakeDistance= 50;//boat

{| class="wikitable"
! Numeric value !! CanSee.. define !! Description
    brightness = 1.0;
| 1 || Radar || Enables top left radar (OA) for a vehicle (top centre in arma and OFP).
| 2 || Eye || Effect unknown - maybe affects AI capabilities?
| 4 || Optics || Effect unknown - maybe affects AI capabilities?
| 8 || Ear || Effect unknown - maybe affects AI capabilities?
| 16 || Compass || Enables top centre compass bar and digital compass in A2/OA.
| 32 || Peripheral || Enables small colored blobs at the edge of the screen that indicate nearby units.

part of  [[#direction|Reflectors class]], [[#ambient|CargoLight class]]
Multiple values can be added (or binary ored, giving the same result) together.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
commanderCanSee = 31; // default
gunnerCanSee = 4 + 8 + 16; // default
driverCanSee = 2 + 8 + 16; // default

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
#define CanSeeRadar 1
#define CanSeeEye 2
#define CanSeeOptics 4
#define CanSeeEar 8
#define CanSeeCompass 16
#define CanSeeAll 31
#define CanSeePeripheral 32
#define CanSeeRadarC CanSeeRadar + CanSeeCompass

Used on vehicles that have zoom.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
commanderCanSee = CanSeeAll;
gunnerCanSee = CanSeeOptics + CanSeeEar + CanSeeCompass;
driverCanSee = CanSeeEye + CanSeeEar + CanSeeCompass;

  commanderCanSee = 31;//default
==== ...CargoAngleY ====
  gunnerCanSee = 4+8+16;//default
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]] Degrees
  driverCanSee = 2+8+16;//default

Found within vehicle classes.
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]] Degrees

found within vehicle classes
Orientation of the man sitting in the cargo space.

  initCargoAngleY = 185; //Truck5t
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  initCargoAngleY = 90;//M113
initCargoAngleY = 185; // Truck5t
initCargoAngleY = 90; // M113

  initCargoAngleY = 10; // UH60
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  minCargoAngleY = -60;
initCargoAngleY = 10; // UH60
  maxCargoAngleY = 120;
minCargoAngleY = -60;
maxCargoAngleY = 120;

==== camouflage ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default Value = 2.
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default Value = 2.

how difficult to spot. bigger = easier
how difficult to spot. bigger = easier

camouflage = 0.6; // snipers
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
camouflage = 1; // man
camouflage = 0.6; // snipers
camouflage = 4; // trucks
camouflage = 1; // man
camouflage = 8; // tanks  
camouflage = 4; // trucks
camouflage = 8; // tanks

what is the relationship between this and [[#accuracy]]?
Relationship to [[#accuracy]]:

'''camouflage''' defines how hard it is for the AI to ''see'' that the unit is there. The AI will not spot an enemy that has a camouflage setting of 0 (maybe this needs some more testing) even if it stands directly in front of it ''as long as the enemy doesn't fire''.
'''accuracy''' defines how hard it is for the AI to recognise the correct class of a unit. But even if it can't recognise the correct class it can still recognise it as an enemy and engage it.

<u>Related TokenNames</u>
<u>Related TokenNames</u>
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]] [[#vehicleClass]] [[#nameSound]] [[#camouflage]]
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]], [[#vehicleClass]], [[#nameSound]], [[#camouflage]]

==== can... ====
===== canBeShot =====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Boolean]]: Declares whether bullets have any effect
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Declares whether bullets have any effect
canBeShot = true;

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]: Default false
canBeShot = true;
===== canDeactivateMines =====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default false

part of the man class.
part of the man class.

  canDeactivateMines= true; //SoldierEngineer
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
canDeactivateMines= true; // SoldierEngineer

===== canFloat =====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]: Default value: false
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default value: false

Used to allow vehicles (such as BMP) not to sink !
Used to allow vehicles (such as BMP) not to sink !

  canFloat = true;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
canFloat = true;
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]: Default false
===== canHideBodies =====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default false

part of the man class.
part of the man class.

  canHideBodies = true; //SoldierWSaboteur
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
canHideBodies = true; // SoldierWSaboteur

===canLock ===
==== cargoIsCoDriver ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Boolean]]:
Variable [[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]] [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]] : Default {false};
canLock = 0;

This token declares which (if any) cargo positions are 'in the front' (Ie front windscreen)

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Variable [[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]] [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]] : Default {false};
cargoIsCoDriver[] = { true, true, false }; // 1st two passenger positions for a 5T truck

This token declares which (if any) cargo positions are 'in the front' (Ie front windscreen)
The number of elements in '''this''' array correspond to the [[#transportSoldier]] value declared for '''this''' class model.

  cargoIsCoDriver[] = {true,true,false};// 1st two passenger positions for a 5T truck
'''Description:''' Settings this to 0 will force the unit to face the vehicle when getting out of a vehicle. 1 is the default behaviour where the facing direction is opposit of the get in direction.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
cargoReversedGetOut[] = { 0 };

The number of elements in '''this''' array correspond to the [[#transportSoldier]] value declared for '''this''' class model.
==== cast...Shadow ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default false

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]: Default false
castCargoShadow = false;
castCargoShadow = false;
castCommanderShadow = false;
castCommanderShadow = false;  
castDriverShadow = false;
castDriverShadow = false;
castGunnerShadow = true;
castGunnerShadow = true;

Normally used to shadow 'soldiers' standing up in vehicle objects, such as the MG Jeep and Machine Guns.
Normally used to shadow 'soldiers' standing up in vehicle objects, such as the MG Jeep and Machine Guns.

==== Classes Embedded ====
see [[#Embedded ClassNames]]

cloud.. TokenNames are used inside the Smoke class of animation classes
==== cloud... ====
Various([[TokenNameValueTypes|Strings]], [[TokenNameValueTypes|Floats]], [[TokenNameValueTypes|Arrays]])

  cloudletDuration = 0.9;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  cloudletAnimPeriod = 1.0;
cloudletDuration = 0.9;
  cloudletSize = 0.1;
cloudletAnimPeriod = 1.0;
  cloudletAlpha = 0.8;
cloudletSize = 0.1;
  cloudletGrowUp = 0.4;
cloudletAlpha = 0.8;
  cloudletFadeIn = 0.0;
cloudletGrowUp = 0.4;
  cloudletFadeOut = 5.0;
cloudletFadeIn = 0.0;
  cloudletAccY = -0.1;
cloudletFadeOut = 5.0;
  cloudletMinYSpeed = 0.3;
cloudletAccY = -0.1;
  cloudletMaxYSpeed = 1.5;
cloudletMinYSpeed = 0.3;
  cloudletShape = "\ca\data\cl_basic";
cloudletMaxYSpeed = 1.5;
  cloudletColor[] = {1,1,1,0};
cloudletShape = "\ca\data\cl_basic";
cloudletColor[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0 };

See [[#Smoke Class]]
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]] : Used as a core model for all other 'air'  craft.

cobraLight = "AnyAddon\AnyP3d(.p3d)";
==== cobraLight ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]] : Used as a core model for all other 'air' craft.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
cobraLight = "AnyAddon\AnyP3d(.p3d)";

  coefInside = 2;// default
==== coefInside... ====
  coefInsideHeur = 4.3; // default
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
coefInside = 2; // cost for movement inside buildings
coefInsideHeur = 4.3; // estimation of cost based on in/out points
coefSpeedInside = 2; // we must go slowly inside houses

Used by the static class for non moving objects such as buildings
Used by the static class for non moving objects such as buildings

  coefInside = 1; // forest
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  coefInsideHeur = 0.25;
coefInside = 1; // forest
coefInsideHeur = 0.25;

==== collisionLight ====
Float [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: of floats. Used by reflectors and cargo lights
Float [[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default: false.
  color[] = {0.800000,0.800000,1.000000,1.000000};

see  [[#direction|Reflectors class]]. [[#ambient| CargoLight class]], [[#Smoke Class]], [[#shape|Light Class]]
Default state of collision lights

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Integer]]: part of Turret class
collisionLight = true; // spawn vehicle with collision lights on
    commanding = -1;

==== color ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default Value  50,0000
Float [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: of floats.

This value reflects the attractiveness of the target to the enemy AI. When ''all other considerations are equal''. A soldier eg is not interested in Air, despite it's highly attractive cost values. On the other hand, he is interested in a medic, since a medic (in normal configs) has a (while small) a higher cost, than others in the group, including the officer.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
color[] = { 0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0 };

cost = 10000000;// an air vehicle is typically this value
This is a fixed four dimension array consisting of the color values for a RGBA model.
cost = 8; // a medic;
cost = 1; // a grunt
cost = 4; // an officer
cost = 0; // most buildings;

See [[#Reflectors Class]], [[#Light Class]], [[#CargoLight Class]], [[#Smoke Class]]

<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#type (threat)|type]] , [[#cost]] , [[#threat]]
==== commanding ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: part of Turret class

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
commanding = -1;
==== cost ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default Value 50.0000
This value reflects the attractiveness of the target to the enemy AI. When ''all other considerations are equal''.
A soldier eg is not interested in Air, despite it is highly attractive cost values.
On the other hand, he is interested in a medic, since a medic (in normal configs) has a (while small) a higher cost, than others in the group, including the officer.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
cost = 10000000; // an air vehicle is typically this value
cost = 8; // a medic;
cost = 1; // a grunt
cost = 4; // an officer
cost = 0; // most buildings;
<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#type (threat)|type]], [[#cost]], [[#threat]]
==== count ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String or Integer]]: (math formula).
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String or Integer]]: (math formula).

weapon = M60;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
count = "30*1";
weapon = "M60";
count = "30 * 1"; // or 'count = 30 * 1;'

this token is always associated in a weapon or magazine couplet, inside a TransportWeapons, or  
this token is always associated in a weapon or magazine couplet, inside a TransportWeapons, or
TransportMagazines class.
TransportMagazines class.

The value is mostly represented as a string as above (a math formula), or it can be (unusually)

The value is mostly represented as a string as above (a math formula), or it can be (unusually)
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
count = 2;

count= 2;
See [[TokenNameValueTypes|At the End of the Day]] in the TokenNameValueTypes page for an explanation how this duality is possible.

==== crew ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default Civilian
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default Civilian

Reflects whether vehicle is manned, and what with.
Reflects whether vehicle is manned, and what with.

  crew = <ClassName>
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  crew = "SoldierWPilot";
crew = <ClassName>
crew = "SoldierWPilot";

'SoldierWPilot' is a class declared in same file.
'SoldierWPilot' is a class declared in same file.
==== crewCrashProtection ====

Multiplier of damage to crew of the vehicle.  Lower number means better protection.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
crewCrashProtection = 0.05;

=== D ===
==== {{sic|dammage|damage}}... ====
Variable String [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]:
Variable String [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]:
  dammageHalf[] = {"\AnyAddon\AnyPAA.paa","\AnyAddon\AnyOtherPAA.paa", ...};
  dammageFull[] = {"\AnyAddon\AnyPAA.paa","\AnyAddon\AnyOtherPAA.paa", ...};

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
dammageHalf[] = { "\AnyAddon\AnyPAA.paa", "\AnyAddon\AnyOtherPAA.paa", ... };
dammageFull[] = { "\AnyAddon\AnyPAA.paa", "\AnyAddon\AnyOtherPAA.paa", ... };

When 'vehicle' is considered at least half way to destruction, the series of pictures is applied to the model.
When 'vehicle' is considered at least half way to destruction, the series of pictures is applied to the model.

Only for AI, to know when to shoot and when not.
damperSize = 0.1;// default
damperForce = 3; //default

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default Value= DestructDefault
damageResistance = 0.004;
It can be calculated from vehicle armor and hit value of weapon that should be able to harm the vehicle. tgtRadius is radius of virtual bounding sphere calculated in vehicle geometry. [[CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#armor_.28integer.29]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
damageResistance = (HIT*HIT)/Armor*((0.27/tgtRadius)*(0.27/tgtRadius))
==== driveThroughEnabled ====
Determines if AI can decide to go through the object. This parameter skips regular mass checking if object can smashed through
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
driveThroughEnabled = 1; // test parameter for AI knowing they can drive through the object
==== damper... ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
damperSize = 0.1; // default
damperForce = 3; // default
==== deltaT ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
deltaT = -500;
See [[#Smoke Class]]
==== density ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
density = 0.5;
See [[#Smoke Class]]
==== destrType ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default Value = "DestructDefault"

Used for animation, sound, and final 'look' of vehicle.
Used for animation, sound, and final 'look' of vehicle.

  destrType = "DestructNo"; // nothing happens
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  destrType = "DestructBuilding"; // smoke. explosion
destrType = "DestructNo"; // nothing happens
  destrType = "DestructEngine"; // smoke only
destrType = "DestructBuilding"; // smoke. explosion
  destrType = "DestructTree"; // smoke, crushing, falls over
destrType = "DestructEngine"; // smoke only
  destrType = "DestructTent"; // smoke, crushing, flattens
destrType = "DestructTree"; // smoke, crushing, falls over
  destrType = "DestructMan";
destrType = "DestructTent"; // smoke, crushing, flattens
  destrType = "DestructDefault"; // =building
destrType = "DestructMan";
destrType = "DestructDefault"; // = building
destrType = "DestructWreck";

Tent and Tree are no longer identifiable when destroyed if not class 'things'
Tent and Tree are no longer identifiable when destroyed if not class 'things'

==== disappearAtContact ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: Default false;
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default false;

  disappearAtContact = true;//FxCartridge
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
disappearAtContact = true; // FxCartridge

==== direction ====
    direction = "konec L svetla";

part of LandVehicle.Reflectors class
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
direction = "konec L svetla";

  LandVehicle.Reflectors {
see [[#Reflectors Class]]
    color[] = {0.900000,0.800000,0.800000,1.000000};
    ambient[] = {0.100000,0.100000,0.100000,1.000000};
    position = L svetlo;
    direction = konec L svetla;
    hitpoint = L svetlo;
    selection = L svetlo;
    size = 0.500000;
    brightness = 0.250000;

==== displayName ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default value = "Unknown" or "Vehicle"
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default value = "Unknown" or "Vehicle"

Selects object uniquely in the Mission Editor, and separately, is used to identify object in game according to [[#accuracy]]. For instance when pointing your men to an object while in a mission, it is this ''displayName'' that is used.
Selects object uniquely in the Mission Editor, and separately, is used to identify object in game according to [[#accuracy]]. For instance when pointing your men to an object while in a mission, it is this ''displayName'' that is used.

It is good practice to use a stringtable.csv that should accompany your addon so that
It is good practice to use a [[stringtable.csv]] that should accompany your addon so that
# All names and labels are in one place instead of hunting for them.
# All names and labels are in one place instead of hunting for them.
# For language differences
# For language differences

displayName = "$STR_DN_AH1Z";
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
displayName = "$STR_DN_AH1Z";

Note, that will careful crafting of classes, different colored 'rocks' can all be called the same displayName (rock) in the mission itself. See [[#scope]] and [[#accuracy]] for details.
Note, that will careful crafting of classes, different colored 'rocks' can all be called the same displayName (rock) in the mission itself. See [[#scope]] and [[#accuracy]] for details.
Line 556: Line 897:

<u>Related TokenNames</u>
<u>Related TokenNames</u>
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]] [[#vehicleClass]] [[#nameSound]] [[#camouflage]]
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]], [[#vehicleClass]], [[#nameSound]], [[#camouflage]]
===== displayNameShort =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
displayNameShort = "$STR_DN_UH60";
==== driverIsCommander ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]] : Default false. When not set, the turret [[CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#commanding|commanding]] values are used to determine who is the commander. ({{Link|link=|text= source}})
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
driverIsCommander = true;
For boat, MG Jeep and helicopters
see [[#has...]]
==== driverForceOptics ====
'''Description:''' Determines if the driver can freely look around inside the vehicle or if he is locked to looking forward through the hatch/optics.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
driverForceOptics = true;
'''Description:''' setting this to 0 will force the unit to face the vehicle when getting out of a vehicle. 1 is the default behaviour where the facing direction is opposit of the get in direction.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
driverReversedGetOut = 0;

==== ...DustEffect ====

Defines the effect that will be spawned at the position of the LandContact points.
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]:
  displayNameShort = "$STR_DN_UH60";

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]
leftDustEffect = "vbs2_fx_lowTrackDustEffects";
rightDustEffect = "vbs2_fx_lowTrackDustEffects";

    deltaT = -500;
see [[#...WaterEffect]]

=== E ===
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]
==== editorCategory ====
[[:Category:Eden Editor|Eden Editor]] main category. See [[Eden Editor: Object Categorization]] for more details.

  density = 0.5;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
editorCategory = "EdCat_Structures";

==== editorPreview ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]] : Default false.
[[:Category:Eden Editor|Eden Editor]] preview picture. See [[Eden_Editor:_Configuring_Asset_Previews|Configuring Asset Previews]] for more details.
driverIsCommander = true;

For boat, MG Jeep and helicopters
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
editorPreview = "\A3\EditorPreviews_F\Data\myObject.jpg";
==== editorSubcategory ====
[[:Category:Eden Editor|Eden Editor]] sub-category. See [[Eden Editor: Object Categorization]] for more details.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_Drones";
==== enableGPS ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: If enabled vehicle will allow crew to use Minimap even if they do not posses GPS terminal.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
enableGPS = 1;

==== ...Elev ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Degrees

see [[#has...]]
'''Description:''' How far the mounted weapon and viewpoint (through optics only) can be lowered or raised, and how much the initial elevation is. Values of max and min = 90 effectively allows a weapon to be lowered into the ground/straight into the air.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Bool]]
initElev = -80;
  driverForceOptics = true;
minElev = -60;
maxElev = 10;

part of any [[#Turret Class]] (tanks eg)

==== ejectDamageLimit ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: If the damage value of the vehicle is higher than the ejectDamageLimit, AI will disembark the vehicle.
initElev = -80;
minElev = -60;
maxElev = 10;

part of any Turret class (tanks eg)
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
ejectDamageLimit = 0.75;

==== ejectDead... ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]] : Default false

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Float]]: You can get hurt, but you can't die with vals less than 1.0
ejectDeadGunner = false;
  ejectDamageLimit = 0.750000;
ejectDeadCargo = false;
ejectDeadDriver = false;
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]] : Default false
ejectDeadCommander = false;
  ejectDeadGunner = false;
  ejectDeadCargo = false;
  ejectDeadDriver = false;
  ejectDeadCommander = false;

Causes that unit to 'unmount' the vehicle. Such as an MG nest, or motorcycle.
Causes that unit to 'unmount' the vehicle. Such as an MG nest, or motorcycle.

==== ejectSpeed ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: Default {0,40,0};
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: Speed vector of ejection seat. Therefore only applies to planes.
  ejectSpeed[] = {0,0,0}; // cant eject in a cessna
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
ejectSpeed[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; // cannot eject in a Cessna
==== Embedded ClassNames ====
Some Token Names are encountered only within an embedded classname, rather than the main 'vehicle' body.
An embedded classname conveniently adds a unique feature to the 'vehicle'. Such as smoke, such as, a turret for a tank.
Embedded class names are used extensively in animated buildings for the quite logical reason that identical Token Names for door1 cannot be the same as Door2.
Below is a list of embedded classnames that (in most cases) use a TokenName uniquely. It is not found elsewhere and is better served describing that Token Name in the context it is found in, ie, an embedded class.
===== Hatch... Class =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class HatchDriver
selection = "poklop_driver";
axis = "osa_poklop_driver";
angle = -100;
===== Indicator... Class =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class IndicatorSpeed
selection = "ukaz_rychlo";
axis = "osa_rychlo";
angle = -240;
min = 0;
max = 60 / 3.6;
===== Light Class =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class Light
ambient[] = { 0.3, 0.15, 0.0, 1.0 };
brightness = 0.08;
color[] = { 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0 };
position = "ohniste";
shape = "koulesvetlo";
size = 0.3;
===== CargoLight Class =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class CargoLight
ambient[] = { 0.6, 0, 0.15, 1 };
brightness = 0.007;
color[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
===== Reflectors Class =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class Reflectors : LandVehicle // old
ambient[] = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 };
brightness = 0.25;
color[] = { 0.9, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 };
position = "L svetlo";
size = 0.5;
direction = "konec L svetla";
hitpoint = "L svetlo";
selection = "L svetlo";
class Reflectors // new
class Light_1
ambient[] = { 10, 10, 11 };
color[] = { 1000, 1000, 1100 };
size = 1;
dayLight = 1;
useFlare = 1;
intensity = 1;
coneFadeCoef = 2;
innerAngle = 89;
outerAngle = 90;
position = "light_start_memoryPoint";
direction = "light_end_memoryPoint";
hitpoint = "";
selection = "";
class Attenuation // see
start = 0;
constant = 0;
linear = 0;
quadratic = 0;
hardLimitStart = 9;
hardLimitEnd = 10;
// Arma 3 example value
class Reflectors
class Left // main landing light
position = "L svetlo";
direction = "konec L svetla";
hitpoint = "L svetlo";
selection = "L svetlo";
color[] = { 7000, 7500, 10000 }; // R, G, B
ambient[] = { 70, 75, 100 }; // R, G, B
intensity = 50;
size = 1;
innerAngle = 15;
outerAngle = 65;
coneFadeCoef = 10;
useFlare = 1;
flareSize = 10;
flareMaxDistance = 250;
dayLight = 0;
class Attenuation
start = 0;
constant = 0;
linear = 1;
quadratic = 1;
hardLimitStart = 100;
hardLimitEnd = 200;
class LG : Left // left door gunner searchlight
position = "LG svetlo";
direction = "konec LG svetla";
hitpoint = "LG svetlo";
selection = "LG svetlo";
class Right : Left  // right door gunner searchlight
position = "P svetlo";
direction = "konec P svetla";
hitpoint = "P svetlo";
selection = "P svetlo";
// example red cabin light in helicopter
class Cabin
position = "cabin_light";
direction = "cabin_light_dir";
hitpoint = "cabin_light";
selection = "cabin_light";
color[] = { 1000, 0, 0 };
ambient[] = { 100, 0, 0 };
intensity = 5;
size = 1;
innerAngle = 15;
outerAngle = 150;
coneFadeCoef = 1;
useFlare = 1;
flareSize = 0.1;
flareMaxDistance = 1;
dayLight = 0;
class Attenuation
start = 0;
constant = 0;
linear = 1;
quadratic = 1;
hardLimitStart = 1;
hardLimitEnd = 2;
Notes for {{arma3}}:
Add a light to an object in class cfgvehicles.<br>
Each reflector requires a selection in relevant model vis LODs (e.g. "L svetlo") for the flare effect. <br>
Requires two memory points in memory LOD - light spawn position and direction e.g. position "L svetlo" and direction "konec L svetla". <br>
The memory point you assign to position parameter is where the light source itself will be.<br>
The one you put to direction is the way your light will shine.<br>
The cone itself is set using innerAngle, outerAngle and coneFadeCoef.<br>
innerAngle sets the cone in which the light has it is full intensity.<br>
outerAngle sets the cone outside of which the light has zero intensity.<br>
coneFadeCoef is a coefficient that describes attenuation of the light between innerAngle and outerAngle. 1 equals linear attenuation, higher or lower value changes it, meaning how sharp/blurred will the edge of the lightcone as a whole be.<br>
Note that both the angles represent full angle of the cone, not just "angular offset" from direction of the light. If you set it to 90 degrees, it means the cone is 45 degrees to the "left" and 45 to the "right" of the direction specified by your memory points.<br>
As a spot light, reflectors are not made for cones above 180 degrees.<br>
Some time ago BIS made changes to the lighting system to allow for higher light variety during night time. One of the effects it had on configs of lights was that you need to set higher intensity than before the change to get the same results.<br>
color[] and ambient[] seem to have changed from RGB from 0-1 to way higher values - see example.<br>
See [[setLightAttenuation]] notes for explanation of attenuation values.<br>
See also {{Link|Arma 3 Cars Config Guidelines#Reflectors}}<br>
aggregateReflectors are described here {{Link||link}}<br>
===== Smoke Class =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class Smoke
density = 0.5;
deltaT = -500;
in = 0.0;
out = 0.0;
initT = 1000;
initYSpeed = 1.7;
interval = 0.01;
size = 0.1;
timeToLive = 100000002004087730000.0;
cloudletDuration = 0.9;
cloudletAnimPeriod = 1.0;
cloudletSize = 0.1;
cloudletAlpha = 0.8;
cloudletGrowUp = 0.4;
cloudletFadeIn = 0.0;
cloudletFadeOut = 5.0;
cloudletAccY = -0.1;
cloudletMinYSpeed = 0.3;
cloudletMaxYSpeed = 1.5;
cloudletShape = "cl_basic";
cloudletColor[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0 };
class Table
class T1
maxT = 0;
color[] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1 };
class T2
maxT = 900;
color[] = { 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1 };
class T3
maxT = 1000;
color[] = { 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5 };
==== Turret Class ====
(Tanks eg)
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class TurretBase
body = "OtocVez";
gun = "OtocHlaven";
gunAxis = "OsaHlavne";
gunBeg = "usti hlavne";
gunEnd = "konec hlavne";
minElev = -4;
maxElev = 20;
minTurn = -360;
maxTurn = 360;
soundServo[] = { "Vehicles\gun_elevate", 0.031623, 1.0 };
turretAxis = "OsaVeze";
For details see [[Turret Config Reference]]
==== Embedded TokenNames ====
see [[#Embedded ClassNames]]
==== enableSweep ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default true. Used by Helicopter class
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
enableSweep = false; // UH60MG

Is sweeping over the target a valid technique for given helicopter?
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: Default  true. Used by Helicopter class

  enableSweep = false; //UH60MG
==== envelope ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]] [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Float]] [[TokenNameValueTypess|Array]]
// lift (G) based on speed
envelope[] = {0.000000,0.000000,0.300000,1.000000,2.500000,3.300000,3.500000,3.200000,2.500000,2.000000,1.500000,1.000000};
envelope[] = {
// speed relative to max. speed -> lift
// 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 // rel. speed
0.0, 0.2, 0.9, 2.1, 2.5, 3.3, 3.5, 3.2, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5 // lift

Info by {{Link|link=|text= RKSL-Rock}}:

The top speed is set via the mass. So you will need MLODs to alter it. So it is the same issue as the original OP.

The config maxspeed value is only really used by the AI and the engine as a base variable in some calculations.
float [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: Default {0,2,-20};

extCameraPosition[] = {0,5,-30};//plane
You can change the acceleration though by using the envelope command.
extCameraPosition[] = {0,1,-10};//cars
This will change the vertical speed relative to the maxspeed in the config in steps of 10% of the stated max speed.
extCameraPosition[] = {0,1.500000,-9};//tankls
extCameraPosition[] = {0,0.300000,-3.500000};//man

This is the envelope from the RKSL Lynx AH7:

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
envelope[] = { 1.7, 2.50, 3.50, 4.50, 5.50, 5.50, 5.15, 5.15, 5.15, 5.15, 4.15, 3.15, 2.15, 2.15, 1.15 };
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default 20 seconds

  minFireTime = 20;
There are normally 15 values representing the vertical lift in m/s at 10% steps from 0 to 140% of the max speed.

So, if the max speed is 500 and the first value is always 0:
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]: [[Event Handler]]
fired = "_this exec ""\AnyAddon\AnySQS.sqs"""; // note the ""

2nd value = 50kph and 2.5 m/s vertical speed
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default 0.5
3rd value = 100kph and 3.5 m/s vertical speed
  flapsFrictionCoef = 2; // can be integer too.
11th value = 500kph and 4.15 m/s vertical speed
15th value = 700kph and 1.15 m/s vertical speed.

You wont affect the top speed but it will make it easier to handle.
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]] : Default false;
forceHideDriver = true;//shilka
forceHideGunner = true; //tank

==== EventHandlers... Class ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]] : Default
Pre-defined object [[Event Handlers]]. Property with class matches the handler name.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class EventHandlers
init = "myAddon_object = _this select 0;";

  forceSupply = true;
Arma 3 introduced '''extended event handlers'''. It's possible to define event handlers within unique sub-classes, which prevents compatibility issues when multiple addons wants to set the same handler type to single vehicle class.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class EventHandlers
class MyAddon
init = "myAddon_object = _this select 0;";
class YourAddon
init = "yourAddon_object = _this select 0;";

Found only in Weapon holders (ammo boxes) to force supply?
==== extCameraPosition[] ====

float [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]:  { X, Z, Y }; Default { 0, 2, -20 };
  formationX = 10;// default meters
formationZ = 20; // default meters
formationTime = 10; // default seconds

One or both X Z values are used to keep objects separated (in meters) depending on
External (third-person) camera offset relative to the vehicle's {{hl|aimpoint}} memory point, around which the camera orbits.
wedge, echelon, V,single line, fomations.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
extCameraPosition[] = { 0, 5, -30 }; // plane
  fov = 0.85; // cessna
extCameraPosition[] = { 0, 1, -10 }; // cars
  fov = 0.85; // man
extCameraPosition[] = { 0, 1.500000, -9 }; // tanks
  fov = 1.0; // truck
extCameraPosition[] = { 0, 0.300000, -3.500000 }; // man

==== extCameraParams[] ====
float [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: Default { 0.5, 10, 50, 0.5, 1, 10, 30, 0, 1 };

  minFov = 0.420000;// man
Smoothing of external camera movement
  maxFov = 0.850000;
  minFov = 0.600000;//truck
extCameraParams[] = { multFactor, speedMin, speedMax, factorSpeeedMin, factorSpeeedMax, heightMin, heightMax, factorHeightMin, factorHeightMax };
  maxFov = 1.400000;
factor = multFactor * interpolate(speed, speedMin, speedMax, factorSpeeedMin, factorSpeeedMax) * interpolate(heightAGL, heightMin, heightMax, factorHeightMin, factorHeightMax)
factor == 0 -> camera follow horizon
factor == 1 - > camera follow vehicle heading
factor (0, 1) interpolation between horizon and vehicle heading
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
extCameraParams[] = { 0.5, 10, 50, 0.5, 1, 10, 30, 0, 1 };  // helicopters & UAV
to force the old external camera behavior
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
extCameraParams[] = { -1 }
=== F ===
==== featureType ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default 0. 1 means the object is always visible within object view distance, 2 means always visible within terrain view distance. Same as [[setFeatureType]].
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
featureType = 2;
==== minFireTime ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default 20 seconds
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
minFireTime = 20;
Minimal time spent firing on single target.
==== fired ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: [[:Category:Event Handlers|Event Handlers]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
fired = "_this exec ""\AnyAddon\AnySQS.sqs"""; // note the ""
==== flapsFrictionCoef ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default 0.5
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
flapsFrictionCoef = 2; // can be integer too.
==== forceHide... ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]] : Default false
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
forceHideDriver = true; // shilka
forceHideGunner = true; // tank
forceHideCommander = true;
Disables the turnout option for that particular crew member
==== forceSupply ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]] : Default
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
forceSupply = true;
Found only in Weapon holders. Is used to make the weaponholder disappear when empty.
==== formation... ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
formationX = 10; // default meters
formationZ = 20; // default meters
formationTime = 10; // default seconds
One or both X Z values are used to keep objects separated (in meters) depending on
wedge, echelon, V, single line, formations.
==== fov ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
fov = 0.85; // Cessna
fov = 0.85; // man
fov = 1.0; // truck
==== ...Fov ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
minFov = 0.420000; // man
maxFov = 0.850000;
minFov = 0.600000; // truck
maxFov = 1.400000;

also used by [[#...AngleX/Y|ViewPilot Classes]]
also used by [[#...AngleX/Y|ViewPilot Classes]]

==== fuelCapacity ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default Value 0 (litres)
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default Value 0. Has nothing to do with liters.
  fuelCapacity = 50; // motorcyle
  fuelCapacity = 100; // car
Arma 3: for a vehicle using tankX simulation consumption seems to be exclusively determined by engine rpm. With a 700 idle-rpm and 3000 max-rpm engine - a fuelCapacity of 1 will give you 640 seconds operation time at idle rpm, and 300 seconds of operation at maximum rpm. If the idle rpm was 200, you would get 865 seconds of operation, the max rpm time would not change. The amount of thrust from controllerinput is completely irrelevant.
  fuelCapacity = 700; // tank
  fuelCapacity = 1000; // air
A2 examples:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
fuelCapacity = 50; // motorcycle
fuelCapacity = 100; // car
fuelCapacity = 700; // tank
fuelCapacity = 1000;// air
The required fuelCapacity value to achieve a specific operation TIME (in seconds) at a specific engine RPM (revolution per minute) can be estimated with:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
fuelCapacity = (8E-7 * RPM + 0.001) * TIME
==== fuelConsumptionRate ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default Value 0.01. Has no units. Works only on helicopters.


=== G ===
==== _generalMacro ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: in Arma 3. Has no purpose whatsoever. It is generated automatically by BI developer tools for debugging. {{Feature|Quote|Some config properties are generated automatically (e.g., "nameSound", which sets how to unit appears in radio protocol, is computed based on unit's role and equipment, so coders won't need to set it manually). _generalMacro property is added to all objects which underwent this process to help with debugging.|Karel Mořický|}}

  minGunElev = -60;
==== getIn....ActionNamedSel ====
  maxGunElev = 60;
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Named selection for get in actions working in same principle as actionNamedSel in UserActions. Available variants:
  minGunTurn = -5;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  maxGunTurn = 5;
  minGunTurnAI = -30;
  maxGunTurnAI = 30;

==== ...Gun... ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]: Default false

      outGunnerMayFire = true;// m113
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
      inGunnerMayFire = false;
minGunElev = -60;
maxGunElev = 60;
minGunTurn = -5;
maxGunTurn = 5;
minGunTurnAI = -30;
maxGunTurnAI = 30;

==== ...GunnerMayFire ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default false

==...GunClouds Class==
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
outGunnerMayFire = true; // m113
inGunnerMayFire = false;

==== ...GunClouds Class ====
This is a reference to the external WeaponCloudsGun classes
This is a reference to the external WeaponCloudsGun classes

most models simply inherit the defaults
most models simply inherit the defaults

  class GunClouds: WeaponCloudsGun{};
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  class MGunClouds: WeaponCloudsMGun{};
class GunClouds : WeaponCloudsGun {};
class MGunClouds : WeaponCloudsMGun {};

here is an example of over-rides for class man
here is an example of over-rides for class man

class GunClouds:WeaponCloudsGun {
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  cloudletGrowUp = 0.200000;
class GunClouds : WeaponCloudsGun
  cloudletFadeIn = 0;
  cloudletFadeOut = 0.400000;
cloudletGrowUp = 0.200000;
  cloudletDuration = 0.200000;
cloudletFadeIn = 0;
  cloudletAlpha = 1;
cloudletFadeOut = 0.400000;
  cloudletAccY = 2;
cloudletDuration = 0.200000;
  cloudletMinYSpeed = -10;
cloudletAlpha = 1;
  cloudletMaxYSpeed = 10;
cloudletAccY = 2;
  interval = 0.020000;
cloudletMinYSpeed = -10;
  size = 0.300000;
cloudletMaxYSpeed = 10;
  sourceSize = 0.015000;
interval = 0.020000;
size = 0.300000;
sourceSize = 0.015000;

==...GunFire Class==
==== ...GunFire Class ====
This is a reference to the external WeaponFireGun classes
This is a reference to the external WeaponFireGun classes

most models simply inherit the defaults
most models simply inherit the defaults

  class GunFire: WeaponFireGun {};
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  class MGunFire: WeaponFireMGun {};
class GunFire : WeaponFireGun {};
class MGunFire : WeaponFireMGun {};
==== gearbox[] ====

'''Description:''' Changes acceleration and max speed values of certain Vehicles. If changed, impact to the acceleration is minor (if notable at all!) to catastrophic (worsened acceleration/maxspeed). Best to leave as-is.
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: Default true
  gearRetracting = false; // cessna
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
gearbox[] = { -18, 0, 110, 16.15, 14.44, 13.33 };
==== gearRetracting ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default true
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
gearRetracting = false; // Cessna

more correctly viewed as HasRetractingGear.
more correctly viewed as HasRetractingGear.

==== gun ====

Part of any Turret class (Tanks eg)
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
gun = "OtocHlaven";

  class TurretBase {
see [[#Turret Class]]
  gunAxis = OsaHlavne;
  turretAxis = OsaVeze;
  soundServo[] = {Vehicles\gun_elevate,0.031623,1.000000};
  gunBeg = usti hlavne;
  gunEnd = konec hlavne;
  minElev = -4;
  maxElev = 20;
  minTurn = -360;
  maxTurn = 360;
  body = OtocVez;
  gun = OtocHlaven;

==== gunAimDown ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Float]]
  gunAimDown = 0.07;

part of any Turret class (tanks eg)
'''Description:''' Aircraft only. How far a hardpoint-mounted gun "aims down"; high values allow for strafing runs without the need to nose-dive down too much, but also shift the targeting reticle in the aircraft's HUD; if too high, targeting reticle is only visible in 3rd Person (if available).
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
gunAimDown = 0.07;
==== gunAxis ====
==== gunBeg ====
==== gunEnd ====
see [[#Turret Class]]
==== gunnerHasFlares ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
gunnerHasFlares = false;
==== gunnerName ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
==== gunnerOutOptics... ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
gunnerOutOpticsModel = "";
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
gunnerOutOpticsColor[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
gunnerOutForceOptics = false;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = false;
==== gunnerType ====
Part of [[#Turret class]].

Defines the character class that inhabits this turret by default, replaces the pilot which would usually be in this turret. Used primarily to add helicopter crewmen to helicopter turrets.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class MyHelicopter : B_Heli_Transport_01_F
class Turrets : Turrets
class MyTurret : MainTurret
gunnerType = "B_RangeMaster_F";
Because turrets are sub-members of the Turrets class of the base vehicle, all the classes must be fully exposed to their source (Helicopter class) to be inherited from, otherwise all turrets must be overwritten.

=== H ===
==== HeadAimDown ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default: 0.

How much to tilt the driver's head forward in degrees.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Boolean]]
HeadAimDown = 10; // tilt driver's head forward 10 degrees.
  gunnerHasFlares = false;

==== ...Height ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]
    gunnerName = "$STR_POSITION_CREWCHIEF";

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
minHeight = 5; // Min height in metres above sea-level.
maxHeight = 50; // Max height above sea level.
      gunnerOutOpticsModel = "";
avgHeight = 10;
      gunnerOutOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
      gunnerOutForceOptics = false;
      gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = false;

==== has... ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Integer]]:  
minHeight = 5; //Min height in metres above sealevel.
maxHeight = 50;//max height above sea level.
avgHeight = 10;

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
hasDriver = true; // default
  hasDriver = true; // default
hasGunner = false; // default
  hasGunner = false;// default
hasCommander =true; // default
  hasCommander =true; // default

Depending on vehicle model.
Depending on vehicle model.

Controls the 'get in' commands.
Controls the 'get in' commands.
Since 1.82 there is alternative syntax available for hasDriver property
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
hasDriver = -1; // t80auto
This will disable driver seat and add control ability to commander (turret with highest commanding value aka seat with highest effectiveCommander value)

see [[#driverIsCommander]]
see [[#driverIsCommander]]

==== ...HeadTurnAI ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]] Degrees  
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]] Degrees

  minHeadTurnAI = -70;// man class
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  maxHeadTurnAI = 70;
minHeadTurnAI = -70; // man class
maxHeadTurnAI = 70;

==== hiddenSelections ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]] [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: Default none.
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]] [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: Default none.

Here you can define selections on the model whose textures can be changed during the game with the command setObjectTexture. The index in this array is the selection number for the setObjectTexture command.
Here you can define selections on the model, which are not shown at mission startup. This is useful for creating variations of one model, where the different selections are left out with hiddenSelections. (ex: Soldiers have the hidden selection "medic", as they should not have a red cross at their body):

hiddenSelections[] = {"pruh"}; // bmp/tank
Aside from this, the hidden selections are used for runtime texture assignment. Every element in the hidden selection-array corresponds to an index, with the first element being 0. Only 10 elements are allowed in the array and are numbered 0-9.

Try '''this setObjectTexture [0, "\data\duha.pac"]''' in the initline of a BMP and you'll see which parts are meant byx the selection pruh.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
hiddenSelections[] = { "pruh" }; // bmp/tank

Try <sqf inline>this setObjectTexture [0, "\data\duha.pac"];</sqf> in the initline of a BMP and you'll see which parts are meant by the selection "pruh".
hideProxyInCombat =    false;// default (true for tanks)
hideUnitInfo =        false;// default see [[#unitInfoType]]
hideWeaponsCargo =    false;// default
hideWeaponsCommander=  true; // default
hideWeaponsDriver =    true; // default
hideWeaponsGunner =    true; // default

Don't forget to add the model and the selections in the [[CfgModels]], as the hidden selections won't work otherwise (at least not after [[Binarize|binarizing]]).
    hitpoint = "L svetlo";

part of  [[#direction:LandVehicle.Reflectors class]]
==== hide... ====

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
hideProxyInCombat = false; // default (true for tanks);  if true, disables turn-in option for all crew
hideUnitInfo = false; // default see [[#unitInfoType]]
hideWeaponsCargo = false; // default
hideWeaponsCommander = true; // default
hideWeaponsDriver = true; // default
hideWeaponsGunner = true; // default

  hitSound1[] = {voices\Hit11,0.056234,1};
==== hitpoint ====
  hitSound20[] = {voices\Hit30,0.056234,1};

  hitSounds[] = {hitSound1,0.05,hitSound2,0.05,....
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
hitpoint = "L svetlo";
See [[#Reflectors Class]]
==== hitSound... ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
hitSound1[] = { "voices\Hit11", 0.056234, 1 };
hitSound20[] = { "voices\Hit30", 0.056234, 1 };
hitSounds[] = { "hitSound1", 0.05, "hitSound2", 0.05, ...

hitSounds is used by the engine to reference user generated hitSound...s
hitSounds is used by the engine to reference user generated hitSound...s

the number of user generated sounds, is limited only by the author.
there is no limit to the number of user-generated sounds.

==== hour ====
part of the IndicatorWatch class

part of the IndicatorWatch class
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class IndicatorWatch
hour = "hodinova";
minute = "minutova";
axis = "osa_time";
reversed = 0;
==== hullExplosionDelay ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: Time ranage when catastrophic explosion (when HitHull > 0.9 & hullDamageCauseExplosion is set to 1) happens. First number is minimum time in seconds & 2nd - maximum

  class IndicatorWatch {
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  hour = hodinova;
hullExplosionDelay[] = { 10, 20 };
  minute = minutova;
  axis = osa_time;
  reversed = 0;

==== hullDamageCauseExplosion ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Determines if vehicle explodes after HitHull is above 0.9

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
hullDamageCauseExplosion = 1; // vehicle will explode if HitHull is above 0.9

=== I ===
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default Value =   "unknown_object.paa"
==== icon ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default Value = "unknown_object.paa"

This value us used by the map editor to show the building or vehicle when editing. It is not normally visible during game play. (but can be)
This value us used by the map editor to show the building or vehicle when editing. It is not normally visible during game play. (but can be)
Line 891: Line 1,812:
The icon can be any jpg, paa, or pac file. paa is default. Note that Elite cannot handle jpegs.
The icon can be any jpg, paa, or pac file. paa is default. Note that Elite cannot handle jpegs.

  icon = "\AnyAddon\AnyPAA(.paa)";
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
icon = "\AnyAddon\AnyPAA(.paa)";

<u>Related TokenName</u>(s): [[#mapSize]]
<u>Related TokenName</u>(s): [[#mapSize]]

==== in/out ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: These TokenNames are used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: These TokenNames are used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
in = 0.0;
out = 0.0;
==== init ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: [[:Category:Event Handlers|Event Handlers]]
The Event Handler receives an array '''_this''' (the exact content of which still has to be documented), of which the first element contains the vehicle (e.g. _this select 0).

  in= 0.0;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
init = "[(_this select 0)] exec ""\AnyAddon\AnySqs.sqs""";

==== initT ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]'''[[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]: [[Event Handler]]
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]
  init = "[(_this select 0)] exec ""\AnyAddon\AnySqs.sqs"""; // note the ""

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]
initT = 1000;
    initT = 1000;

==== initYSpeed ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]

    initYSpeed = 1.7;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
initYSpeed = 1.7;

==== insideSoundCoef ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: default 0.5
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: default 0.5

  insideSoundCoef = 0.05;// air vehicels are 2%
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
insideSoundCoef = 0.05; // air vehicles are 2%

==== interval ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]

      interval = 0.01;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
interval = 0.01;

==== irScanGround ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: Default true.
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default true.

Probaly used to stop ai looking down
Probaly used to stop ai looking down

  irScanGround = false; // tanks
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
irScanGround = false; // tanks

==== irScanRange... ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default 0
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default 0

  irScanRange = 4000; // outdated (since Resistance)
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  irScanRangeMin = 500; // tanks general
irScanRange = 4000; // outdated (since Resistance)
  irScanRangeMax = 4000;
irScanRangeMin = 500; // tanks general
  irScanRangeMin = 2000; // air
irScanRangeMax = 4000;
  irScanRangeMax = 10000;
irScanRangeMin = 2000; // air
  irScanRangeMin = 4000; // a vulcan
irScanRangeMax = 10000;
  irScanRangeMax = 10000;
irScanRangeMin = 4000; // a vulcan
irScanRangeMax = 10000;

==== irScanToEyeFactor ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default 1
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default 1

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
irScanToEyeFactor = 2; // air
irScanToEyeFactor = 5; // shilka

  irScanToEyeFactor = 2;//air
==== irTarget ====
  irScanToEyeFactor = 5;//shilka
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default true.

Used for (some) buildings so that they don't show up on tank radar. Save for very limited exceptions, this token should be enabled for all vehicle units.
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: Default true.

Used for (some) buildings so that they don't show up on tank radar
Disabling it will make the vehicle NOT to be engaged by infantry anti-tank gunners nor vehicle weapons. It will only be engaged by small arms, and only if its armor value is low enough for AI infantry to think it can damage it by shooting at it.

  irTarget = false; // man
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
irTarget = false; // man

==== isBicycle ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: Default false.
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default false.

this value inside the motorcycle class is used to turn it on when inherting to a real bucycle
this value inside the motorcycle class is used to turn it on when inheriting to a real bicycle
==isMan ==
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: Default true.
  isMan = 1;
Defined within the man class

==== isMan ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default true.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
isMan = 1;
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]: [[Event Handler]]

  killed = "[(_this select 0),1,1,0,0] exec ""\AnyAddon\AnySQS.sqs""";// note the ""
Defined within the man class

=== K ===
==== killed ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: [[:Category:Event Handlers|Event Handlers]]

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Embedded [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: The ladders array is used to declare one or more ladder pairs inside the model.
killed = "[(_this select 0), 1, 1, 0, 0] exec ""\AnyAddon\AnySQS.sqs"""; // note the ""

ladders[] = { {"start","end" }                        };// a building with one ladder
=== L ===
ladders[] = { {"start1","end1" } , {"start2","end2" } };// two ladder building
==== ladders ====
Embedded [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: The ladders array is used to declare one or more ladder pairs inside the model.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
ladders[] = { {"start", "end" } }; // a building with one ladder
ladders[] = { {"start1", "end1" }, {"start2", "end2" } }; // two ladder building
// ...etc

Note that unfortunately, the 'start' and 'end' labels are arbitrary for ''each'' model. You cannot have a generic ladder building as such.
Note that unfortunately, the 'start' and 'end' labels are arbitrary for ''each'' model. You cannot have a generic ladder building as such.

Since 1.79.143080 it is possible to define radius of action & component in geometry LOD. Action will be visible then when player is looking at selected component
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]: Default false
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
// { Starting point (memory LOD), Ending point (memory LOD), radius (in meters), Named Selection (geometry LOD) }
ladders[] = { { "Ladder_1_start", "Ladder_1_end", 2.5, "Ladder_1_action" }, { "Ladder_2_start", "Ladder_2_end", 2.5, "Ladder_2_action" }, { "Ladder_3_start", "Ladder_3_end", 2.5, "Ladder_3_action" } };
==== laser... ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default false

Determines if a vehicle has laser capability.
Determines if a vehicle has laser capability.

  laserScanner = true;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  laserTarget = true;// used as a generic class of All {} to default things true
laserScanner = true;
laserTarget = true; // used as a generic class of All {} to default things true

==== landingAoa ====
MathFormula [[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]] Default 10*3.1415/180

Landing Angle of Approach. Used by plane class
MathFormula [[TokenNameValueTypes|String]] Default  10*3.1415/180

Landing Angle of Approach. Used by plane class
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
landingAoa = 7*3.1415/180; // Cessna
==== landingSpeed ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default 0 Kph.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
landingSpeed = 75; // plane vehicles

  landingAoa = 7*3.1415/180;//Cessna
==== library ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: This TokenName is associated with the library class of a vehicle (if any). It is used to give a 'memo' style full screen info on the given object. Example of use:

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default 0 Kph.
class Library
  landingSpeed = 75; // plane vehicles
libTextDesc = "$STR_LIB_AH1Z";

==== LODDriverTurnedIn ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]: This TokenName is associated with the library class of a vehicle (if any). It is used to give a 'memo' style full screen info on the given object. Example of use:
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]] Defines the LOD that is to be used when the Driver is turned in. Value=-1 seems to default to the standard LOD (for Turret's that is Gunnerview).
  class Library
  libTextDesc = "$STR_LIB_AH1Z";
==Light Class==

putting this here temporarilyliylyiyly
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
LODDriverTurnedIn = -1
Value:  -1=Default LOD; 1=first resolution LOD; 1000=Gunnerview;  1100=Pilotview; 1200=Cargoview.

  class Light {
==== LODDriverTurnedOut ====
  color[] = {1.000000,0.500000,0.000000,1.000000};
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]] Defines the LOD that is to be used when the Driveris turned out. The same rules as with LODDriverTurnedIn apply.
  ambient[] = {0.300000,0.150000,0.000000,1.000000};
  brightness = 0.080000;
  shape = koulesvetlo;
  size = 0.300000;
  position = ohniste;

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
LODDriverTurnedOut = -1

=== M ===
==== magazine ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: used in TransportMagazines class this specifies the type of ammo in the magazine and the amount.
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: used in TransportMagazines class this specifies the type of ammo in the magazine and the amount.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
magazine = "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";
count = "30*1";
magazine = "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";
count = "30*1";

Each of these couplets are contained within a 'weapon' classname within the magazine''S'' class itself. Example
Each of these couplets are contained within a 'weapon' classname within the magazine''S'' class itself. Example

class TransportMagazines {
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  class _xx_M16 {
class TransportMagazines
    magazine = M16;
    count = 30*1;
class _xx_M16
  class _xx_M60 {
magazine = "M16";
count = 30 * 1;
  class _xx_PK {
class _xx_M60
// ...
class _xx_PK
// ...
// ...

==== magazines ====
Variable string [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: default {}
Variable string [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: default {}

see [[#weapons]] for proper description
see [[#weapons]] for proper description

==== mapSize ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default Value = 10 (meters).

Used for the map editor to show the [[#icon|icon]] associated with this model class.

There is no x y component to this, the measurement units are meters.
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default Value = 10 (meters).

Used for the map editor to show the [[#icon|icon]] associated with this model class.  
To create a circular, rectangular or other 'non square' image, you need to make a pac file for the icon with, a transparent layer.

There is no x y component to this, the meaurement units are meters.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
mapSize = 0.7; // small object such as a tree
mapSize = 4; // a smallish building

To creat a circular, rectangular or other 'non sqaure' image, you need to make a pac file for the icon with, a transparent layer.
The Mission Editor map is not very good in this regard (as noted above). However, the main problem is the base classes of the engine. The mapSize= for most objects, ''particularly'' buildings, is a one shoe fits all. A forest, eg, is the same mapSize= as a tree !!!

  mapSize = 0.7; // small object such as a tree
Later Oem addons, *generally* are better and more specific in this regard, making position and fitting a little easier.
  mapSize = 4; // a small'ish building

The Mission Editor map is not very good in this regard (as noted above). However, the main problem is the base classes of the engine. The mapSize= for most objects, ''particularly'' buildings, is a one shoe fits all. A forest, eg, is the same mapSize= as a tree !!!
==== marker ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]] : used as a core for all other air craft when looking on map.

Later Oem addons, *generally* are better and more specific in this regard, making position and fitting a little easier.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
marker = "\AnyAddon\AnyP3d.(p3d")";

== marker==  
==== material ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]] : used as a core for all other air craft when looking on map.
marker = "\AnyAddon\AnyP3d.(p3d")";

Used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody
Used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody

  material = 50;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
material = 50;

<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#armor (float)]], [[#material]], [[#name]], [[#passThrough]]
<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#armor (float)]], [[#material]], [[#name]], [[#passThrough]]

==maxT ==
==== maximumLoad ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]
The maximumLoad value defines the number of units of cargo storage.

    maxT = 0;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
maximumLoad = 2000;

An item's storage value (the amount of space it takes up) is defined by it is mass value. For example:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
// CfgMagazines >> "Titan_AT"
mass = 100;
The following parameter are used by just Eden:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
==== maxT ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Smoke Class]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
maxT = 0;
==== min/max ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]] Degrees Math Formula
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
min = 0;
max = 60 / 3.6;
Note for readability, these values are ''normally'' expressed as strings which the engine itself will convert.

part of an Indicator.. class
see [[#selection|Indicator Class]]
see [[#selection|Indicator Class]]

==== memoryPointExhaust... ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]:  
memoryPointExhaust = "exhaust_start";
memoryPointExhaustDir = "exhaust_end";

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
memoryPointExhaust = "exhaust_start";
memoryPointExhaustDir = "exhaust_end";

==== memoryPointGun ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' ''[[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]:''
    memoryPointGun = "machinegun";
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]
    memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]  
      memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "commander_weapon_view";

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' ''[[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]:''
memoryPointGun = "machinegun";
    memoryPointLMissile = "Missile_1";
    memoryPointRMissile = "Missile_2";
==== memoryPointGunnerOptics ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' ''[[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]:''
    memoryPointLRocket = "Rocket_1";
    memoryPointRRocket = "Rocket_2";
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]:
    memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos_cargo";
    memoryPointsGetInCoDriver = "pos_codriver";
    memoryPointsGetInCommander = "pos_commander";
    memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver";
    memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]:
    memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos_cargo_dir";
    memoryPointsGetInCoDriverDir = "pos_codriver_dir";
    memoryPointsGetInCommanderDir = "pos_commander_dir";
    memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos_driver_dir";
    memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]:
  memoryPointSupply = "supply";

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]:
memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";
  memoryPointTrackFLL = "tyreTrack_1_1l";
  memoryPointTrackFLR = "tyreTrack_1_1r";
  memoryPointTrackBLL = "tyreTrack_1_2l";
==== memoryPointGunnerOutOptics ====
  memoryPointTrackBLR = "tyreTrack_1_2r";
  memoryPointTrackFRL = "tyreTrack_2_1l";
  memoryPointTrackFRR = "tyreTrack_2_1r";
  memoryPointTrackBRL = "tyreTrack_2_2l";
  memoryPointTrackBRR = "tyreTrack_2_2r";

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "commander_weapon_view";

==== memoryPoint...Missile ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Man class
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
memoryPointLMissile = "Missile_1";
memoryPointRMissile = "Missile_2";
==== memoryPoint...Rocket ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
memoryPointLRocket = "Rocket_1";
memoryPointRRocket = "Rocket_2";
==== memoryPointsGetIn... ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos_cargo";
memoryPointsGetInCoDriver = "pos_codriver";
memoryPointsGetInCommander = "pos_commander";
memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver";
memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
===== memoryPointsGetIn...Dir =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos_cargo_dir";
memoryPointsGetInCoDriverDir = "pos_codriver_dir";
memoryPointsGetInCommanderDir = "pos_commander_dir";
memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos_driver_dir";
memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";
==== memoryPointSupply ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
memoryPointSupply = "supply";
==== memoryPointTrack... ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
memoryPointTrackFLL = "tyreTrack_1_1l";
memoryPointTrackFLR = "tyreTrack_1_1r";
memoryPointTrackBLL = "tyreTrack_1_2l";
memoryPointTrackBLR = "tyreTrack_1_2r";
memoryPointTrackFRL = "tyreTrack_2_1l";
memoryPointTrackFRR = "tyreTrack_2_1r";
memoryPointTrackBRL = "tyreTrack_2_2l";
memoryPointTrackBRR = "tyreTrack_2_2r";
==== microMimics ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Man class

This token refers to the class within the external cfgMimics class
This token refers to the class within the external cfgMimics class

  microMimics = Micro;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
microMimics = "Micro";

==== minute ====
part of the IndicatorWatch class
part of the IndicatorWatch class

see [[#hour]]
see [[#hour]]

==== model ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default Value= "empty.p3d"
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default Value= "empty.p3d"

Location in the addon where the p3d model resides.
Location in the addon where the p3d model resides.

model = "\AddonName\anyp3d(.p3d)";  
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
model = "\AddonName\anyp3d(.p3d)";

Whera a class is not a visible 'object', such as a BaseClass. You can specify
Where a class is not a visible 'object', such as a BaseClass. You can specify

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
model = "";

this cuts down on load and access.
this cuts down on load and access.
Line 1,185: Line 2,229:
<u>Related TokenName</u>: [[#simulation]], [[#reversed]]
<u>Related TokenName</u>: [[#simulation]], [[#reversed]]

==== moves ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default = "NoDefaultMoves"
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default = NoDefaultMoves

applies to the man class and refers to a cfgMoves class
applies to the man class and refers to a cfgMoves class

  moves = CfgMovesMC; // civilian, in fact, there isn't another
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
moves = "CfgMovesMC"; // civilian, in fact, there isn't another

=== N ===
==== ...NightLights... ====

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
spotableNightLightsOff = 0.05; // default
spotableNightLightsOn = 4; // default
visibleNightLightsOff = 0.1; // default
visibleNightLightsOn = 0.2; // default

  spotableNightLightsOff = 0.05; //default
==== name ====
  spotableNightLightsOn = 4;//default
  visibleNightLightsOff = 0.1; //default
  visibleNightLightsOn = 0.2;//default

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
name = "motor";
  name = "motor";

Used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody
Used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody
Line 1,212: Line 2,260:
<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#armor (float)]], [[#material]], [[#name]], [[#passThrough]]
<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#armor (float)]], [[#material]], [[#name]], [[#passThrough]]

==nameSound ==
==== nameSound ====
''[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]'': Default value: "Target"
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default value: "Target"

Namesound is used by the AI audio to indicate verbally where to go, what 'vehicle' to attack. Thus the audio speech "move to 'rock' 3 o'clock' is derived from the ''nameSound''.
Namesound is used by the AI audio to indicate verbally where to go, what 'vehicle' to attack. Thus the audio speech "move to 'rock' 3 o'clock' is derived from the ''nameSound''.
nameSound = "rock";
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
nameSound = "rock";

Many different nameSounds can be selected. Here are just a few.
Many different nameSounds can be selected. Here are just a few.

  nameSound = crew;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  nameSound = target;  
nameSound = "crew";
  nameSound = tank;
nameSound = "target";
  nameSound = house;
nameSound = "tank";
nameSound = "house";

The actual descriptive text accompanying the 'sound' can be different see [[#displayName]]
The actual descriptive text accompanying the 'sound' can be different see [[#displayName]]
Line 1,229: Line 2,282:
Typically, a collection of buildings (eg) will be configured as follows
Typically, a collection of buildings (eg) will be configured as follows

class GenBuilding : NonStrategic
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class GenBuilding : NonStrategic
  scope=private; // internal use only
  VehicleClass="Some Editor Group Name";
scope = private; // internal use only
VehicleClass = "Some Editor Group Name";
nameSound = "house";
class YellowBuilding: GenBuilding
class YellowBuilding : GenBuilding
scope = public;
  model="Some yellow building.p3d";
name = "YellowBuilding";
model = "Some yellow building.p3d";

<u>Related TokenNames</u>
<u>Related TokenNames</u>
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]] [[#vehicleClass]] [[#nameSound]] [[#camouflage]]
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]], [[#vehicleClass]], [[#nameSound]], [[#camouflage]]

==== noseDownCoef ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default 1.0 used by Plane class
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default 1.0 used by Plane class

noseDownCoef = 0.025; // cessna
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
noseDownCoef = 0.025; // Cessna

How much the nose drops when banking.
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: Default false

''Note: Not used in ArmA any more''
==== nightVision ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default false
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
nightVision = true;

present in lawsoldier, sniper, saboteur, tank, and air crew
present in lawsoldier, sniper, saboteur, tank, and air crew

''Note: obsolete, not used, NVG item is used instead''
noseDownCoef = 0.025;
=== O ===
==== ...OpticsColor ====
Float [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]] : Default {0, 0, 0, 1};
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
driverOpticsColor[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
gunnerOpticsColor[] = { 0.910000, 0.230000, 0.230000, 1 };
commanderOpticsColor[] = { 0.910000, 0.230000, 0.230000, 1 };
==== ...OpticsModel ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default ""
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
commanderOpticsModel= "\AnyPbo\AnyP3d(.p3d)";
driverOpticsModel = "\AnyPbo\AnyP3d(.p3d)";
gunnerOpticsModel= "\AnyPbo\AnyP3d(.p3d)";

==== gunnerOpticsShowCursor ====
Float [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]] : Default  {0,0,0,1};
  driverOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
  gunnerOpticsColor[] =    {0.910000,0.230000,0.230000,1};
  commanderOpticsColor[] = {0.910000,0.230000,0.230000,1};

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default ""
gunnerOpticsShowCursor = true;
  commanderOpticsModel= "\AnyPbo\AnyP3d(.p3d)";
  driverOpticsModel = "\AnyPbo\AnyP3d(.p3d)";
  gunnerOpticsModel= "\AnyPbo\AnyP3d(.p3d)";

=== P ===
==== passThrough ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default true
gunnerOpticsShowCursor = true;

If true, destroying this part of the vehicle will destroy the whole vehicle. If false, damage will only affect this part of the vehicle.

This value is only taken into account in Arma 2. It was ignored by the game engine in previous games (that includes OFP).

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
passThrough = 1;
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: Default true
  passThrough = 1;

Used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody
Used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody

<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#armor (float)]], [[#material]], [[#name]], [[#passThrough]]
<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#armor (float)]], [[#material]], [[#name]], [[#passThrough]]

==picture ==
==== picture ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default: iaston.paa
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default: iaston.paa

I think this is for briefing Information icon click
I think this is for briefing Information icon click

  picture = "\AnyAddon\AnyPAA(.paa)";
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
picture = "\AnyAddon\AnyPAA(.paa)";

"Picture" is used in config.cpp to display the 128 x 64
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Light Class]] and [[#Reflector Class]]
graphic file of the unit in the HUD and the bottom
of the screen while in game. A .pac file can be used
also. If using a .pac make your alpha channel pink -
RGB 255, 0, 255. Pink is invisible in .pac file.

  position = "ohniste";
==== pilotLight ====
  position = "L svetlo";
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default: false

part of [[#direction|Reflectors class]]
Default state of headlights on vehicle.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
pilotLight = true; // spawn vehicle with headlights on

==== position ====

  precision = 1; //man
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  precision = 200;// air
position = "ohniste";
  precision = 50;//boat
position = "L svetlo";

See [[#Reflectors Class]], [[#Light Class]]
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]:  Default false

preferRoads = true; // all vehicles
==== precision ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
precision = 1; // man
precision = 200; // air
precision = 50; // boat

==== ...preciseGetInOut ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Defines location of getin point. 0 = use memoryPointGetIn , 1 = use model center as get in point, 2 = use proxy of crew position as get in point. Default is 0.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
preciseGetInOut=0; // for vehicle crew
cargoPreciseGetInOut=0; // for passengers

==== preferRoads ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]: For models that can have, (but don't necessarily do have) multiple internal objects of the same type (turrets eg). One of them, is declated the main, or primary turret. There may indeed be only one 'turret'.
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default false

  primary = true;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
preferRoads = true; // all vehicles

==== primary ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Boolean]]
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: For models that can have, (but don't necessarily do have) multiple internal objects of the same type (turrets eg). One of them, is declared the main, or primary turret. There may indeed be only one 'turret'. (Note: this entry has been replaced by the '''primary...''' entries. Please use those for your turret definitions to ensure maximal compatibility.)
      primaryGunner = false;
      primaryObserver = true;

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Integer]]
primary = true;
    proxyIndex = 2;

==== primary... ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]] A vehicle can have multiple turrets, but one of them normally is the primary gunner turret and one the primary vehicle commander turret (this can be the same turret or two different turrets, but you cannot have several primary gunner or commander turrets). Please use these entries instead of the more general '''primary''' entry.
      proxyType = "CPCommander";

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
primaryGunner = false;
primaryObserver = true; // Commander

==== proxyIndex ====

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
proxyIndex = 2;

Represents a circular area (radius in meters from '''centre''' of object for action to take place
==== proxyType ====

getInRadius=2.5;  //default
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
getInRadius=3.5;   // tank
proxyType = "CPCommander";
getInRadius=10;  //ship
'''supplyRadius''' = 2.5; // for fuel dumps ammo trucks etc

=== R ===
==== ...Radius ====

Represents a circular area (radius in meters from '''centre''' of object for action to take place

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|float]]: Helicopters
getInRadius=2.5; // default
getInRadius=3.5; // tank
getInRadius=10; // ship
'''supplyRadius''' = 2.5; // for fuel dumps ammo trucks etc

  mainRotorSpeed = 1.0; // default
==== ...RotorSpeed ====
  backRotorSpeed = 1.5; // default
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Helicopters
  mainRotorSpeed = 1.0; // ch47d
  backRotorSpeed = -1.0;

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|float]]: Helicopters, Default 0.0
mainRotorSpeed = 1.0; // default
backRotorSpeed = 1.5; // default

  minMainRotorDive = -9; // CH47D
mainRotorSpeed = 1.0; // ch47d
  maxMainRotorDive = 15;
backRotorSpeed = -1.0;
  neutralMainRotorDive = -5;
  minBackRotorDive = -15;
  maxBackRotorDive = 9;
  neutralBackRotorDive = -5;

==ReloadAnimations Class==
==== ...RotorDive ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Helicopters, Default 0.0

General useage in Helicopters, this class is 'looked for' by the engine. Varions models, but normally only one, are specified as follows
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
minMainRotorDive = -9; // CH47D
maxMainRotorDive = 15;
neutralMainRotorDive = -5;
minBackRotorDive = -15;
maxBackRotorDive = 9;
neutralBackRotorDive = -5;

class ReloadAnimations {
==== ReloadAnimations Class ====
  class SomeThingA {
General useage in Helicopters, this class is 'looked for' by the engine. Various models, but normally only one, are specified as follows
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class ReloadAnimations
  class SomeThingZ {
class SomeThingA
// ...
// ...
class SomeThingZ
// ...

here is an example for an Mi24 helicopter
here is an example for an Mi24 helicopter

  class MachineGun30E {
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
    weapon = MachineGun30E;
class MachineGun30E
    angle0 = 0;
    angle1 = -2 * 3.141592654;
weapon = "MachineGun30E";
    multiplier = 500;
angle0 = 0;
    type = rotation;
angle1 = -2 * 3.141592654;
    animPeriod = 0.500000;
multiplier = 500;
    selection = gatling;
type = "rotation";
    begin = usti hlavne;
animPeriod = 0.500000;
    end = konec hlavne;
selection = "gatling";
begin = "usti hlavne";
end = "konec hlavne";

==== rotL/R ====
defined within a tank.Wheels class to describe the series of small wheels on each side
defined within a tank.Wheels class to describe the series of small wheels on each side

  rotR[] = {kolL1,kolL2,kolL3,kolL4,kolL5,kolL6,kolL7,kolL8};
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  rotL[] = {kolP1,kolP2,kolP3,kolP4,kolP5,kolP6,kolP7,kolP8};
rotR[] = { kolL1, kolL2, kolL3, kolL4, kolL5, kolL6, kolL7, kolL8 };
  upDownL[] = {koloP1,podkoloP1,koloP2,podkoloP2,koloP3,podkoloP3,koloP4,podkoloP4,koloP5,podkoloP5,koloP6,podkoloP6,koloP7,podkoloP7,koloP8,podkoloP8};
rotL[] = { kolP1, kolP2, kolP3, kolP4, kolP5, kolP6, kolP7, kolP8 };
  upDownR[] = {koloL1,podkoloL1,koloL2,podkoloL2,koloL3,podkoloL3,koloL4,podkoloL4,koloL5,podkoloL5,koloL6,podkoloL6,koloL7,podkoloL7,koloL8,podkoloL8};
upDownL[] = { koloP1, podkoloP1, koloP2, podkoloP2, koloP3, podkoloP3, koloP4, podkoloP4, koloP5, podkoloP5, koloP6, podkoloP6, koloP7, podkoloP7, koloP8, podkoloP8 };
upDownR[] = { koloL1, podkoloL1, koloL2, podkoloL2, koloL3, podkoloL3, koloL4, podkoloL4, koloL5, podkoloL5, koloL6, podkoloL6, koloL7, podkoloL7, koloL8, podkoloL8 };

[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]: Default true
==== reversed ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: Default true

Normally, models ARE reversed with respect to how they present on the screen after editing with tools like oxygen (eg) This overrides the default. See [[#model]]
Normally, models ARE reversed with respect to how they present on the screen after editing with tools like oxygen (eg) This overrides the default. See [[#model]]

reversed = false; // class thing
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
reversed = false; // class thing

==== rotor... ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Helicopters
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Helicopters

  rotorBig =       "vrtule_velka";   //cobra
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  rotorBigBlend = "vrtule_velka_bl";
rotorBig = "vrtule_velka"; // cobra
  rotorSmall =     "vrtule_mala";
rotorBigBlend = "vrtule_velka_bl";
  rotorSmallBlend= "vrtule_mala_bl";
rotorSmall = "vrtule_mala";
rotorSmallBlend = "vrtule_mala_bl";

=== S ===
==== ...Sensitivity ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default 1.0 Used by Plane Class

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
aileronSensitivity = 0.33; // Cessna
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default 1.0 Used by Plane Class
elevatorSensitivity = 0.1; // Cessna
  aileronSensitivity = 0.33; // Cessna
wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1.0; // default
  elevatorSensitivity = 0.1; // Cessna
  wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1.0; // default

==== ...Simul/Plan ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|float]]: in meters
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: in meters

  steerAheadSimul = 0.5; //default
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  steerAheadPlan = 0.35;//default
steerAheadSimul = 0.5; // default
  steerAheadSimul = 0.2; // man
steerAheadPlan = 0.35; // default
  steerAheadPlan = 0.2;
steerAheadSimul = 0.2; // man
steerAheadPlan = 0.2;

  predictTurnSimul = 1.2;//default
predictTurnSimul = 1.2; // default
  predictTurnPlan = 1.2;//default
predictTurnPlan = 1.2; // default
  predictTurnSimul = 3;// ship
predictTurnSimul = 3; // ship
  predictTurnPlan = 3;
predictTurnPlan = 3;

==== scope ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default value = private.
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default value is 0 (private).

scope = public;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
scope = 2;

Scope in concept is the same as the C++ reserved words of public, protected and private.
Scope is used to limit access to the class in the Mission Editor (such as [[:Category:Eden Editor|Eden Editor]]) and scripts. The value can be one of '''0''' (private), '''1''' (protected/hidden), and '''2''' (public).

Defines normally exist at the top of a well written config.cpp to make meanings clearer.
[[PreProcessor_Commands#.23define|Defines]] normally exist at the top of a well written config.cpp to make meanings clearer.

#define private   0
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
#define protected 1
#define private 0
#define public     2
#define protected 1
#define public 2

The meaning of each is as follows
The meaning of each is as follows
Line 1,470: Line 2,594:

Only other classes inherit this class. It is not createVehicle'able, nor can the class be accessed via the Mission Editor.
No object can be created using this class, neither in Mission Editor nor via scripts. This property marks the class as a "base" class, which other classes inherit from.

private is a common method of grouping base characteristics together and inheriting all those common characteristics into a class that can be viewed or accessed.
private is a common method of grouping base characteristics together and inheriting all those common characteristics into a class that can be viewed or accessed.
Line 1,476: Line 2,600:

Any classes declared public are CamCreateabale, '''and''' selectable via the Editor.
Public classes are usable in scripting commands (such as [[createVehicle]]) and can be shown in the Mission Editor.


Identical to public, except the class will not be listed in the mission editor. A very common form of use for this is
Identical to public, except the class will not be listed in the Mission Editor. A very common form of use for this is

class vegetables
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class Vegetables
scope = protected;
  namesound= whatever;
VehicleClass = "Fruit and Onions"; // a generic group in mission editor
  icon= "vegetableIcon.paa";
displayName = "Generic Vegetable";
  //put any other common characteristics in here
namesound = "whatever";
icon = "vegetableIcon.paa";
class GreenOnions : vegetables
// put any other common characteristics in here
    scope = public;
class GreenOnions : Vegetables
    name="Green Onion;
scope = public;
class PurpleOnion : vegetables
displayName = "Green Onion";
class PurpleOnion : Vegetables

The effect here is to reduce (considerably) not only the amount of typing, but memory storage too. <u>It is only the public classes that are listed in the Mission Editor.</u> So in above example while each one of these has a separate name=, they are ALL ''grouped' in the Editor's 'Vegetables'
The effect here is to reduce (considerably) not only the amount of typing, but memory storage too.
<u>It is only the public classes that are listed in the Mission Editor.</u>
So in above example while each one of these has a separate ''displayName='', they are ALL 'grouped' in the Editor's "Fruit and Onions", and '''all''' of them will be referred to ''in the mission'' as "Generic Vegetable". If you follow along, you should fully expect to see another protected class called "Generic Fruit"

In the above example, it is just as useful to declare the base class '''private''. But, see below, and see [[#accuracy]]
In the above example, it is just as useful to declare the base class '''private''. But, see below, and see [[#accuracy]]

Protected classes are CamCreatable in the mission.sqm.  
Protected classes are CamCreatable in the mission.sqm.

Protected classes are immensely useful to 'hide' obsolete models that are still required to maintain compatibility with older missions. Ie older missions will still be playable, but newly created ones will only 'get at' the newer improvements specified in a public class. This
Protected classes are immensely useful to 'hide' obsolete models that are still required to maintain compatibility with older missions. Ie older missions will still be playable, but newly created ones will only 'get at' the newer improvements specified in a public class. This

class OriginalThing
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class OriginalThing
scope = protected;
  // lots of original things
// ...
// lots of original things
// ...
class ImprovedThing : OriginalThing //<<<< inherits it all
class ImprovedThing : OriginalThing // inherits it all
scope = public;
  // lots of new improved things
// ...
// lots of new improved things
// ...

<u>Related TokenNames</u>
<u>Related TokenNames</u>
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]] [[#vehicleClass]] [[#nameSound]] [[#camouflage]]
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]], [[#vehicleClass]], [[#nameSound]], [[#camouflage]]

==== secondaryExplosion ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default disabled (-1)

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default disabled (-1)
secondaryExplosion = -1;

  secondaryExplosion = -1;
==== sensitivity ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default 1.0

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default 1.0
sensitivity = 0.6; // cars
  sensitivity = 0.6; //cars
sensitivity = 2; // sniper
  sensitivity = 2;//sniper

The higher the sensitivity value for an unit, the better it can see.
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default 0.0075
  sensitivityEar = 0.13;//man

The effect is not linear, but logarithmic. So for an unit with value 1 vs one with value 3 it must be 1.7 times closer (square root of 3). This example does not take into account other factors like zoom, binocular use, optics, camouflage and accuracy (knowsAbout value needed to detect the type and side).

1 equals roughly to 100 meters, 2.5 to 210m, 3 to 250m.

OA 1.62 state:

part of an Indicator... class
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class All
sensitivity = 2.5;
sensitivityEar = 0.0075;
class AllVehicles : All
class Land : AllVehicles
class LandVehicle : Land
class Car : LandVehicle
sensitivity = 3;
class Motorcycle : LandVehicle
sensitivity = 3;
class Bicycle : Motorcycle
class Tank : LandVehicle
sensitivityEar = "0.0075 /3";
class APC : Tank
class Man : Land
sensitivity = 3;
sensitivityEar = 0.5;
class Animal : Man
class Air : AllVehicles
class Helicopter : Air
class Plane : Air
class Ship : AllVehicles
class AH6X_EP1 : AH6_Base_EP1
sensitivity = 2;
class Ka137_Base_PMC : Helicopter
sensitivity = 2;

  class IndicatorSpeed {
==== sensitivityEar ====
  '''selection''' = ukaz_rychlo;
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default 0.0075
  axis = osa_rychlo;
  angle = -240;
  min = 0;
  max = 60 / 3.6;

part of a Hatch... class
Sets how well can the given unit hear others.
The bigger the value, the better the hearing.

  class HatchDriver {
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  '''selection''' = poklop_driver;
sensitivityEar = 0.13; // man
  axis = osa_poklop_driver;
  angle = -100;

also see  [[#direction|LandVehicle.Reflectors class]]
==== selection ====

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]:
selection = "L svetlo";
  selectionBackLights = "light_back";
  selectionBrakeLights = "light_brake";
  selectionFireAnim = "muzzleflash";
  selectionHRotorStill= "mainRotorStatic";
  selectionHRotorMove = "mainRotorBlurred";
  selectionVRotorStill = "tailRotorStatic";
  selectionVRotorMove = "tailRotorBlurred";
  selectionFabric = "latka";

See [[#Reflectors Class]], [[#ReloadAnimations Class]] (Arma Only), [[#Hatch... Class]], [[#Indicator Class]]
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Light Class]]

    shape = "koulesvetlo";
==== selection... ====

==showgunneroptics ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Boolean]]:
selectionBackLights = "light_back";
  showgunneroptics = 0;
selectionBrakeLights = "light_brake";
==showWeaponCargo ==
selectionFireAnim = "muzzleflash";
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]:Default ?
selectionHRotorStill= "mainRotorStatic";
  showWeaponCargo =true;
selectionHRotorMove = "mainRotorBlurred";
selectionVRotorStill = "tailRotorStatic";
selectionVRotorMove = "tailRotorBlurred";
selectionFabric = "latka";

Found inside weapon holders (ammo boxes)
The selections
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
selectionLeftOffset = "PasOffsetL";
selectionRightOffset = "PasOffsetP";
are used to animate tank track textures. You must have the appropriate [[Named Selection|Named Selections]] in the model and the selection must have an rvmat in order to work.

==Smoke Class==
==== shape ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Light Class]]

Can't think of what else to do wiht this for now since many of the tokens in here, are only found, in here.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
shape = "koulesvetlo";

  class Smoke {
See [[#Light Class]], [[#Reflectors Class]]
  interval = 0.01;
  cloudletDuration = 0.9;
  cloudletAnimPeriod = 1.0;
  cloudletSize = 0.1;
  cloudletAlpha = 0.8;
  cloudletGrowUp = 0.4;
  cloudletFadeIn = 0.0;
  cloudletFadeOut = 5.0;
  cloudletAccY = -0.1;
  cloudletMinYSpeed = 0.3;
  cloudletMaxYSpeed = 1.5;
  cloudletShape = cl_basic;
  cloudletColor[] = {1,1,1,0};
  initT = 1000;
  deltaT = -500;
  class Table {
    class T1 {
    maxT = 0;
    color[] = {0.8,0.8,0.8,1};
    class T2 {
    maxT = 900;
    color[] = {0.3,0.3,0.3,1};
    class T3 {
    maxT = 1000;
    color[] = {1,0.5,0,0.5};
  density = 0.5;
  size = 0.1;
  initYSpeed = 1.7;
  timeToLive = 100000002004087730000.0;
  in = 0.0;
  out = 0.0;

==== showgunneroptics ====
Used by animated objects (campfire eg) to give sound effect. Or, simply by ambients(wolves)

  sound = "Fire";
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  sound = Fountain;
showgunneroptics = 0;
  sound = OwlSfx;

==== showWeaponCargo ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]:Default ?

==SoundEnvironExt Class==
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
showWeaponCargo = true;

  class SoundEnvironExt {
Found inside weapon holders (ammo boxes)<br>
OFP: If it is set to true player won't be able to put weapons/magazines to container.

This is a <u>Class</u> used within the man class. Some/ None, or all sections of it can (of course) be over-ridden by inheritance.
==== sound ====
Used by animated objects (campfire eg) to give sound effect. Or, simply by ambients(wolves)

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
sound = "Fire";
sound = "Fountain";
sound = "OwlSfx";

The external class '''CfgManActions''' accesses the '''SoundEnvironExt''' class defined (or inherited) for any 'man' (soldier eg).
==== SoundEnvironExt Class ====
class SoundEnvironExt

This is a <u>Class</u> used within the man class. Some/ None, or all sections of it can (of course) be overridden by inheritance.

The external class '''CfgManActions''' accesses the '''SoundEnvironExt''' class defined (or inherited) for any 'man' (soldier eg).

External class '''CfgManActions''' contains many clauses
External class '''CfgManActions''' contains many clauses

  soundOverride=fallbody; // eg
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
soundOverride = "fallbody"; // e.g

for instances of when it wants sounds for that 'action' to take place.
for instances of when it wants sounds for that 'action' to take place.
Line 1,662: Line 2,804:
thus, you can define none some or all arrays (within class with your SoundEnvironExt{}) for the following
thus, you can define none some or all arrays (within class with your SoundEnvironExt{}) for the following

  normalExt[] =  
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  normal[] =  
normalExt[] =
  road[] =
normal[] =
  rock[] =  
road[] =
  water[] =
rock[] =
  gravel[] =  
water[] =
  sand[] =  
gravel[] =
  drygrass[] =  
sand[] =
  grass[] =  
drygrass[] =
  forest[] =  
grass[] =
  mud[] =  
forest[] =
  wood[] =  
mud[] =
  metal[] =  
wood[] =
  snow[] =  
metal[] =
  hallway[] =
snow[] =
  fallbody[] =  
hallway[] =
  laydown[] =  
fallbody[] =
  standup[] =  
laydown[] =
  crawl[] =
standup[] =
crawl[] =


  snow[] = {
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
    { People\snow_L,0.000032,1 },
snow[] = {
    { People\snow_R,0.000032,1 }};
{ "People\snow_L", 0.000032, 1 },
{ "People\snow_R", 0.000032, 1 }

snow is a Variable length Sound [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]
snow is a Variable length Sound [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]

see [[#Sounds Various|sounds[]]]
see [[#Sounds Various|sounds[]]]

==Sounds Various==
==== Sounds Various ====
Complex [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]:  
Complex [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]:

All the following use
All the following use

nameOfSound[]= {"\AddonName\AnySound(.wss)",0.000000,1,1};
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
nameOfSound[] = { "\AddonName\AnySound(.wss)", 0.000000, 1, 1 };
wss is the default. ogg can be specified.

* 1st parameter: Sound file (path). *.wss is default, *.ogg can be specified.
flySound[] = {"\AddonName\AnySound.wss",0.000000,1,1};
* 2nd parameter: Change of volume compared to the strongest sound that is audible at the camera's (player's) position. It means that the strongest sound is played on 100% and this sound is played weaker (calculated from dB value, distance, occlude, ...). If this sound is alone in sound scene then it is played on 100% every time.
singSound[] = {"\AddonName\SoundFile.ogg",0.031623,1,1};
* 3rd parameter: Speed of playing, 1 = normal speed/time of playing, 2 = 2 times slower, with half lower pitch.
scudSound[] = {weapons\rocketflying,316.227783,0.200000};
scudSoundElevate[] = {vehicles\gun_elevate,0.010000,1};

===== ...Sound =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
flySound[] = { "\AddonName\AnySound.wss", 0.000000, 1, 1 };
singSound[] = { "\AddonName\SoundFile.ogg", 0.031623, 1, 1 };
scudSound[] = { "weapons\rocketflying", 316.227783, 0.200000 };
scudSoundElevate[] = { "vehicles\gun_elevate", 0.010000, 1 };

  soundCrash[] = {"\AnyAddon\AnySound(.wss)",0.010000,1};
===== sound... =====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
soundCrash[] = { "\AnyAddon\AnySound(.wss)", 0.010000, 1 };
soundSetSonicBoom[] = { "Plane_Fighter_SonicBoom_SoundSet" }; // Sonic Boom for jet fighters at supersonic speeds; defined in cfgSoundSets

default values
default values

  soundCrash[] = {Vehicles\crash,0.316228,1};
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  soundDammage[] = {"",1,1};
soundCrash[] = { "Vehicles\crash", 0.316228, 1 };
  soundEngine[] = {"",1,1};
soundDammage[] = { "", 1, 1 };
  soundEnviron[] = {"",1,1};
soundEngine[] = { "", 1, 1 };
  soundLandCrash[] = {Explosions\intoground,0.316228,1};
soundEnviron[] = { "", 1, 1 };
  soundWaterCrash[] = {Explosions\intowater,0.316228,1};
soundLandCrash[] = { "Explosions\intoground", 0.316228, 1 };
  soundGetIn[] = {Vehicles\get_in,0.000316,1};
soundWaterCrash[] = { "Explosions\intowater", 0.316228, 1 };
  soundGetOut[] = {Vehicles\get_out,0.000316,1};
soundGetIn[] = { "Vehicles\get_in", 0.000316, 1 };
  soundServo[] = {Vehicles\gun_elevate,0.010000,0.500000};
soundGetOut[] = { "Vehicles\get_out", 0.000316, 1 };
  soundGear[] = {"\AnyAddon\AnySound(.wss)",0.316228,1}; //no default'
soundServo[] = { "Vehicles\gun_elevate", 0.010000, 0.500000 };
soundGear[] = { "\AnyAddon\AnySound(.wss)", 0.316228, 1 }; // no default
additionalSound[] = { "\AnyAddon\AnySound(.wss)", 0.000000, 1 }; // man only

  additionalSound[] = {\AnyAddon\AnySound(.wss),0.000000,1}; // man only
===== sound[] =====
used by animations
used by animations

  sound[] = {"\anyPbo\AnySound(.wss)",10.000000,1};
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
sound[] = { "\anyPbo\AnySound(.wss)", 10.000000, 1 };

==== side ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default Value: NEUTRAL.
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default Value: NEUTRAL.

The side, when declared, sets the 'vehicle' to east, west, resistance, civilian. The effect differs according to the 'vehicle' itself. Eg soldiers, versus hospitals or repair trucks that can only be used by same side, if specifically sided.
The side, when declared, sets the 'vehicle' to east, west, resistance, civilian. The effect differs according to the 'vehicle' itself. Eg soldiers, versus hospitals or repair trucks that can only be used by same side, if specifically sided.
Line 1,739: Line 2,896:
Well written missions (and configs) use defines at top of file to make this more legible.
Well written missions (and configs) use defines at top of file to make this more legible.

#define NO_SIDE -1
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
#define EAST 0 // (Russian)
#define NO_SIDE -1
#define WEST 1 // (Nato)
#define EAST 0 // (Russian)
#define RESISISTANCE 2 // Guerilla  
#define WEST 1 // (NATO)
#define CIVILIAN 3
#define RESISTANCE 2 // Guerilla
#define NEUTRAL 4
#define CIVILIAN 3
#define ENEMY 5
#define NEUTRAL 4
#define FRIENDLY 6
#define ENEMY 5
#define LOGIC 7
#define FRIENDLY 6
#define LOGIC 7

side = EAST;
side = EAST;

NEUTRAL is the general case for all objects.  
NEUTRAL is the general case for all objects.

NO_SIDE is used for ambient seagulls and wolves (see [[#sound]]). It differs from NEUTRAL in that the engine spends no time looking for interraction with other objects.
NO_SIDE is used for ambient seagulls and wolves (see [[#sound]]). It differs from NEUTRAL in that the engine spends no time looking for interraction with other objects.

==== simulation ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default value: invisible.
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default value: invisible.

The engine behaviour with this [[#model]].
The engine behaviour with this [[#model]].

  simulation = "SeaGull";
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  simulation = "thing";
simulation = "SeaGull";
  simulation = "fire";
simulation = "thing";
  simulation = "flag";
simulation = "fire";
  simulation = "house";
simulation = "flag";
  simulation = airplane,helicopter,tank // (eg)
simulation = "house";
// simulation = airplane, helicopter, tank
<u>Related TokenName</u>: [[#model]]
<u>Related TokenName</u>: [[#model]]

==== size ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the Smoke class and Reflector class
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
size = 0.1;
part of [[#direction|Reflectors class]]

==== source ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: found in animationSources

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the Smoke class and Reflector class
source = "reload";
source = "time";

  size = 0.1;
==== sourceAddress ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: found in animationSources

part of [[#direction|Reflectors class]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
sourceAddress = "loop";

==== sourceSize ====
''new''' ''[[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]'': found in animationSources
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Light Class]]
    source = "reload";
    source = "time";
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' ''[[TokenNameValueTypess|String]]'': found in animationSources
    sourceAddress = "loop";

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: This TokenName is used inside the [[#Light Class]]
sourceSize = 0.015;

  sourceSize = 0.015;
==== ...Speed ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: In Kph.

Setting maxSpeed for infantry units too low might cause problems when working with waypoints (units won't be able to fully complete them or won't move towards them).
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: In Kph.
  minSpeed = -0.5; //range 0->1
  maxSpeed = 80; //default
  maxSpeed = 30; //tractor
  maxSpeed = 60; //boat

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
minSpeed = -0.5; // range 0->1
maxSpeed = 80; // default
maxSpeed = 30; // tractor
maxSpeed = 60; // boat

==== scud... ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default ""

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default ""
scudLaunch = "scudlunch.rtm";
scudStart = "scudstart.rtm";
scudModel = "scud_strela_proxy";
scudModelFire = "scud_strela_ohen";

  scudLaunch = scudlunch.rtm;
==== straightDistance ====
  scudStart = scudstart.rtm;
  scudModel = scud_strela_proxy;
  scudModelFire = scud_strela_ohen;

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|INTEGER]]:''
straightDistance = 50;
straightDistance = 50;

==== submerged.. ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: default 0.0
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: default 0.0

Almost all 'objects' are '''not''' submerged. This parameter is used to hide objects such as effects
Almost all 'objects' are '''not''' submerged. This parameter is used to hide objects such as effects

  submerged = -0.5;// thing effect
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  submergeSpeed = 0.25; // positive value makes it go deeper (sound goes quieter)
submerged = -0.5; // thing effect
submergeSpeed = 0.25; // positive value makes it go deeper (sound goes quieter)

=== T ===
==== ...Turn ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]] Degrees

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
initTurn = 90;
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integers]] Degrees
minTurn = -70;
  initTurn = 90;
maxTurn = 70;
  minTurn= -70;
  maxTurn = 70;

part of any Turret class (tanks eg)
part of any Turret class (tanks eg)
Line 1,833: Line 3,014:

==== TokenNames Embedded ====
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Boolean]]:'' (i think)
see [[#Embedded ClassNames]]
turning = 1;
===== turning =====

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default 2.0
turning = 1;
  turnCoef = 6.0; // truck
  turnCoef = 9.0; // tractor

==terrainCoef ==
===== turnCoef =====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default 3.0
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default 2.0
  terrainCoef = 6.0; //skoda

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
float [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: Default Value {0.700000,0.500000,0.300000};
turnCoef = 6.0; // truck
turnCoef = 9.0; // tractor
==== terrainCoef ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default 3.0
* Pre A3: multiplier to torque and speed (pForce)
* A3: multiplier to maxSpeedCoef (1 - maxSpeedCoef) [cfgSurfaces parameter] for speedCoef
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
Pre A3::
terrainCoef = 6.0; // skoda
class Car_F : Car
terrainCoef = 2;
class MRAP_03_base_F : Car_F
terrainCoef = 1;
class UGV_01_base_F : Car_F
terrainCoef = 1.2;
class Quadbike_01_base_F : Car_F
terrainCoef = 1.4;
class MRAP_01_base_F : Car_F
terrainCoef = 1.5;
class MRAP_02_base_F : Car_F
terrainCoef = 1.5;
class SUV_01_base_F : Car_F
terrainCoef = 2.5;
class Hatchback_01_base_F : Car_F
terrainCoef = 4.5;
class Kart_01_Base_F : Car_F
terrainCoef = 5;
class Truck_F : Car_F
terrainCoef = 2.5;
class Truck_03_base_F : Truck_F
terrainCoef = 1.8;
class Truck_02_base_F : Truck_F
terrainCoef = 2;
class Van_02_base_F : Truck_F
terrainCoef = 3;
class Wheeled_APC_F : Car_F
terrainCoef = 1.5;
==== textureList[] ====
Complex (string, float) [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]
Introduced with {{GVI|arma3|1.24}}, the Bootcamp Update, along with a lot of other randomization features.
Array of texture sources to randomize the vehicle with similar to facewear/headgear randomization for characters (See [[Arma 3: Characters And Gear Encoding Guide#FIA headgear and facewear randomization]]); format is:
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
textureList[] = { "texture1", weight1, "texture2", weight2, etc. };
Textures must be classes from the vehicle's TextureSources. If all the weights are the same value, it functions as straight equal randomization.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class MyPlane : C_Plane_Civil_01_F
textureList[] = { "Racer_1", 0.5, "Racer_2", 1 };
==== threat ====
float [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: Default Value {0.700000, 0.500000, 0.300000};

How threatening you are to unit [[#type (threat)|types]] {Soft, Armor, Air}, respectively.
How threatening you are to unit [[#type (threat)|types]] {Soft, Armor, Air}, respectively.
Line 1,853: Line 3,105:
The ai for this model selects targets of opportunity, based on these values.
The ai for this model selects targets of opportunity, based on these values.

  threat[] = {1,0.0500000,0.050000}; // soldier
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  threat[] = {1,0.900000,0.100000}; // law soldier
threat[] = { 1, 0.0500000, 0.050000 }; // soldier
  threat[] = {0.900000,0.700000,0.300000};// bmp
threat[] = { 1, 0.900000, 0.100000 }; // law soldier
threat[] = { 0.900000, 0.700000, 0.300000 }; // bmp

<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#type (threat)|type]], [[#cost]], [[#threat]]

<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#type (threat)|type]] , [[#cost]] , [[#threat]]
==== timeToLive ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]]: Default 10 000 000 000.0; // seconds?

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]]: Default 10,000,000,000.0; // seconds?
timeToLive = 20; // thing effects (bullets)
timeToLive = 100000002004087730000.0; // campfire

This TokenName is used inside the Smoke class of animation classes and effects
See [[#Smoke Class]]

  timeToLive = 20;// thing effects (bullets)
==== transport... ====
  timeToLive = 100000002004087730000.0;// campfire

===== transportAmmo =====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Used by supply 'vehicles' to determine total amount available for entire mission. Once depleted...
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Used by supply 'vehicles' to determine total amount avaialable for entire mission. Once depleted...

A 'vehicle' in this case can be a genuine repair truck, or, a building.
A 'vehicle' in this case can be a genuine repair truck, or, a building.

  transportAmmo = 300000; // reammo truck
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  transportAmmo = 10000000;// bigship
transportAmmo = 300000; // reammo truck
transportAmmo = 10000000; // bigship

  transportFuel = 3000;       //refueltruck
transportFuel = 3000; // refueltruck
  transportRepair = 200000000; //repairtruck
transportRepair = 200000000; // repairtruck

===== transportMax... =====
These parameters appear not to be used in Arma 3 and are only included for backwards compatibility. See [[#maximumLoad|maximumLoad]] to define a vehicle's storage capacity.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
transportMaxMagazines = 50; // car
transportMaxWeapons = 10;
transportMaxMagazines = 5; // motorcycle
transportMaxWeapons = 0;
transportMaxMagazines = 50; // tank
transportMaxWeapons = 10;
transportMaxMagazines = 20; // air
transportMaxWeapons = 3;
transportMaxMagazines = 100; // boat
transportMaxWeapons = 20;
transportMaxMagazines = 500; // ship
transportMaxWeapons = 200;
transportMaxMagazines = 200; // truck
transportMaxWeapons = 50;
transportMaxMagazines = 100; // apc
transportMaxWeapons = 20;
transportMaxMagazines = 200; // helicopter
transportMaxWeapons = 50;
transportMaxWeapons = 500; // ammo boxes
transportMaxMagazines = 2000;

Values vary depending on exact type of 'boat' eg.

These TokenNames ate used to indicate how many units of each type an object can hold. Most objects can't hold anything.

===== transportSoldier =====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default Value= 0.

Number of 'passengers' this vehicle can carry. The value does '''not''' include the driver, '''nor''' any vehicle positions such as gunner (if any) or commander(if any). See the JeepMg below for a 3 person vehicle which can only transport ONE soldier.

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: default 0
transportSoldier = 3; // jeep/car
transportSoldier = 50; // large ship
transportSoldier = 6to10; // SmallShip
transportSoldier = 3; // a10
transportSoldier = 8to12; // helicopters
transportSoldier = 2or3; // ambulance
transportSoldier = 8; // apc/bmp
transportSoldier = 12; // truck
transportSoldier = 1; // jeepmg
transportSoldier = 1or2; // repair type truck

  transportMaxMagazines = 50; //car
to make the game 'interesting', similar vehicles on different sides, can carry non equivalent numbers.
  transportMaxWeapons = 10;
  transportMaxMagazines = 5; // motorcyle
  transportMaxWeapons = 0;
  transportMaxMagazines = 50; // tank
  transportMaxWeapons = 10;
  transportMaxMagazines = 20; //air
  transportMaxWeapons = 3;
  transportMaxMagazines = 100; // boat
  transportMaxWeapons = 20;
  transportMaxMagazines = 500; //ship
  transportMaxWeapons = 200;
  transportMaxMagazines = 200; // truck
  transportMaxWeapons = 50;
  transportMaxMagazines = 100; // apc
  transportMaxWeapons = 20;
  transportMaxMagazines = 200; // helicpter
  transportMaxWeapons = 50;
  transportMaxWeapons = 500; // ammo boxes
  transportMaxMagazines = 2000;
Values vary depending on exact tupe of 'boat' eg.

These TokenNames ate used to indicate how many units of each type an object can hold. Most objects can't hold anything.
==== transportVehiclesCount ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]] : default 0

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default Value= 0.
transportVehiclesCount = 15; // a Carrier (big ship)

Number of 'passengers' this vehicle can carry. The value does '''not''' include the driver, '''nor''' any vehicle positions such as gunnder (if any) or commander(if any)
==== TransportMagazines Class ====

  transportSoldier = 3;//jeep/car
==== transportVehiclesMass ====
  transportSoldier = 50; // large ship
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default 0
  transportSoldier = 6to10; //SmallShip
  transportSoldier = 3; //a10
  transportSoldier = 8to12;// helicopters
  transportSoldier = 2or3;// ambulance
  transportSoldier = 8;//apc/bmp
  transportSoldier = 12;//truck
  transportSoldier = 1;//jeepmg
  transportSoldier = 1or2;//repair type truck

to make the game 'interesting', similar vehicles on different sides, can carry non equivalent numbers.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
transportVehiclesMass = 0; // not used by any model

==== TransportWeapons Class ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Ingeger]] : default 0

==== tracksSpeed ====
transportVehiclesCount = 15; // a Carrier (big ship)
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default 1

==TransportMagazines Class==
Speed of tracks UV animation. Use negative number to move tracks in opossite direction

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default 0
tracksSpeed = 1.4;

  transportVehiclesMass = 0; // not used by any model
==== TransportWeapons Class ====
==TransportWeapons Class==

==== turretAxis ====

part of any Turret class (tanks eg)
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
turretAxis = "OsaVeze";

see [[#gun]]
see [[#Turret Class]]

==type (threat)==
==== type (threat) ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Integer]]: Default Value: Armored
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Integers|Integer]]: Default Value: Armored

This indicates the threat type of the 'vehicle'.
This indicates the threat type of the 'vehicle'.

In well written configs, the 3 possible values are declared as defines at top of file for legibility
In well written configs, the 3 possible values are declared as defines at top of file for legibility
#define VSoft 0
#define VArmor 1
#define VAir 2

  type = VAir;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
#define VSoft 0
#define VArmor 1
#define VAir 2
type = VAir;

Vehicles (and buildings) are armoured, humans are 'soft' and aircraft (obviously) are air
Vehicles (and buildings) are armoured, humans are 'soft' and aircraft (obviously) are air

<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#type (threat)|type]] , [[#cost]] , [[#threat]]
<u>Related TokenNames</u>: [[#type (threat)|type]], [[#cost]], [[#threat]]
==type (animation)==

==== type (animation) ====
'''old''' [[TokenNameValueTypes|Unknown]]: Default Value: rotation
'''old''' [[TokenNameValueTypes|Unknown]]: Default Value: rotation

This appears in the ReloadAnimations class
This appears in the ReloadAnimations class

  type = rotation;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
type = "rotation";

==== typicalCargo ====
Variable String [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]:Preloads vehicle with units (if auto)
Variable String [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]:Array of units classes which are assumed to be onboard of vehicle. Used by AI to determine potential threat of vehicle in case they are not able to see units inside vehicle.

This array can have zero or more strings.
This array can have zero or more strings.

  typicalCargo[] = {"Soldier","Soldier","SoldierLAW","SoldierLAW"};
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
typicalCargo[] = { "Soldier", "Soldier", "SoldierLAW", "SoldierLAW" };

Note that these are ''ClassNames'' of soldiers.
Note that these are ''ClassNames'' of soldiers.

=== U ===
==== ...UsesPilotView ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: : Default false

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
gunnerUsesPilotView = false; // some choppers (mi17)
commanderUsesPilotView = true;

[[TokenNameValueTypes|Bool]]: : Default false
gunnerUsesPilotView = false; // some choppers (mi17)

==== uavHacker ====
Allows unit to hack UAVs. Used on UAV operators in vanilla (Arma 3)
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
uavHacker = 1;

  unitInfoType = "UnitInfoSoldier";
==== unitInfoType ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
unitInfoType = "UnitInfoSoldier";

Certain 'vehicles' hide this information.
Certain 'vehicles' hide this information.

see [[#hideUnitInfo]]
see [[#hide...|#hideUnitInfo]]

==== unloadInCombat ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes|bool]]: default true
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: default true
unloadInCombat =false;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
unloadInCombat = false;

All true vehicles will cause ai to disembark when in combat.
All true vehicles will cause ai to disembark when in combat.

==== upDownL/R ====
wheels class
wheels class
see [[#rotL/R]]
see [[#rotL/R]]

=== V ===
==== vehicleClass ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Strings|String]]: Default Value= "Objects"

Used for Mission Editor basic category selection

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|String]]: Default Value= "Objects"
vehicleClass = "Air";
vehicleClass = "Support";
vehicleClass = "My Great Addon";

Used for Mission Editor basic category selection
<u>Related TokenNames</u>
[[#scope]], [[#accuracy]], [[#displayName]], [[#vehicleClass]], [[#nameSound]], [[#camouflage]]

  vehicleClass = "Air";
==== vehicleClass[] ====
  vehicleClass = "Support";
String [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]:
  vehicleClass = "My Great Addon";

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
vehicleClass[] = { "Men", "Car", "Armored", "Air", "Support", "Camera", "Objects", "Ammo", "Sounds", "Mines" };

<u>Related TokenNames</u>
==== view...Shadow ====
[[#scope]],  [[#accuracy]],  [[#displayName]]  [[#vehicleClass]]  [[#nameSound]]  [[#camouflage]]

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
String [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]:
viewCargoShadow = true;
viewGunnerShadow = true;

vehicleClass[] = {Men,Car,Armored,Air,Support,Camera,Objects,Ammo,Sounds,Mines};
==== viewDriverInExternal ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: default false

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
viewDriverInExternal = true; // Show the driver in third person view

==== viewGunnerInExternal ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Boolean|Boolean]]: default false

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
viewGunnerInExternal = true; // for some turrets and M113

=== W ===
==== ...WaterEffect ====

==view...Shadow ==
Defines the effect that will be spawned at the position of the LandContact points when vehicle is in/on the water.
'''[[ArmaTokenNames|ArmA]]''' [[TokenNameValueTypess|Boolean]]:
  viewCargoShadow = true;
  viewGunnerShadow = true;

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Boolean]]: default false
leftWaterEffect = "vbs2_fx_lowWaterEffects";
rightWaterEffect = "vbs2_fx_lowWaterEffects";

    viewGunnerInExternal = true; // for some turrets and M113
see [[#...DustEffect]]

==== weapon ====

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
weapon = "M197";
    weapon = "M197";

Selects a weapon from the CfgWeapons class
Selects a weapon from the CfgWeapons class

==== weapons ====
Variable String [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]: default {};
Variable String [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]: default {};

Weaopns and Magazines contain individual description of what a 'vehicle' IS carrying.
Weapons and Magazines contain individual description of what a 'vehicle' IS carrying.

  weapons[] = {"FFARLauncher","TwinM134"};// an aircaft
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
  weapons[] = {CarHorn};// truck
weapons[] = { "FFARLauncher", "TwinM134" }; // aircraft
weapons[] = { "CarHorn" }; // truck

  weapons[] = {M21,LAWLauncher,Throw,Put}; // soldier
weapons[] = { "M21", "LAWLauncher", "Throw", "Put" }; // soldier
  magazines[] = {M21,M21,M21,M21,HandGrenade,HandGrenade,LAWLauncher};
magazines[] = { "M21", "M21", "M21", "M21", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "LAWLauncher" };

The amount of weapons (and magazines) that can be carried by the 'man' is deternmined by [[#weaponSlots ]]
The amount of weapons (and magazines) that can be carried by the 'man' is determined by [[#weaponSlots]]

The names M21, Carhorn etc are external references to the cfgWeapons / cfgMagazines classes
The names M21, Carhorn etc are external references to the cfgWeapons / cfgMagazines classes

==== weaponsGroup ====
The weapons grouping for a vehicle, determined by enumerated weapon category definitions.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
weaponsGroup1 = WEAPONGROUP_CANNONS + WEAPONGROUP_MGUNS; // Adds Cannons and Machine Guns to Weapons Group 1
weaponsGroup2 = WEAPONGROUP_ROCKETS; // Adds Rockets to Weapons Group 2
weaponsGroup4 = WEAPONGROUP_BOMBS + WEAPONGROUP_SPECIAL; // Adds Bombs and Laser Designators to Weapons Group 4
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
#define WEAPONGROUP_CANNONS 1 // Cannons
#define WEAPONGROUP_MGUNS 2 // Machine Guns
#define WEAPONGROUP_ROCKETS 4 // Rockets
#define WEAPONGROUP_AAMISSILES 8 // Anti-Air Missiles
#define WEAPONGROUP_ATMISSILES 16 // Anti-Tank Missiles
#define WEAPONGROUP_MISSILES 32 // All / Other Missiles
#define WEAPONGROUP_BOMBS 64 // Bombs
#define WEAPONGROUP_SPECIAL 128 // Laser Designator + Misc
==== weaponSlots ====

Weaponslots apply to man class (soldier, civilian, etc)
Weaponslots apply to man class (soldier, civilian, etc)
Line 2,083: Line 3,419:
It indicates the 'gear' capacity.
It indicates the 'gear' capacity.

man/medic 1 +      4*256 +  4096 + 2 + 4*32;
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
sniper    1 + 16 + 4*256 + 2*4096 + 2 + 4*32;
weaponSlots = 1 + 4 + 12 * 256 + 2 * 4096 + 2 + 8 * 16; // all soldiers/civilians
soldier  1 + 16 + 10*256 + 2*4096 + 2 + 4*32;
weaponSlots = 1 + 4 + 8 * 256 + 2 * 4096 + 2 + 4 * 16; // medics
parachute 1 + 16 + 10*256 + 2*4096 + 2 + 4*32;
fakeciv  1 + 16 +  6*256 + 2*4096 + 2 + 4*32;
// 1 = primary weapon
// 2 = handgun slot
// 4 = secondary weapon (launcher)
// 16 = handgun magazines (8x)(or grenades for M203/GP-25)
// 256 = magazine slots (12x / 8x for medics)
// 4096 = goggle slot (2x)
// 131072 = ?
==== wheelCircumference ====
[[TokenNameValueTypes#Floats|Float]] Default 2.513 meters

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
[[TokenNameValueTypes|Float]] Default 2.513 meters
wheelCircumference = 8; // tractor

  wheelCircumference = 8;// tractor
==== wounds ====
string [[TokenNameValueTypes#Arrays|Array]]:

<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
wounds[] = { "xicht_a.paa", "xicht_a_zranen", ... };

this token is used in the man class to show a series of pac/paa files depending on damaged state of the body.

string [[TokenNameValueTypes|Array]]:

  wounds[] = {xicht_a.paa,xicht_a_zranen,...};

this token is used in the man class to show a series of pac/paa files depending on damaged state of the  body.
{{GameCategory|arma1|Addon Configuration}}
{{GameCategory|ofp|Reference Lists}}
{{GameCategory|arma3|Vehicle Configuration}}

Latest revision as of 23:43, 12 February 2024


TokenName Config.cpp Reference

Simply put, Token Name & Value pairs are as follows

SomeName = SomeValue;

Token Names are used extensively throughout Operation Flashpoint 'text' files.

An example is, when creating a model using class statements inside a Config.cpp, to access it later, via the mission editor


This article details the token-names specifically available within the CfgVehicles class of a Config.cpp. The primary focus of this document is the TokenNames used for various aspects of controlling models within Addons.

Unlike a command reference, where one meaning fits all, Token names are not verbs. The meaning of the name, it is effect, can be different, depending on context. You are advised therefore, that these names, as listed, apply only to the CfgVehicles class. They may, or may not, have identical meanings (if found), in other classes.

This article lists token names, their value ranges, and their type.


Token Type Description Example
Integer A signed value that will be held in 4 bytes. token = 1;
Boolean An Integer value of 0 or 1. This is a 'convenience type' in humanly readable text. The engine stores it as an integer.
For Elite only: All strings must be enclosed in quotes.
token = true;
String Any string value
token = "SomeString";
Array An array
token[] = { ... };
Float Array An array of floats
token[] = { 0.5, 0.3, 0.05 };
String Array An array of strings
token[] = { "String1", "String2" };
Integer Array An array of integers
token[] = { 0, 1, 2 };
Complex Array A mixture of multiple types, including embedded arrays.
token[] = { "String", 1, 0.5, true };
Variable Array The number of elements for this array in this class model can have a varying number of elements (depending on context)

Filenames and Paths

Filenames are case insensitive.

Pbo File conventions

The root path of the filename is (generally) the name of the pbo

model= "\anypbofile\'''anywhere'''\....";

note the pbo extension is inferred

anywhere is an (optional) (series of) folder(s) INSIDE the pbo.

Depending on the file referred to, eg a p3d file for a model, the extension (in this case .p3d) is not required.

p3d files



Wherever these file types are indicated, the default extension is paa



jpeg pictures are usable anywhere a pac (or pac) file is indicated. It is never default.

Exception: Operation Flashpoint: Elite specifically, cannot handle jpg.


Sound files

wss is the default extension if not declared.


Otherwise use Ogg Vorbis format (extension .ogg).

Vehicle vs 'Vehicle'

In this document. a vehicle, is a true vehicle of some kind. Be it a tank, or a car.

A 'vehicle' on the other hand covers cfgVehicles as defined in a config.cpp which would include men or buildings, since Operation Flashpoint considers them all to be 'vehicles'

Config.bin vs Config.cpp

By convention only, config.cpp is the humanly readable text equivalent of config.bin.

The engine will accept either or both.

When both are encountered, it is the text file that is predominant (the raPified file is ignored). (Which is the text file, and which is the 'binary' is moot, see below).

While unusual to have both, it is common for an addon, eg a pbo, to have both inside where the config.cpp is a 'work in progress' that might later be 'binarised' to raP, and the cpp removed.

raP files

So-called 'binarised' or 'binary' files are encoded in raP file format. They are not in the conventional sense a "binary"—machine readable code or data—but rather a more convenient encoded form of the text file (from the engine's perspective). They represent the stripping out of comments and extraneous crud, with bells on. For example, save files are raP encoded, just like config.bin is.

By convention only, a config.cpp is a text file. The engine does not actually care; if it encounters a config.cpp with a raP signature, it is treated as per a config.bin.

The engine unconditionally converts text files to raP encoding before it uses it further. This (obviously) slows game or mission loading and (less obviously) is a source of 'undocumented features'. Prior to finishing your addon, it is a Good Idea™ to 'binarise' the config into raP encoding and rename the cpp file to .txt for documentation purposes.

Alphabetical Order



String : defaults ManActCargo

commanderAction =	"ManActM60CommanderOut";
driverAction =		"ManActShipDriver";
gunnerAction =		"ManActJeepGunner";
commanderInAction =	"ManActTestDriver";
driverInAction =	"ManActM113Driver";
gunnerInAction =	"ManActM1A1Gunner";
getInAction =		ManActGetInTank;	// default
getOutAction =		ManActGetOutTank;	// default

Variable String Array: default {ManActCargo}

cargoAction[] = { "ManActM113Medic", "ManActM113Medic", "ManActM113Injured" };

Note that unlike driverAction and gunnerAction this is an array. (for multiple positions)

The number of elements in this array correspond to the #transportSoldier value declared for this class.

see #cargoIsCoDriver


Float Degrees

initAngleX = 0;
minAngleX = -30;
maxAngleX = 30;
initAngleY = 0;
minAngleY = -100;
maxAngleY = 100;
initFov = 0.700000;
minFov = 0.420000;
maxFov = 0.850000;

used by car.ViewPilot class


Float: Degrees

angle = -240;

see #Indicator... Class Or #Hatch... Class


Integer: Determines the manipulability of the class.


0 ReadAndWrite additional values can be added 1 ReadAndCreate only adding new class members is allowed 2 ReadOnly no modifications enabled 3 ReadOnlyVerified no modifications enabled, CRC test applied

All BIS classes are ReadOnlyVerified and can only be inherited into a new class


Float: Default value = 0.02.

Determines how easy an object is to identify. Smaller values are easier to detect.

Typically, buildings are 0.2, vehicles, 0.5

A value of 1000 causes the underlying class to be identified instead. Eg bushy trees, pink trees and yellow trees, can all be 'identified' as "trees". The description "bushy trees" is then used solely when Editing. See #VehicleClass

accuracy = 0.2;		// buildings
accuracy = 0.5;		// small vehicles
accuracy = 0.9;		// truck
accuracy = 3.500000;	// sniper
accuracy = 1.500000;	// lawsoldier
accuracy = 1000;		// soldier // identify (most) solders as 'man'

Relationship to #camouflage:

accuracy defines how hard it is for the AI to recognise the correct class of a unit. But even if it can't recognise the correct class it can still recognise it as an enemy and engage it.

camouflage defines how hard it is for the AI to see that the unit is there.

Related TokenNames #scope, #accuracy, #displayName, #vehicleClass, #nameSound, #camouflage


Float: metres per second

acceleration = 7;


Array: 3 separate tokens, airFriction0[], airFriction1[], airFriction2[] that define the X Y and Z component respectively.

airFriction2[] = { 25, 12, 2.500000 };


Array: tokens for defining the friction behaviour of planes, introduced with Arma 3 Jets DLC. They define the airfriction for planes with simulation = "PlaneX". Untested if applicable to other objects as well. The values in each array define the X, Y and Z coefficients respectively. The friction force in a certain axis is calculated ingame by F_friction = v * abs( v ) * airFrictionCoefs2+ v * airFrictionCoefs1+ (sign of v) * airFrictionCoefs0; where "v" is the speed of the plane in that particular axis.

airFrictionCoefs2[] = { 0.00100, 0.00050, 0.00006};
airFrictionCoefs1[] = { 0.100, 0.050, 0.006 };
airFrictionCoefs0[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };


Float Array:

ambient[] = { 0.07, 0.07, 0.07, 1.0 };

See #Reflectors Class, #Light Class, #CargoLight Class


Boolean : Default Value true

Used by class models that inherit an animated 'vehicle' to turn those aspects of the vehicle off.

animated = false;

model is animated, or not.

when set true, the animation class, if any, happens, otherwise it doesn't

see animations class


Float: Seconds.

This TokenName is generally used inside AnimationSources class (ArmA only). It's use in OFP:R is as follows

animPeriod = 1.33; // a fountain


String: These animation strings point to rtm files to create the movement.

animationFlag = "\AnyAddon\AnyRTM(.rtm)";	// to wiggle flag in wind
animationOpen = "\AnyAddon\AnyRTM(.rtm)";	// to open or close doors (eg)
animationDrop = "\AnyAddon\AnyRTM(.rtm)";


Array format [String, Float]

(possibly introduced in Arma 3 logo black.png1.24 when other randomisation features were added)

Array of animation sources to randomize the vehicle with similar to facewear/headgear randomization for characters (See Arma 3: Characters And Gear Encoding Guide - FIA headgear and facewear randomization; format is:

animationList[] = { "animation1", weight1, "animation2", weight2, etc. };

Animations must be classes from the vehicle's AnimationSources. If all the weights are the same value, it functions as straight equal randomisation.


class MyAPC : B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F
	animationList[] = {
		"showBags", 0,
		"showCamonetHull", 0.5,
		"showCamonetCannon", 0.75,
		"showCamonetTurret", 1,
		"showSLATHull", 1,
		"showSLATTurret", 1



animationSourceBody = "Turret_2";
animationSourceGun = "Gun_2";
animationSourceHatch = "hatchCommander";
animationSourceElevation = ""; // new in Arma 3
animationSourceCamElevation =""; // new in Arma 3

armor (integer)

Float: A strength value of the object, how much external damage can be taken before 'destruction'. It is calculated together with object volume size! (bounding sphere calculated in geometry) Below are general ranges to give some idea.

approx strength = (0.27/tgtRadius)^2 / armorInConfig

armor = 3;			// man
armor = 10;			// motorcycle
armor = 20;			// a small car
armor = 15..60;		// aircraft
armor = 150;		// buildings
armor = 150..300;	// bmp
armor = 400...900;	// tank
armor = 300;		// boat
armor = 10000;		// ship

If unspecified (or not inherited) the default value is 30

1 bullet will kill armor <=20

2 bullets <=40

3 bullets 50

armor (float)

Float: The floating version of armor type is only used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody

armor = 1.4;	// a bee
armor = 0.8;	// a turret

Related TokenNames: #armor (float), #material, #name, #passThrough



// for vehicles general
armorStructural= 1;	// ranges between 1 and 4.0, default 1
armorFuel = 1.4;	// default
armorGlass = 0.5;	// default
armorLights = 0.4;	// default 0.4 in all models.
armorWheels = 0.05;	// default
// for tanks
armorHull = 1;
armorTurret = 0.8;
armorGun = 0.6;
armorEngine = 0.8;
armorTracks = 0.6;
// for men
armorHead = 0.7;
armorHands = 0.5;
armorLegs = 0.5;
// helicopters
armorHull = 0.5;
armorEngine = 0.6;
armorAvionics = 1.4;
armorVRotor = 0.5;
armorHRotor = 0.7;
armorMissiles = 1.6;
armorGlass = 0.5;


Used for both vehicles that can be diassembled and backpacks that are assembled into vehicles (static guns, drones, etc.)

Class values for backpacks, primary part:

class assembleInfo
	assembleTo = "I_G_HMG_02_high_F";	// Backpack assembles into this vehicle
	primary = 1;						// This backpack is main part, when assembly is done, its "assembleTo" class will be used for created vehicle
	base[] = { "B_HMG_02_support_high_F", "O_HMG_02_support_high_F" , "I_HMG_02_support_high_F" }; // And requires these entities as second part (tripod), can be any number of classnames
	displayName = "Static MG";			// String that will be shown in "Assemble X" mouse wheel menu action
	dissasembleTo[] = {};				// Backpacks are not disassembled futher, but empty array is required here anyways

Second part (tripod) only needs primary = 0;:

class assembleInfo
	assembleTo = "";
	primary = 0;
	base = "";
	displayName = "";
	dissasembleTo[] = {};

If no second part is needed for assembly, primary backpack's "base" have to be empty string: base = "";

Vehicles disassembly info:

class assembleInfo
	assembleTo = "";
	primary = 0;
	base = "";
	displayName = "";
	dissasembleTo[] = { "B_HMG_02_high_weapon_F", "B_HMG_02_support_high_F" }; // Vehicle will be disassembled into these backpacks. Max 2 allowed.

Note the typo in "dissasembleTo" property, engine expects it like this. Empty values have to be provided to avoid missing config values errors.

Note: Vehicle keeps track which second part (tripod) was used when it was assembled and its used again when you disassemble it back.


Boolean: Default false

Used for 'vehicles' to repair other 'vehicles'. Thus a hospital has an attendant that can repair soldiers. Adds the action "Heal at XXX"

attendant = true;

Related TokenNames: #hiddenSelections


Float: Default Value 1

audible = .05;	// man
audible = 3;	// motorcycle
audible = 6;	// tank/ship

How loud you are. The bigger value, the better the unit is heard.

see #camouflage


Boolean: Default true

autocenter = false;	// man



axis = "osa_poklop_driver";

see #Indicator... Class Or #Hatch... Class, IndicatorWatch Class




body = "mainTurret";

see #Turret Class


Float: default 5 meters per sec

brakeDistance = 1;	// man
brakeDistance = 14;	// tank
brakeDistance = 500;// plane
brakeDistance = 50;	// boat


String: Memorypoint which extends vehicle bounding box depending on position of this point. Defined for base class of Tanks. Default memorypoint is the tip of the tank's barrel (usti hlavne) - this means that when tank is pointing to the left, its bounding box is extended. You can observe bounding box extending in i.e. Zeus.

bounding = "usti hlavne";



brightness = 1.0;

See #Reflectors Class, #Light Class, #CargoLight Class




Used to describe which sensory inputs are available to which crew members.

Numeric value CanSee.. define Description
1 Radar Enables top left radar (OA) for a vehicle (top centre in arma and OFP).
2 Eye Effect unknown - maybe affects AI capabilities?
4 Optics Effect unknown - maybe affects AI capabilities?
8 Ear Effect unknown - maybe affects AI capabilities?
16 Compass Enables top centre compass bar and digital compass in A2/OA.
32 Peripheral Enables small colored blobs at the edge of the screen that indicate nearby units.

Multiple values can be added (or binary ored, giving the same result) together.

commanderCanSee = 31;		// default
gunnerCanSee = 4 + 8 + 16;	// default
driverCanSee = 2 + 8 + 16;	// default
#define CanSeeRadar			1
#define CanSeeEye			2
#define CanSeeOptics		4
#define CanSeeEar			8
#define CanSeeCompass		16
#define CanSeeAll			31
#define CanSeePeripheral	32
#define CanSeeRadarC		CanSeeRadar + CanSeeCompass
commanderCanSee = CanSeeAll;
gunnerCanSee = CanSeeOptics + CanSeeEar + CanSeeCompass;
driverCanSee = CanSeeEye + CanSeeEar + CanSeeCompass;


Float Degrees

Found within vehicle classes.

Orientation of the man sitting in the cargo space.

initCargoAngleY = 185;	// Truck5t
initCargoAngleY = 90;	// M113
initCargoAngleY = 10;	// UH60
minCargoAngleY = -60;
maxCargoAngleY = 120;


Float: Default Value = 2.

how difficult to spot. bigger = easier

camouflage = 0.6;	// snipers
camouflage = 1;		// man
camouflage = 4;		// trucks
camouflage = 8;		// tanks

Relationship to #accuracy:

camouflage defines how hard it is for the AI to see that the unit is there. The AI will not spot an enemy that has a camouflage setting of 0 (maybe this needs some more testing) even if it stands directly in front of it as long as the enemy doesn't fire.

accuracy defines how hard it is for the AI to recognise the correct class of a unit. But even if it can't recognise the correct class it can still recognise it as an enemy and engage it.

Related TokenNames #scope, #accuracy, #displayName, #vehicleClass, #nameSound, #camouflage



Boolean: Declares whether bullets have any effect

canBeShot = true;

Boolean: Default false

part of the man class.

canDeactivateMines= true;	// SoldierEngineer

Boolean: Default value: false

Used to allow vehicles (such as BMP) not to sink !

canFloat = true;

Boolean: Default false

part of the man class.

canHideBodies = true;	// SoldierWSaboteur


Variable Boolean Array : Default {false};

This token declares which (if any) cargo positions are 'in the front' (Ie front windscreen)

cargoIsCoDriver[] = { true, true, false };	// 1st two passenger positions for a 5T truck

The number of elements in this array correspond to the #transportSoldier value declared for this class model.


Array Description: Settings this to 0 will force the unit to face the vehicle when getting out of a vehicle. 1 is the default behaviour where the facing direction is opposit of the get in direction.

cargoReversedGetOut[] = { 0 };


Boolean: Default false

castCargoShadow = false;
castCommanderShadow = false;
castDriverShadow = false;
castGunnerShadow = true;

Normally used to shadow 'soldiers' standing up in vehicle objects, such as the MG Jeep and Machine Guns.

Classes Embedded

see #Embedded ClassNames


Various(Strings, Floats, Arrays)

cloudletDuration = 0.9;
cloudletAnimPeriod = 1.0;
cloudletSize = 0.1;
cloudletAlpha = 0.8;
cloudletGrowUp = 0.4;
cloudletFadeIn = 0.0;
cloudletFadeOut = 5.0;
cloudletAccY = -0.1;
cloudletMinYSpeed = 0.3;
cloudletMaxYSpeed = 1.5;
cloudletShape = "\ca\data\cl_basic";
cloudletColor[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0 };

See #Smoke Class


String : Used as a core model for all other 'air' craft.

cobraLight = "AnyAddon\AnyP3d(.p3d)";



coefInside = 2;			// cost for movement inside buildings
coefInsideHeur = 4.3;	// estimation of cost based on in/out points
coefSpeedInside = 2; // we must go slowly inside houses

Used by the static class for non moving objects such as buildings

coefInside = 1;	// forest
coefInsideHeur = 0.25;


Float Boolean: Default: false.

Default state of collision lights

collisionLight = true; // spawn vehicle with collision lights on


Float Array: of floats.

color[] = { 0.8, 0.8, 1.0, 1.0 };

This is a fixed four dimension array consisting of the color values for a RGBA model.

See #Reflectors Class, #Light Class, #CargoLight Class, #Smoke Class


Integer: part of Turret class

commanding = -1;


Float: Default Value 50.0000

This value reflects the attractiveness of the target to the enemy AI. When all other considerations are equal. A soldier eg is not interested in Air, despite it is highly attractive cost values. On the other hand, he is interested in a medic, since a medic (in normal configs) has a (while small) a higher cost, than others in the group, including the officer.

cost = 10000000;	// an air vehicle is typically this value
cost = 8;			// a medic;
cost = 1;			// a grunt
cost = 4;			// an officer
cost = 0;			// most buildings;

Related TokenNames: type, #cost, #threat


String or Integer: (math formula).

weapon = "M60";
count = "30 * 1"; // or 'count = 30 * 1;'

this token is always associated in a weapon or magazine couplet, inside a TransportWeapons, or TransportMagazines class.

The value is mostly represented as a string as above (a math formula), or it can be (unusually)

count = 2;

See At the End of the Day in the TokenNameValueTypes page for an explanation how this duality is possible.


String: Default Civilian

Reflects whether vehicle is manned, and what with.

crew = <ClassName>
crew = "SoldierWPilot";

'SoldierWPilot' is a class declared in same file.



Multiplier of damage to crew of the vehicle. Lower number means better protection.

crewCrashProtection = 0.05;



Variable String Array:

dammageHalf[] = { "\AnyAddon\AnyPAA.paa", "\AnyAddon\AnyOtherPAA.paa", ... };
dammageFull[] = { "\AnyAddon\AnyPAA.paa", "\AnyAddon\AnyOtherPAA.paa", ... };

When 'vehicle' is considered at least half way to destruction, the series of pictures is applied to the model.


Only for AI, to know when to shoot and when not.

damageResistance = 0.004;

It can be calculated from vehicle armor and hit value of weapon that should be able to harm the vehicle. tgtRadius is radius of virtual bounding sphere calculated in vehicle geometry. CfgVehicles_Config_Reference#armor_.28integer.29

damageResistance = (HIT*HIT)/Armor*((0.27/tgtRadius)*(0.27/tgtRadius))


Determines if AI can decide to go through the object. This parameter skips regular mass checking if object can smashed through

driveThroughEnabled			= 1; // test parameter for AI knowing they can drive through the object



damperSize = 0.1;	// default
damperForce = 3;	// default



deltaT = -500;

See #Smoke Class



density = 0.5;

See #Smoke Class


String: Default Value = "DestructDefault"

Used for animation, sound, and final 'look' of vehicle.

destrType = "DestructNo";		// nothing happens
destrType = "DestructBuilding";	// smoke. explosion
destrType = "DestructEngine";	// smoke only
destrType = "DestructTree";		// smoke, crushing, falls over
destrType = "DestructTent";		// smoke, crushing, flattens
destrType = "DestructMan";
destrType = "DestructDefault";	// = building
destrType = "DestructWreck";

Tent and Tree are no longer identifiable when destroyed if not class 'things'


Boolean: Default false;

disappearAtContact = true;	// FxCartridge



direction = "konec L svetla";

see #Reflectors Class


String: Default value = "Unknown" or "Vehicle"

Selects object uniquely in the Mission Editor, and separately, is used to identify object in game according to #accuracy. For instance when pointing your men to an object while in a mission, it is this displayName that is used.

It is good practice to use a stringtable.csv that should accompany your addon so that

  1. All names and labels are in one place instead of hunting for them.
  2. For language differences
displayName = "$STR_DN_AH1Z";

Note, that will careful crafting of classes, different colored 'rocks' can all be called the same displayName (rock) in the mission itself. See #scope and #accuracy for details.

See #nameSound for definition of what is actually 'said'

Related TokenNames #scope, #accuracy, #displayName, #vehicleClass, #nameSound, #camouflage



displayNameShort = "$STR_DN_UH60";


Boolean : Default false. When not set, the turret commanding values are used to determine who is the commander. (source (dead link))

driverIsCommander = true;

For boat, MG Jeep and helicopters

see #has...


Boolean Description: Determines if the driver can freely look around inside the vehicle or if he is locked to looking forward through the hatch/optics.

driverForceOptics = true;



Description: setting this to 0 will force the unit to face the vehicle when getting out of a vehicle. 1 is the default behaviour where the facing direction is opposit of the get in direction.

driverReversedGetOut = 0;



Defines the effect that will be spawned at the position of the LandContact points.

leftDustEffect = "vbs2_fx_lowTrackDustEffects";
rightDustEffect = "vbs2_fx_lowTrackDustEffects";

see #...WaterEffect



Eden Editor main category. See Eden Editor: Object Categorization for more details.

editorCategory = "EdCat_Structures";


Eden Editor preview picture. See Configuring Asset Previews for more details.

editorPreview = "\A3\EditorPreviews_F\Data\myObject.jpg";


Eden Editor sub-category. See Eden Editor: Object Categorization for more details.

editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_Drones";


Boolean: If enabled vehicle will allow crew to use Minimap even if they do not posses GPS terminal.

enableGPS = 1;


Integer: Degrees

Description: How far the mounted weapon and viewpoint (through optics only) can be lowered or raised, and how much the initial elevation is. Values of max and min = 90 effectively allows a weapon to be lowered into the ground/straight into the air.

initElev = -80;
minElev = -60;
maxElev = 10;

part of any #Turret Class (tanks eg)


Float: If the damage value of the vehicle is higher than the ejectDamageLimit, AI will disembark the vehicle.

ejectDamageLimit = 0.75;


Boolean : Default false

ejectDeadGunner = false;
ejectDeadCargo = false;
ejectDeadDriver = false;
ejectDeadCommander = false;

Causes that unit to 'unmount' the vehicle. Such as an MG nest, or motorcycle.


Array: Speed vector of ejection seat. Therefore only applies to planes.

ejectSpeed[] = { 0, 0, 0 };	// cannot eject in a Cessna

Embedded ClassNames

Some Token Names are encountered only within an embedded classname, rather than the main 'vehicle' body.

An embedded classname conveniently adds a unique feature to the 'vehicle'. Such as smoke, such as, a turret for a tank.

Embedded class names are used extensively in animated buildings for the quite logical reason that identical Token Names for door1 cannot be the same as Door2.

Below is a list of embedded classnames that (in most cases) use a TokenName uniquely. It is not found elsewhere and is better served describing that Token Name in the context it is found in, ie, an embedded class.

Hatch... Class
class HatchDriver
	selection = "poklop_driver";
	axis = "osa_poklop_driver";
	angle = -100;
Indicator... Class
class IndicatorSpeed
	selection = "ukaz_rychlo";
	axis = "osa_rychlo";
	angle = -240;
	min = 0;
	max = 60 / 3.6;
Light Class
class Light
	ambient[] = { 0.3, 0.15, 0.0, 1.0 };
	brightness = 0.08;
	color[] = { 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0 };
	position = "ohniste";
	shape = "koulesvetlo";
	size = 0.3;
CargoLight Class
class CargoLight
	ambient[] = { 0.6, 0, 0.15, 1 };
	brightness = 0.007;
	color[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
Reflectors Class
class Reflectors : LandVehicle	// old
	ambient[] = { 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0 };
	brightness = 0.25;
	color[] = { 0.9, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 };
	position = "L svetlo";
	size = 0.5;
	direction = "konec L svetla";
	hitpoint = "L svetlo";
	selection = "L svetlo";

class Reflectors				// new
	class Light_1
		ambient[] = { 10, 10, 11 };
		color[] = { 1000, 1000, 1100 };
		size = 1;
		dayLight = 1;
		useFlare = 1;
		intensity = 1;
		coneFadeCoef = 2;
		innerAngle = 89;
		outerAngle = 90;
		position = "light_start_memoryPoint";
		direction = "light_end_memoryPoint";
		hitpoint = "";
		selection = "";
		class Attenuation // see
			start = 0;
			constant = 0;
			linear = 0;
			quadratic = 0;
			hardLimitStart = 9;
			hardLimitEnd = 10;

// Arma 3 example value
class Reflectors
	class Left // main landing light
		position = "L svetlo";
		direction = "konec L svetla";
		hitpoint = "L svetlo";
		selection = "L svetlo";
		color[] = { 7000, 7500, 10000 }; // R, G, B
		ambient[] = { 70, 75, 100 }; // R, G, B
		intensity = 50;
		size = 1;
		innerAngle = 15;
		outerAngle = 65;
		coneFadeCoef = 10;
		useFlare = 1;
		flareSize = 10;
		flareMaxDistance = 250;
		dayLight = 0;
		class Attenuation
			start = 0;
			constant = 0;
			linear = 1;
			quadratic = 1;
			hardLimitStart = 100;
			hardLimitEnd = 200;
	class LG : Left  // left door gunner searchlight
		position = "LG svetlo";
		direction = "konec LG svetla";
		hitpoint = "LG svetlo";
		selection = "LG svetlo";
	class Right : Left   // right door gunner searchlight
		position = "P svetlo";
		direction = "konec P svetla";
		hitpoint = "P svetlo";
		selection = "P svetlo";

// example red cabin light in helicopter

class Cabin
	position = "cabin_light";
	direction = "cabin_light_dir";
	hitpoint = "cabin_light";
	selection = "cabin_light";
	color[] = { 1000, 0, 0 };
	ambient[] = { 100, 0, 0 };
	intensity = 5;
	size = 1;
	innerAngle = 15;
	outerAngle = 150;
	coneFadeCoef = 1;
	useFlare = 1;
	flareSize = 0.1;
	flareMaxDistance = 1;
	dayLight = 0;

	class Attenuation
		start = 0;
		constant = 0;
		linear = 1;
		quadratic = 1;
		hardLimitStart = 1;
		hardLimitEnd = 2;

Notes for Arma 3:

Add a light to an object in class cfgvehicles.
Each reflector requires a selection in relevant model vis LODs (e.g. "L svetlo") for the flare effect.
Requires two memory points in memory LOD - light spawn position and direction e.g. position "L svetlo" and direction "konec L svetla".

The memory point you assign to position parameter is where the light source itself will be.
The one you put to direction is the way your light will shine.
The cone itself is set using innerAngle, outerAngle and coneFadeCoef.
innerAngle sets the cone in which the light has it is full intensity.
outerAngle sets the cone outside of which the light has zero intensity.
coneFadeCoef is a coefficient that describes attenuation of the light between innerAngle and outerAngle. 1 equals linear attenuation, higher or lower value changes it, meaning how sharp/blurred will the edge of the lightcone as a whole be.
Note that both the angles represent full angle of the cone, not just "angular offset" from direction of the light. If you set it to 90 degrees, it means the cone is 45 degrees to the "left" and 45 to the "right" of the direction specified by your memory points.
As a spot light, reflectors are not made for cones above 180 degrees.
Some time ago BIS made changes to the lighting system to allow for higher light variety during night time. One of the effects it had on configs of lights was that you need to set higher intensity than before the change to get the same results.
color[] and ambient[] seem to have changed from RGB from 0-1 to way higher values - see example.

See setLightAttenuation notes for explanation of attenuation values.
See also Arma 3 Cars Config Guidelines - Reflectors
aggregateReflectors are described here link

Smoke Class
class Smoke
	density = 0.5;
	deltaT = -500;
	in = 0.0;
	out = 0.0;
	initT = 1000;
	initYSpeed = 1.7;
	interval = 0.01;
	size = 0.1;
	timeToLive = 100000002004087730000.0;

	cloudletDuration = 0.9;
	cloudletAnimPeriod = 1.0;
	cloudletSize = 0.1;
	cloudletAlpha = 0.8;
	cloudletGrowUp = 0.4;
	cloudletFadeIn = 0.0;
	cloudletFadeOut = 5.0;
	cloudletAccY = -0.1;
	cloudletMinYSpeed = 0.3;
	cloudletMaxYSpeed = 1.5;
	cloudletShape = "cl_basic";
	cloudletColor[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0 };

	class Table
		class T1
			maxT = 0;
			color[] = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1 };
		class T2
			maxT = 900;
			color[] = { 0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1 };
		class T3
			maxT = 1000;
			color[] = { 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5 };

Turret Class

(Tanks eg)

class TurretBase
	body = "OtocVez";
	gun = "OtocHlaven";
	gunAxis = "OsaHlavne";
	gunBeg = "usti hlavne";
	gunEnd = "konec hlavne";
	minElev = -4;
	maxElev = 20;
	minTurn = -360;
	maxTurn = 360;
	soundServo[] = { "Vehicles\gun_elevate", 0.031623, 1.0 };
	turretAxis = "OsaVeze";

For details see Turret Config Reference

Embedded TokenNames

see #Embedded ClassNames


Boolean: Default true. Used by Helicopter class

enableSweep = false;	// UH60MG

Is sweeping over the target a valid technique for given helicopter?


Float Array

// lift (G) based on speed
envelope[] = {
	// speed relative to max. speed -> lift
	// 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4	// rel. speed
	0.0, 0.2, 0.9, 2.1, 2.5, 3.3, 3.5, 3.2, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5	// lift

Info by RKSL-Rock:

The top speed is set via the mass. So you will need MLODs to alter it. So it is the same issue as the original OP.

The config maxspeed value is only really used by the AI and the engine as a base variable in some calculations.

You can change the acceleration though by using the envelope command. This will change the vertical speed relative to the maxspeed in the config in steps of 10% of the stated max speed.

This is the envelope from the RKSL Lynx AH7:

envelope[] = { 1.7, 2.50, 3.50, 4.50, 5.50, 5.50, 5.15, 5.15, 5.15, 5.15, 4.15, 3.15, 2.15, 2.15, 1.15 };

There are normally 15 values representing the vertical lift in m/s at 10% steps from 0 to 140% of the max speed.

So, if the max speed is 500 and the first value is always 0:

2nd value = 50kph and 2.5 m/s vertical speed 3rd value = 100kph and 3.5 m/s vertical speed ... 11th value = 500kph and 4.15 m/s vertical speed ... 15th value = 700kph and 1.15 m/s vertical speed.

You wont affect the top speed but it will make it easier to handle.

EventHandlers... Class

Pre-defined object Event Handlers. Property with class matches the handler name.

class EventHandlers
	init = "myAddon_object = _this select 0;";

Arma 3 logo black.png1.54 Arma 3 introduced extended event handlers. It's possible to define event handlers within unique sub-classes, which prevents compatibility issues when multiple addons wants to set the same handler type to single vehicle class.

class EventHandlers
	class MyAddon
		init = "myAddon_object = _this select 0;";
	class YourAddon
		init = "yourAddon_object = _this select 0;";


float Array: { X, Z, Y }; Default { 0, 2, -20 };

External (third-person) camera offset relative to the vehicle's aimpoint memory point, around which the camera orbits.

extCameraPosition[] = { 0, 5, -30 };				// plane
extCameraPosition[] = { 0, 1, -10 };				// cars
extCameraPosition[] = { 0, 1.500000, -9 };			// tanks
extCameraPosition[] = { 0, 0.300000, -3.500000 };	// man


float Array: Default { 0.5, 10, 50, 0.5, 1, 10, 30, 0, 1 };

Smoothing of external camera movement

extCameraParams[] = { multFactor, speedMin, speedMax, factorSpeeedMin, factorSpeeedMax, heightMin, heightMax, factorHeightMin, factorHeightMax };

factor = multFactor * interpolate(speed, speedMin, speedMax, factorSpeeedMin, factorSpeeedMax) * interpolate(heightAGL, heightMin, heightMax, factorHeightMin, factorHeightMax)

factor == 0 -> camera follow horizon

factor == 1 - > camera follow vehicle heading

factor (0, 1) interpolation between horizon and vehicle heading

extCameraParams[] = { 0.5, 10, 50, 0.5, 1, 10, 30, 0, 1 };  // helicopters & UAV

to force the old external camera behavior

extCameraParams[] = { -1 }



Integer: Default 0. 1 means the object is always visible within object view distance, 2 means always visible within terrain view distance. Same as setFeatureType.

featureType = 2;


Integer: Default 20 seconds

minFireTime = 20;

Minimal time spent firing on single target.


String: Event Handlers

fired = "_this exec ""\AnyAddon\AnySQS.sqs""";	// note the ""


Float: Default 0.5

flapsFrictionCoef = 2;	// can be integer too.


Boolean : Default false

forceHideDriver = true;	// shilka
forceHideGunner = true;	// tank
forceHideCommander = true;

Disables the turnout option for that particular crew member


Boolean : Default

forceSupply = true;

Found only in Weapon holders. Is used to make the weaponholder disappear when empty.



formationX = 10;	// default meters
formationZ = 20;	// default meters
formationTime = 10;	// default seconds

One or both X Z values are used to keep objects separated (in meters) depending on wedge, echelon, V, single line, formations.



fov = 0.85;	// Cessna
fov = 0.85;	// man
fov = 1.0;	// truck



minFov = 0.420000;	// man
maxFov = 0.850000;
minFov = 0.600000;	// truck
maxFov = 1.400000;

also used by ViewPilot Classes


Float: Default Value 0. Has nothing to do with liters.

Arma 3: for a vehicle using tankX simulation consumption seems to be exclusively determined by engine rpm. With a 700 idle-rpm and 3000 max-rpm engine - a fuelCapacity of 1 will give you 640 seconds operation time at idle rpm, and 300 seconds of operation at maximum rpm. If the idle rpm was 200, you would get 865 seconds of operation, the max rpm time would not change. The amount of thrust from controllerinput is completely irrelevant.

A2 examples:

fuelCapacity = 50;	// motorcycle
fuelCapacity = 100;	// car
fuelCapacity = 700;	// tank
fuelCapacity = 1000;// air

The required fuelCapacity value to achieve a specific operation TIME (in seconds) at a specific engine RPM (revolution per minute) can be estimated with:

fuelCapacity = (8E-7 * RPM + 0.001) * TIME


Integer: Default Value 0.01. Has no units. Works only on helicopters.



String: in Arma 3. Has no purpose whatsoever. It is generated automatically by BI developer tools for debugging.
« Some config properties are generated automatically (e.g., "nameSound", which sets how to unit appears in radio protocol, is computed based on unit's role and equipment, so coders won't need to set it manually). _generalMacro property is added to all objects which underwent this process to help with debugging. » – Karel Mořický (source)


String: Named selection for get in actions working in same principle as actionNamedSel in UserActions. Available variants:




minGunElev = -60;
maxGunElev = 60;
minGunTurn = -5;
maxGunTurn = 5;
minGunTurnAI = -30;
maxGunTurnAI = 30;


Boolean: Default false

outGunnerMayFire = true;	// m113
inGunnerMayFire = false;

...GunClouds Class

This is a reference to the external WeaponCloudsGun classes

most models simply inherit the defaults

class GunClouds : WeaponCloudsGun {};
class MGunClouds : WeaponCloudsMGun {};

here is an example of over-rides for class man

class GunClouds : WeaponCloudsGun
	cloudletGrowUp = 0.200000;
	cloudletFadeIn = 0;
	cloudletFadeOut = 0.400000;
	cloudletDuration = 0.200000;
	cloudletAlpha = 1;
	cloudletAccY = 2;
	cloudletMinYSpeed = -10;
	cloudletMaxYSpeed = 10;
	interval = 0.020000;
	size = 0.300000;
	sourceSize = 0.015000;

...GunFire Class

This is a reference to the external WeaponFireGun classes

most models simply inherit the defaults

class GunFire : WeaponFireGun {};
class MGunFire : WeaponFireMGun {};



Description: Changes acceleration and max speed values of certain Vehicles. If changed, impact to the acceleration is minor (if notable at all!) to catastrophic (worsened acceleration/maxspeed). Best to leave as-is.

gearbox[] = { -18, 0, 110, 16.15, 14.44, 13.33 };


Boolean: Default true

gearRetracting = false;	// Cessna

more correctly viewed as HasRetractingGear.



gun = "OtocHlaven";

see #Turret Class



Description: Aircraft only. How far a hardpoint-mounted gun "aims down"; high values allow for strafing runs without the need to nose-dive down too much, but also shift the targeting reticle in the aircraft's HUD; if too high, targeting reticle is only visible in 3rd Person (if available).

gunAimDown = 0.07;




see #Turret Class



gunnerHasFlares = false;






gunnerOutOpticsModel = "";


gunnerOutOpticsColor[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };


gunnerOutForceOptics = false;


gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = false;



Part of #Turret class.

Defines the character class that inhabits this turret by default, replaces the pilot which would usually be in this turret. Used primarily to add helicopter crewmen to helicopter turrets.

class MyHelicopter : B_Heli_Transport_01_F
	class Turrets : Turrets
		class MyTurret : MainTurret
			gunnerType = "B_RangeMaster_F";

Because turrets are sub-members of the Turrets class of the base vehicle, all the classes must be fully exposed to their source (Helicopter class) to be inherited from, otherwise all turrets must be overwritten.



Float: Default: 0.

How much to tilt the driver's head forward in degrees.

HeadAimDown = 10;	// tilt driver's head forward 10 degrees.



minHeight = 5;	// Min height in metres above sea-level.
maxHeight = 50;	// Max height above sea level.
avgHeight = 10;



hasDriver = true;	// default
hasGunner = false;	// default
hasCommander =true;	// default

Depending on vehicle model.

Controls the 'get in' commands.

Since 1.82 there is alternative syntax available for hasDriver property

hasDriver = -1;	// t80auto

This will disable driver seat and add control ability to commander (turret with highest commanding value aka seat with highest effectiveCommander value)

see #driverIsCommander


Integer Degrees

minHeadTurnAI = -70;	// man class
maxHeadTurnAI = 70;


String Array: Default none.

Here you can define selections on the model, which are not shown at mission startup. This is useful for creating variations of one model, where the different selections are left out with hiddenSelections. (ex: Soldiers have the hidden selection "medic", as they should not have a red cross at their body):

Aside from this, the hidden selections are used for runtime texture assignment. Every element in the hidden selection-array corresponds to an index, with the first element being 0. Only 10 elements are allowed in the array and are numbered 0-9.

hiddenSelections[] = { "pruh" }; // bmp/tank

Try this setObjectTexture [0, "\data\duha.pac"]; in the initline of a BMP and you'll see which parts are meant by the selection "pruh".

Don't forget to add the model and the selections in the CfgModels, as the hidden selections won't work otherwise (at least not after binarizing).



hideProxyInCombat		= false;	// default (true for tanks);  if true, disables turn-in option for all crew
hideUnitInfo			= false;	// default see [[#unitInfoType]]
hideWeaponsCargo		= false;	// default
hideWeaponsCommander	= true;		// default
hideWeaponsDriver		= true;		// default
hideWeaponsGunner		= true;		// default



hitpoint = "L svetlo";

See #Reflectors Class


hitSound1[] = { "voices\Hit11", 0.056234, 1 };
hitSound20[] = { "voices\Hit30", 0.056234, 1 };
hitSounds[] = { "hitSound1", 0.05, "hitSound2", 0.05, ...

hitSounds is used by the engine to reference user generated hitSound...s

there is no limit to the number of user-generated sounds.


part of the IndicatorWatch class

class IndicatorWatch
	hour = "hodinova";
	minute = "minutova";
	axis = "osa_time";
	reversed = 0;


Array: Time ranage when catastrophic explosion (when HitHull > 0.9 & hullDamageCauseExplosion is set to 1) happens. First number is minimum time in seconds & 2nd - maximum

hullExplosionDelay[] = { 10, 20 };


Integer: Determines if vehicle explodes after HitHull is above 0.9

hullDamageCauseExplosion = 1; // vehicle will explode if HitHull is above 0.9



String: Default Value = "unknown_object.paa"

This value us used by the map editor to show the building or vehicle when editing. It is not normally visible during game play. (but can be)

The icon can be any jpg, paa, or pac file. paa is default. Note that Elite cannot handle jpegs.

icon = "\AnyAddon\AnyPAA(.paa)";

Related TokenName(s): #mapSize


Float: These TokenNames are used inside the #Smoke Class

in = 0.0;
out = 0.0;


String: Event Handlers The Event Handler receives an array _this (the exact content of which still has to be documented), of which the first element contains the vehicle (e.g. _this select 0).

init = "[(_this select 0)] exec ""\AnyAddon\AnySqs.sqs""";


Integer: This TokenName is used inside the #Smoke Class

initT = 1000;


Float: This TokenName is used inside the #Smoke Class

initYSpeed = 1.7;


Float: default 0.5

insideSoundCoef = 0.05;	// air vehicles are 2%


Float: This TokenName is used inside the #Smoke Class

interval = 0.01;


Boolean: Default true.

Probaly used to stop ai looking down

irScanGround = false;	// tanks


Integer: Default 0

irScanRange = 4000;		// outdated (since Resistance)
irScanRangeMin = 500;	// tanks general
irScanRangeMax = 4000;
irScanRangeMin = 2000;	// air
irScanRangeMax = 10000;
irScanRangeMin = 4000;	// a vulcan
irScanRangeMax = 10000;


Integer: Default 1

irScanToEyeFactor = 2;	// air
irScanToEyeFactor = 5;	// shilka


Boolean: Default true.

Used for (some) buildings so that they don't show up on tank radar. Save for very limited exceptions, this token should be enabled for all vehicle units.

Disabling it will make the vehicle NOT to be engaged by infantry anti-tank gunners nor vehicle weapons. It will only be engaged by small arms, and only if its armor value is low enough for AI infantry to think it can damage it by shooting at it.

irTarget = false;	// man


Boolean: Default false.

this value inside the motorcycle class is used to turn it on when inheriting to a real bicycle


Boolean: Default true.

isMan = 1;

Defined within the man class



String: Event Handlers

killed = "[(_this select 0), 1, 1, 0, 0] exec ""\AnyAddon\AnySQS.sqs""";	// note the ""



Embedded Array: The ladders array is used to declare one or more ladder pairs inside the model.

ladders[] = { {"start", "end" } };							// a building with one ladder
ladders[] = { {"start1", "end1" }, {"start2", "end2" } };	// two ladder building
// ...etc

Note that unfortunately, the 'start' and 'end' labels are arbitrary for each model. You cannot have a generic ladder building as such.

Since 1.79.143080 it is possible to define radius of action & component in geometry LOD. Action will be visible then when player is looking at selected component

// { Starting point (memory LOD), Ending point (memory LOD), radius (in meters), Named Selection (geometry LOD) }
ladders[] = { { "Ladder_1_start", "Ladder_1_end", 2.5, "Ladder_1_action" }, { "Ladder_2_start", "Ladder_2_end", 2.5, "Ladder_2_action" }, { "Ladder_3_start", "Ladder_3_end", 2.5, "Ladder_3_action" } };


Boolean: Default false

Determines if a vehicle has laser capability.

laserScanner = true;
laserTarget = true;	// used as a generic class of All {} to default things true


MathFormula String Default 10*3.1415/180

Landing Angle of Approach. Used by plane class

landingAoa = 7*3.1415/180;	// Cessna


Integer: Default 0 Kph.

landingSpeed = 75;	// plane vehicles


String: This TokenName is associated with the library class of a vehicle (if any). It is used to give a 'memo' style full screen info on the given object. Example of use:

class Library
	libTextDesc = "$STR_LIB_AH1Z";


Integer Defines the LOD that is to be used when the Driver is turned in. Value=-1 seems to default to the standard LOD (for Turret's that is Gunnerview).

LODDriverTurnedIn = -1

Value: -1=Default LOD; 1=first resolution LOD; 1000=Gunnerview; 1100=Pilotview; 1200=Cargoview.


Integer Defines the LOD that is to be used when the Driveris turned out. The same rules as with LODDriverTurnedIn apply.

LODDriverTurnedOut = -1



Array: used in TransportMagazines class this specifies the type of ammo in the magazine and the amount.

	magazine = "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag";
	count = "30*1";

Each of these couplets are contained within a 'weapon' classname within the magazineS class itself. Example

class TransportMagazines
	class _xx_M16
		magazine = "M16";
		count = 30 * 1;
	class _xx_M60
		// ...
	class _xx_PK
		// ...
	// ...


Variable string Array: default {}

see #weapons for proper description


Float: Default Value = 10 (meters).

Used for the map editor to show the icon associated with this model class.

There is no x y component to this, the measurement units are meters.

To create a circular, rectangular or other 'non square' image, you need to make a pac file for the icon with, a transparent layer.

mapSize = 0.7;	// small object such as a tree
mapSize = 4;	// a smallish building

The Mission Editor map is not very good in this regard (as noted above). However, the main problem is the base classes of the engine. The mapSize= for most objects, particularly buildings, is a one shoe fits all. A forest, eg, is the same mapSize= as a tree !!!

Later Oem addons, *generally* are better and more specific in this regard, making position and fitting a little easier.


String : used as a core for all other air craft when looking on map.

marker = "\AnyAddon\AnyP3d.(p3d")";



Used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody

material = 50;

Related TokenNames: #armor (float), #material, #name, #passThrough


The maximumLoad value defines the number of units of cargo storage.

maximumLoad = 2000;

An item's storage value (the amount of space it takes up) is defined by it is mass value. For example:

// CfgMagazines >> "Titan_AT"
mass = 100;

The following parameter are used by just Eden:



Integer: This TokenName is used inside the #Smoke Class

maxT = 0;


String Degrees Math Formula

min = 0;
max = 60 / 3.6;

Note for readability, these values are normally expressed as strings which the engine itself will convert.

see Indicator Class



memoryPointExhaust = "exhaust_start";
memoryPointExhaustDir = "exhaust_end";



memoryPointGun = "machinegun";



memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";



memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "commander_weapon_view";



memoryPointLMissile = "Missile_1";
memoryPointRMissile = "Missile_2";



memoryPointLRocket = "Rocket_1";
memoryPointRRocket = "Rocket_2";



memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos_cargo";
memoryPointsGetInCoDriver = "pos_codriver";
memoryPointsGetInCommander = "pos_commander";
memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos_driver";
memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";


memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos_cargo_dir";
memoryPointsGetInCoDriverDir = "pos_codriver_dir";
memoryPointsGetInCommanderDir = "pos_commander_dir";
memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos_driver_dir";
memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";



memoryPointSupply = "supply";



memoryPointTrackFLL = "tyreTrack_1_1l";
memoryPointTrackFLR = "tyreTrack_1_1r";
memoryPointTrackBLL = "tyreTrack_1_2l";
memoryPointTrackBLR = "tyreTrack_1_2r";
memoryPointTrackFRL = "tyreTrack_2_1l";
memoryPointTrackFRR = "tyreTrack_2_1r";
memoryPointTrackBRL = "tyreTrack_2_2l";
memoryPointTrackBRR = "tyreTrack_2_2r";


String: Man class

This token refers to the class within the external cfgMimics class

microMimics = "Micro";


part of the IndicatorWatch class

see #hour


String: Default Value= "empty.p3d"

Location in the addon where the p3d model resides.

model = "\AddonName\anyp3d(.p3d)";

Where a class is not a visible 'object', such as a BaseClass. You can specify

model = "";

this cuts down on load and access.

Related TokenName: #simulation, #reversed


String: Default = "NoDefaultMoves"

applies to the man class and refers to a cfgMoves class

moves = "CfgMovesMC";	// civilian, in fact, there isn't another




spotableNightLightsOff = 0.05;	// default
spotableNightLightsOn = 4;		// default
visibleNightLightsOff = 0.1;	// default
visibleNightLightsOn = 0.2;		// default



name = "motor";

Used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody

Related TokenNames: #armor (float), #material, #name, #passThrough


String: Default value: "Target"

Namesound is used by the AI audio to indicate verbally where to go, what 'vehicle' to attack. Thus the audio speech "move to 'rock' 3 o'clock' is derived from the nameSound.

nameSound = "rock";

Many different nameSounds can be selected. Here are just a few.

nameSound = "crew";
nameSound = "target";
nameSound = "tank";
nameSound = "house";

The actual descriptive text accompanying the 'sound' can be different see #displayName

Typically, a collection of buildings (eg) will be configured as follows

class GenBuilding : NonStrategic
	scope = private; // internal use only
	VehicleClass = "Some Editor Group Name";
	nameSound = "house";
class YellowBuilding : GenBuilding
	scope = public;
	name = "YellowBuilding";
	model = "Some yellow building.p3d";

Related TokenNames #scope, #accuracy, #displayName, #vehicleClass, #nameSound, #camouflage


Float: Default 1.0 used by Plane class

noseDownCoef = 0.025;	// Cessna

How much the nose drops when banking.

Note: Not used in ArmA any more


Boolean: Default false

nightVision = true;

present in lawsoldier, sniper, saboteur, tank, and air crew

Note: obsolete, not used, NVG item is used instead



Float Array : Default {0, 0, 0, 1};

driverOpticsColor[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
gunnerOpticsColor[] = { 0.910000, 0.230000, 0.230000, 1 };
commanderOpticsColor[] = { 0.910000, 0.230000, 0.230000, 1 };


String: Default ""

commanderOpticsModel= "\AnyPbo\AnyP3d(.p3d)";
driverOpticsModel = "\AnyPbo\AnyP3d(.p3d)";
gunnerOpticsModel= "\AnyPbo\AnyP3d(.p3d)";



gunnerOpticsShowCursor = true;



Boolean: Default true

If true, destroying this part of the vehicle will destroy the whole vehicle. If false, damage will only affect this part of the vehicle.

This value is only taken into account in Arma 2. It was ignored by the game engine in previous games (that includes OFP).

passThrough = 1;

Used in Hit... classes, eg HitTurret HitBody

Related TokenNames: #armor (float), #material, #name, #passThrough


String: Default: iaston.paa

I think this is for briefing Information icon click

picture = "\AnyAddon\AnyPAA(.paa)";

"Picture" is used in config.cpp to display the 128 x 64 graphic file of the unit in the HUD and the bottom of the screen while in game. A .pac file can be used also. If using a .pac make your alpha channel pink - RGB 255, 0, 255. Pink is invisible in .pac file.


Boolean: Default: false

Default state of headlights on vehicle.

pilotLight = true; // spawn vehicle with headlights on



position = "ohniste";
position = "L svetlo";

See #Reflectors Class, #Light Class


precision = 1;		// man
precision = 200;	// air
precision = 50;		// boat


Integer: Defines location of getin point. 0 = use memoryPointGetIn , 1 = use model center as get in point, 2 = use proxy of crew position as get in point. Default is 0.

preciseGetInOut=0; // for vehicle crew
cargoPreciseGetInOut=0; // for passengers


Boolean: Default false

preferRoads = true;	// all vehicles


Boolean: For models that can have, (but don't necessarily do have) multiple internal objects of the same type (turrets eg). One of them, is declared the main, or primary turret. There may indeed be only one 'turret'. (Note: this entry has been replaced by the primary... entries. Please use those for your turret definitions to ensure maximal compatibility.)

primary = true;


Boolean A vehicle can have multiple turrets, but one of them normally is the primary gunner turret and one the primary vehicle commander turret (this can be the same turret or two different turrets, but you cannot have several primary gunner or commander turrets). Please use these entries instead of the more general primary entry.

primaryGunner = false;
primaryObserver = true;	// Commander



proxyIndex = 2;



proxyType = "CPCommander";




Represents a circular area (radius in meters from centre of object for action to take place

getInRadius=2.5;	// default
getInRadius=3.5;	// tank
getInRadius=10;		// ship
'''supplyRadius''' = 2.5;	// for fuel dumps ammo trucks etc


Float: Helicopters

mainRotorSpeed = 1.0;	// default
backRotorSpeed = 1.5;	// default

mainRotorSpeed = 1.0;	// ch47d
backRotorSpeed = -1.0;


Float: Helicopters, Default 0.0

minMainRotorDive = -9;	// CH47D
maxMainRotorDive = 15;
neutralMainRotorDive = -5;
minBackRotorDive = -15;
maxBackRotorDive = 9;
neutralBackRotorDive = -5;

ReloadAnimations Class

General useage in Helicopters, this class is 'looked for' by the engine. Various models, but normally only one, are specified as follows

class ReloadAnimations
	class SomeThingA
		// ...
	// ...
	class SomeThingZ
		// ...

here is an example for an Mi24 helicopter

class MachineGun30E
	weapon = "MachineGun30E";
	angle0 = 0;
	angle1 = -2 * 3.141592654;
	multiplier = 500;
	type = "rotation";
	animPeriod = 0.500000;
	selection = "gatling";
	begin = "usti hlavne";
	end = "konec hlavne";


defined within a tank.Wheels class to describe the series of small wheels on each side

rotR[] = { kolL1, kolL2, kolL3, kolL4, kolL5, kolL6, kolL7, kolL8 };
rotL[] = { kolP1, kolP2, kolP3, kolP4, kolP5, kolP6, kolP7, kolP8 };
upDownL[] = { koloP1, podkoloP1, koloP2, podkoloP2, koloP3, podkoloP3, koloP4, podkoloP4, koloP5, podkoloP5, koloP6, podkoloP6, koloP7, podkoloP7, koloP8, podkoloP8 };
upDownR[] = { koloL1, podkoloL1, koloL2, podkoloL2, koloL3, podkoloL3, koloL4, podkoloL4, koloL5, podkoloL5, koloL6, podkoloL6, koloL7, podkoloL7, koloL8, podkoloL8 };


Boolean: Default true

Normally, models ARE reversed with respect to how they present on the screen after editing with tools like oxygen (eg) This overrides the default. See #model

reversed = false;	// class thing


String: Helicopters

rotorBig = "vrtule_velka";	// cobra
rotorBigBlend = "vrtule_velka_bl";
rotorSmall = "vrtule_mala";
rotorSmallBlend = "vrtule_mala_bl";



Float: Default 1.0 Used by Plane Class

aileronSensitivity = 0.33;		// Cessna
elevatorSensitivity = 0.1;		// Cessna
wheelSteeringSensitivity = 1.0;	// default


Float: in meters

steerAheadSimul = 0.5;	// default
steerAheadPlan = 0.35;	// default
steerAheadSimul = 0.2;	// man
steerAheadPlan = 0.2;

predictTurnSimul = 1.2;	// default
predictTurnPlan = 1.2;	// default
predictTurnSimul = 3;	// ship
predictTurnPlan = 3;


Integer: Default value is 0 (private).

scope = 2;

Scope is used to limit access to the class in the Mission Editor (such as Eden Editor) and scripts. The value can be one of 0 (private), 1 (protected/hidden), and 2 (public).

Defines normally exist at the top of a well written config.cpp to make meanings clearer.

#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

The meaning of each is as follows


No object can be created using this class, neither in Mission Editor nor via scripts. This property marks the class as a "base" class, which other classes inherit from.

private is a common method of grouping base characteristics together and inheriting all those common characteristics into a class that can be viewed or accessed.


Public classes are usable in scripting commands (such as createVehicle) and can be shown in the Mission Editor.


Identical to public, except the class will not be listed in the Mission Editor. A very common form of use for this is

class Vegetables
	scope = protected;
	VehicleClass = "Fruit and Onions";	// a generic group in mission editor
	displayName = "Generic Vegetable";
	namesound = "whatever";
	icon = "vegetableIcon.paa";
	// put any other common characteristics in here
class GreenOnions : Vegetables
	scope = public;
	displayName = "Green Onion";
class PurpleOnion : Vegetables

The effect here is to reduce (considerably) not only the amount of typing, but memory storage too.

It is only the public classes that are listed in the Mission Editor.

So in above example while each one of these has a separate displayName=, they are ALL 'grouped' in the Editor's "Fruit and Onions", and all of them will be referred to in the mission as "Generic Vegetable". If you follow along, you should fully expect to see another protected class called "Generic Fruit"

In the above example, it is just as useful to declare the base class 'private. But, see below, and see #accuracy

Protected classes are CamCreatable in the mission.sqm.

Protected classes are immensely useful to 'hide' obsolete models that are still required to maintain compatibility with older missions. Ie older missions will still be playable, but newly created ones will only 'get at' the newer improvements specified in a public class. This

class OriginalThing
	scope = protected;
	// ...
	// lots of original things
	// ...
class ImprovedThing : OriginalThing // inherits it all
	scope = public;
	// ...
	// lots of new improved things
	// ...

Related TokenNames #scope, #accuracy, #displayName, #vehicleClass, #nameSound, #camouflage


Integer: Default disabled (-1)

secondaryExplosion = -1;


Float: Default 1.0

sensitivity = 0.6;	// cars
sensitivity = 2;	// sniper

The higher the sensitivity value for an unit, the better it can see.

The effect is not linear, but logarithmic. So for an unit with value 1 vs one with value 3 it must be 1.7 times closer (square root of 3). This example does not take into account other factors like zoom, binocular use, optics, camouflage and accuracy (knowsAbout value needed to detect the type and side).

1 equals roughly to 100 meters, 2.5 to 210m, 3 to 250m.

OA 1.62 state:

class All
	sensitivity = 2.5;
	sensitivityEar = 0.0075;
class AllVehicles : All
class Land : AllVehicles
class LandVehicle : Land
class Car : LandVehicle
	sensitivity = 3;
class Motorcycle : LandVehicle
	sensitivity = 3;
class Bicycle : Motorcycle
class Tank : LandVehicle
	sensitivityEar = "0.0075 /3";
class APC : Tank
class Man : Land
	sensitivity = 3;
	sensitivityEar = 0.5;
class Animal : Man
class Air : AllVehicles
class Helicopter : Air
class Plane : Air
class Ship : AllVehicles
class AH6X_EP1 : AH6_Base_EP1
	sensitivity = 2;
class Ka137_Base_PMC : Helicopter
	sensitivity = 2;


Float: Default 0.0075

Sets how well can the given unit hear others. The bigger the value, the better the hearing.

sensitivityEar = 0.13;	// man



selection = "L svetlo";

See #Reflectors Class, #ReloadAnimations Class (Arma Only), #Hatch... Class, #Indicator Class



selectionBackLights = "light_back";
selectionBrakeLights = "light_brake";
selectionFireAnim = "muzzleflash";
selectionHRotorStill= "mainRotorStatic";
selectionHRotorMove = "mainRotorBlurred";
selectionVRotorStill = "tailRotorStatic";
selectionVRotorMove = "tailRotorBlurred";
selectionFabric = "latka";

The selections

selectionLeftOffset = "PasOffsetL";
selectionRightOffset = "PasOffsetP";

are used to animate tank track textures. You must have the appropriate Named Selections in the model and the selection must have an rvmat in order to work.


Float: This TokenName is used inside the #Light Class

shape = "koulesvetlo";

See #Light Class, #Reflectors Class



showgunneroptics = 0;


Boolean:Default ?

showWeaponCargo = true;

Found inside weapon holders (ammo boxes)
OFP: If it is set to true player won't be able to put weapons/magazines to container.


String: Used by animated objects (campfire eg) to give sound effect. Or, simply by ambients(wolves)

sound = "Fire";
sound = "Fountain";
sound = "OwlSfx";

SoundEnvironExt Class

class SoundEnvironExt

This is a Class used within the man class. Some/ None, or all sections of it can (of course) be overridden by inheritance.

The external class CfgManActions accesses the SoundEnvironExt class defined (or inherited) for any 'man' (soldier eg).

External class CfgManActions contains many clauses

soundOverride = "fallbody";	// e.g

for instances of when it wants sounds for that 'action' to take place.

thus, you can define none some or all arrays (within class with your SoundEnvironExt{}) for the following

normalExt[] =
normal[] =
road[] =
rock[] =
water[] =
gravel[] =
sand[] =
drygrass[] =
grass[] =
forest[] =
mud[] =
wood[] =
metal[] =
snow[] =
hallway[] =
fallbody[] =
laydown[] =
standup[] =
crawl[] =


snow[] = {
	{ "People\snow_L", 0.000032, 1 },
	{ "People\snow_R", 0.000032, 1 }

snow is a Variable length Sound Array

see sounds[]

Sounds Various

Complex Array:

All the following use

nameOfSound[] = { "\AddonName\AnySound(.wss)", 0.000000, 1, 1 };
  • 1st parameter: Sound file (path). *.wss is default, *.ogg can be specified.
  • 2nd parameter: Change of volume compared to the strongest sound that is audible at the camera's (player's) position. It means that the strongest sound is played on 100% and this sound is played weaker (calculated from dB value, distance, occlude, ...). If this sound is alone in sound scene then it is played on 100% every time.
  • 3rd parameter: Speed of playing, 1 = normal speed/time of playing, 2 = 2 times slower, with half lower pitch.
flySound[] = { "\AddonName\AnySound.wss", 0.000000, 1, 1 };
singSound[] = { "\AddonName\SoundFile.ogg", 0.031623, 1, 1 };
scudSound[] = { "weapons\rocketflying", 316.227783, 0.200000 };
scudSoundElevate[] = { "vehicles\gun_elevate", 0.010000, 1 };
soundCrash[] = { "\AnyAddon\AnySound(.wss)", 0.010000, 1 };
soundSetSonicBoom[] = { "Plane_Fighter_SonicBoom_SoundSet" }; // Sonic Boom for jet fighters at supersonic speeds; defined in cfgSoundSets

default values

soundCrash[] = { "Vehicles\crash", 0.316228, 1 };
soundDammage[] = { "", 1, 1 };
soundEngine[] = { "", 1, 1 };
soundEnviron[] = { "", 1, 1 };
soundLandCrash[] = { "Explosions\intoground", 0.316228, 1 };
soundWaterCrash[] = { "Explosions\intowater", 0.316228, 1 };
soundGetIn[] = { "Vehicles\get_in", 0.000316, 1 };
soundGetOut[] = { "Vehicles\get_out", 0.000316, 1 };
soundServo[] = { "Vehicles\gun_elevate", 0.010000, 0.500000 };
soundGear[] = { "\AnyAddon\AnySound(.wss)", 0.316228, 1 };			// no default
additionalSound[] = { "\AnyAddon\AnySound(.wss)", 0.000000, 1 };	// man only

used by animations

sound[] = { "\anyPbo\AnySound(.wss)", 10.000000, 1 };


Integer: Default Value: NEUTRAL.

The side, when declared, sets the 'vehicle' to east, west, resistance, civilian. The effect differs according to the 'vehicle' itself. Eg soldiers, versus hospitals or repair trucks that can only be used by same side, if specifically sided.

Well written missions (and configs) use defines at top of file to make this more legible.

#define NO_SIDE -1
#define EAST 0			// (Russian)
#define WEST 1			// (NATO)
#define RESISTANCE 2	// Guerilla
#define CIVILIAN 3
#define NEUTRAL 4
#define ENEMY 5
#define FRIENDLY 6
#define LOGIC 7

side = EAST;

NEUTRAL is the general case for all objects.

NO_SIDE is used for ambient seagulls and wolves (see #sound). It differs from NEUTRAL in that the engine spends no time looking for interraction with other objects.


String: Default value: invisible.

The engine behaviour with this #model.

simulation = "SeaGull";
simulation = "thing";
simulation = "fire";
simulation = "flag";
simulation = "house";
// simulation = airplane, helicopter, tank

Related TokenName: #model


Float: This TokenName is used inside the Smoke class and Reflector class

size = 0.1;

part of Reflectors class


String: found in animationSources

source = "reload";
source = "time";


String: found in animationSources

sourceAddress = "loop";


Float: This TokenName is used inside the #Light Class

sourceSize = 0.015;


Float: In Kph.

Setting maxSpeed for infantry units too low might cause problems when working with waypoints (units won't be able to fully complete them or won't move towards them).

minSpeed = -0.5;	// range 0->1
maxSpeed = 80;		// default
maxSpeed = 30;		// tractor
maxSpeed = 60;		// boat


String: Default ""

scudLaunch = "scudlunch.rtm";
scudStart = "scudstart.rtm";
scudModel = "scud_strela_proxy";
scudModelFire = "scud_strela_ohen";



straightDistance = 50;


Float: default 0.0

Almost all 'objects' are not submerged. This parameter is used to hide objects such as effects

submerged = -0.5;		// thing effect
submergeSpeed = 0.25;	// positive value makes it go deeper (sound goes quieter)



Integer Degrees

initTurn = 90;
minTurn = -70;
maxTurn = 70;

part of any Turret class (tanks eg)


TokenNames Embedded

see #Embedded ClassNames



turning = 1;

Float: Default 2.0

turnCoef = 6.0;	// truck
turnCoef = 9.0;	// tractor


Float: Default 3.0

  • Pre A3: multiplier to torque and speed (pForce)
  • A3: multiplier to maxSpeedCoef (1 - maxSpeedCoef) [cfgSurfaces parameter] for speedCoef
Pre A3::
		terrainCoef = 6.0;	// skoda
	class Car_F : Car
		terrainCoef = 2;

	class MRAP_03_base_F : Car_F
		terrainCoef = 1;
	class UGV_01_base_F : Car_F
		terrainCoef = 1.2;
	class Quadbike_01_base_F : Car_F
		terrainCoef = 1.4;
	class MRAP_01_base_F : Car_F
		terrainCoef = 1.5;
	class MRAP_02_base_F : Car_F
		terrainCoef = 1.5;
	class SUV_01_base_F : Car_F
		terrainCoef = 2.5;
	class Hatchback_01_base_F : Car_F
		terrainCoef = 4.5;
	class Kart_01_Base_F : Car_F
		terrainCoef = 5;

	class Truck_F : Car_F
		terrainCoef = 2.5;

	class Truck_03_base_F : Truck_F
		terrainCoef = 1.8;
	class Truck_02_base_F : Truck_F
		terrainCoef = 2;
	class Van_02_base_F : Truck_F
		terrainCoef = 3;

	class Wheeled_APC_F : Car_F
		terrainCoef = 1.5;


Complex (string, float) Array

Introduced with Arma 3 logo black.png1.24, the Bootcamp Update, along with a lot of other randomization features.

Array of texture sources to randomize the vehicle with similar to facewear/headgear randomization for characters (See Arma 3: Characters And Gear Encoding Guide#FIA headgear and facewear randomization); format is:

textureList[] = { "texture1", weight1, "texture2", weight2, etc. };

Textures must be classes from the vehicle's TextureSources. If all the weights are the same value, it functions as straight equal randomization.


class MyPlane : C_Plane_Civil_01_F
	textureList[] = { "Racer_1", 0.5, "Racer_2", 1 };


float Array: Default Value {0.700000, 0.500000, 0.300000};

How threatening you are to unit types {Soft, Armor, Air}, respectively.

The ai for this model selects targets of opportunity, based on these values.

threat[] = { 1, 0.0500000, 0.050000 };			// soldier
threat[] = { 1, 0.900000, 0.100000 };			// law soldier
threat[] = { 0.900000, 0.700000, 0.300000 };	// bmp

Related TokenNames: type, #cost, #threat


Float: Default 10 000 000 000.0; // seconds?

timeToLive = 20;	// thing effects (bullets)
timeToLive = 100000002004087730000.0;	// campfire

See #Smoke Class



Integer: Used by supply 'vehicles' to determine total amount available for entire mission. Once depleted...

A 'vehicle' in this case can be a genuine repair truck, or, a building.

transportAmmo = 300000;			// reammo truck
transportAmmo = 10000000;		// bigship

transportFuel = 3000;			// refueltruck
transportRepair = 200000000;	// repairtruck

These parameters appear not to be used in Arma 3 and are only included for backwards compatibility. See maximumLoad to define a vehicle's storage capacity.

transportMaxMagazines = 50;		// car
transportMaxWeapons = 10;
transportMaxMagazines = 5;		// motorcycle
transportMaxWeapons = 0;
transportMaxMagazines = 50;		// tank
transportMaxWeapons = 10;
transportMaxMagazines = 20;		// air
transportMaxWeapons = 3;
transportMaxMagazines = 100;	// boat
transportMaxWeapons = 20;
transportMaxMagazines = 500;	// ship
transportMaxWeapons = 200;
transportMaxMagazines = 200;	// truck
transportMaxWeapons = 50;
transportMaxMagazines = 100;	// apc
transportMaxWeapons = 20;
transportMaxMagazines = 200;	// helicopter
transportMaxWeapons = 50;
transportMaxWeapons = 500;		// ammo boxes
transportMaxMagazines = 2000;

Values vary depending on exact type of 'boat' eg.

These TokenNames ate used to indicate how many units of each type an object can hold. Most objects can't hold anything.


Integer: Default Value= 0.

Number of 'passengers' this vehicle can carry. The value does not include the driver, nor any vehicle positions such as gunner (if any) or commander(if any). See the JeepMg below for a 3 person vehicle which can only transport ONE soldier.

transportSoldier = 3;		// jeep/car
transportSoldier = 50;		// large ship
transportSoldier = 6to10;	// SmallShip
transportSoldier = 3;		// a10
transportSoldier = 8to12;	// helicopters
transportSoldier = 2or3;	// ambulance
transportSoldier = 8;		// apc/bmp
transportSoldier = 12;		// truck
transportSoldier = 1;		// jeepmg
transportSoldier = 1or2;	// repair type truck

to make the game 'interesting', similar vehicles on different sides, can carry non equivalent numbers.


Integer : default 0

transportVehiclesCount = 15; // a Carrier (big ship)

TransportMagazines Class


Integer: Default 0

transportVehiclesMass = 0;	// not used by any model

TransportWeapons Class


Integer: Default 1

Speed of tracks UV animation. Use negative number to move tracks in opossite direction

tracksSpeed = 1.4;

TransportWeapons Class



turretAxis = "OsaVeze";

see #Turret Class

type (threat)

Integer: Default Value: Armored

This indicates the threat type of the 'vehicle'.

In well written configs, the 3 possible values are declared as defines at top of file for legibility

#define VSoft 0
#define VArmor 1
#define VAir 2

type = VAir;

Vehicles (and buildings) are armoured, humans are 'soft' and aircraft (obviously) are air

Related TokenNames: type, #cost, #threat

type (animation)

old Unknown: Default Value: rotation

This appears in the ReloadAnimations class

type = "rotation";


Variable String Array:Array of units classes which are assumed to be onboard of vehicle. Used by AI to determine potential threat of vehicle in case they are not able to see units inside vehicle.

This array can have zero or more strings.

typicalCargo[] = { "Soldier", "Soldier", "SoldierLAW", "SoldierLAW" };

Note that these are ClassNames of soldiers.



Boolean: : Default false

gunnerUsesPilotView = false;	// some choppers (mi17)
commanderUsesPilotView = true;


Allows unit to hack UAVs. Used on UAV operators in vanilla (Arma 3)

uavHacker = 1;



unitInfoType = "UnitInfoSoldier";

Certain 'vehicles' hide this information.

see #hideUnitInfo


Boolean: default true

unloadInCombat = false;

All true vehicles will cause ai to disembark when in combat.


wheels class see #rotL/R



String: Default Value= "Objects"

Used for Mission Editor basic category selection

vehicleClass = "Air";
vehicleClass = "Support";
vehicleClass = "My Great Addon";

Related TokenNames #scope, #accuracy, #displayName, #vehicleClass, #nameSound, #camouflage


String Array:

vehicleClass[] = { "Men", "Car", "Armored", "Air", "Support", "Camera", "Objects", "Ammo", "Sounds", "Mines" };



viewCargoShadow = true;
viewGunnerShadow = true;


Boolean: default false

viewDriverInExternal = true;	// Show the driver in third person view


Boolean: default false

viewGunnerInExternal = true;	// for some turrets and M113




Defines the effect that will be spawned at the position of the LandContact points when vehicle is in/on the water.

leftWaterEffect = "vbs2_fx_lowWaterEffects";
rightWaterEffect = "vbs2_fx_lowWaterEffects";

see #...DustEffect



weapon = "M197";

Selects a weapon from the CfgWeapons class


Variable String Array: default {};

Weapons and Magazines contain individual description of what a 'vehicle' IS carrying.

weapons[] = { "FFARLauncher", "TwinM134" };	// aircraft
weapons[] = { "CarHorn" };	// truck

weapons[] = { "M21", "LAWLauncher", "Throw", "Put" };	// soldier
magazines[] = { "M21", "M21", "M21", "M21", "HandGrenade", "HandGrenade", "LAWLauncher" };

The amount of weapons (and magazines) that can be carried by the 'man' is determined by #weaponSlots

The names M21, Carhorn etc are external references to the cfgWeapons / cfgMagazines classes



The weapons grouping for a vehicle, determined by enumerated weapon category definitions.

weaponsGroup1 = WEAPONGROUP_CANNONS + WEAPONGROUP_MGUNS;								// Adds Cannons and Machine Guns to Weapons Group 1
weaponsGroup2 = WEAPONGROUP_ROCKETS;													// Adds Rockets to Weapons Group 2
weaponsGroup4 = WEAPONGROUP_BOMBS + WEAPONGROUP_SPECIAL;								// Adds Bombs and Laser Designators to Weapons Group 4
#define WEAPONGROUP_CANNONS		1	// Cannons
#define WEAPONGROUP_MGUNS		2	// Machine Guns
#define WEAPONGROUP_ROCKETS		4	// Rockets
#define WEAPONGROUP_AAMISSILES	8	// Anti-Air Missiles
#define WEAPONGROUP_ATMISSILES	16	// Anti-Tank Missiles
#define WEAPONGROUP_MISSILES	32	// All / Other Missiles
#define WEAPONGROUP_BOMBS		64	// Bombs
#define WEAPONGROUP_SPECIAL		128	// Laser Designator + Misc



Weaponslots apply to man class (soldier, civilian, etc)

It indicates the 'gear' capacity.

weaponSlots = 1 + 4 + 12 * 256 + 2 * 4096 + 2 + 8 * 16;	// all soldiers/civilians
weaponSlots = 1 + 4 + 8 * 256 + 2 * 4096 + 2 + 4 * 16;	// medics

// 1 = primary weapon
// 2 = handgun slot
// 4 = secondary weapon (launcher)
// 16 = handgun magazines (8x)(or grenades for M203/GP-25)
// 256 = magazine slots (12x / 8x for medics)
// 4096 = goggle slot (2x)
// 131072 = ?


Float Default 2.513 meters

wheelCircumference = 8;	// tractor


string Array:

wounds[] = { "xicht_a.paa", "xicht_a_zranen", ... };

this token is used in the man class to show a series of pac/paa files depending on damaged state of the body.