R3vo – User

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<div style="font-size:1.5em;height:auto;width:980px;margin:auto;text-align:center;overflow:auto;>
<div style="box-shadow: 0 0 1em #000000CC; padding: 0.5em 0.5em; height:auto;width:auto; margin:2em; align: center">
=== About Me ===
[https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015178319/myworkshopfiles/|Steam Workshop] <br />
[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id{{=}}623475643 3den Enhanced] <br />
[[Special:Contributions/R3vo|My Contributions]]

= About Me =
<div style="box-shadow: 0 0 1em #000000CC; padding: 0.5em 0.5em; height:auto;width:auto; margin:2em; align: center">
{| style="float: right;"
=== Biki Stats ===
{| class = "wikitable - center" style="background-color:#f0f0f0"
| '''Version:''' || {{CURRENTVERSION}} || '''Pages:''' || {{NUMBEROFPAGES}}
|{{User de}}
| '''Articles:''' || {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}  || '''Files:''' || {{NUMBEROFFILES}}
|{{User en-2}}
| '''Edits:''' || {{NUMBEROFEDITS}} || '''Regist. Users:''' || {{NUMBEROFUSERS}}
* [[Special:Contributions/R3vo|My contributions]]
| '''Admins:''' || {{NUMBEROFADMINS}} || '''Active Users:''' || {{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}}
* [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198015178319/myworkshopfiles/|My Steam Workshop items]
|} </div>
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=623475643 3den Enhanced]
* [[User:R3vo/Sandbox|My Sandbox]]

= GUI Documentation =
<div style="box-shadow: 0 0 1em #000000CC; padding: 0.5em 0.5em; height:auto;width:auto; margin:2em; align: center">
*[[User Interface Editor (Arma 3)]]
=== Special Pages ===
[[User:R3vo/Sandbox|Sandbox No. 1]] <br />
*[[GUI Coordinates]]
[[User:R3vo/Sandbox1|Sandbox No. 2]] <br />
*[[User Interface Event Handlers]]
[[User:R3vo/Sandbox2|Sandbox No. 3]] <br />
*[[DIK KeyCodes]]
[[User:R3vo/Sandbox3|Sandbox No. 4]] <br />
[[User:R3vo/common.css|Custom CSS]]

= Eden =
=== Notes ===
*[[Eden Editor]]
{{Messagebox|'''Leave a Message
*[[Eden Editor: Modding]]
<div class{{=}}"plainlinks" style{{=}}"margin-top: -0.25em">
[{{canonicalurl:{{FULLPAGENAMEE}}|action{{=}}edit&section=new&preload=Template:Preload/Base&preloadparams%5B%5D=%7B%7Bsubst%3APreload%2FNote%7C%0A%3C%21--%0A%2A%20Write%20your%20comment%20here%20%28remove%20both%20%22arrows%22%20top%20and%20bottom%29%0A%2A%20Equal%20sign%20%22%3D%22%20should%20be%20written%20%7B%7B%3D%7D%7D%0A%2A%20Pipe%20sign%20%22%7C%22%20should%20be%20written%20%7B%7B%21%7D%7D%0A%2A%20New%20lines%20can%20be%20forced%20with%20%3Cbr%3E%0A%2A%20Please%20%27%27%27PREVIEW%20YOUR%20ADDITION%20BEFORE%20SAVING%27%27%27%0A%0A%2A%20Video%20Tutorial%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNtOl1gLz3Fo%0A--%3E%0A%7D%7D&preloadtitle=&summary=Add+note&nosummary=true}} '''+ Add Note'''] <span style{{=}}"font-size: .9em">([[How To#Add a new note|Help]])</span>
| i
| #E5EEF8

= Scripting =
<!-- page modifications -->
*[[Scripting Commands by Functionality]]
*[[Functions by Functionality]]
{{DISPLAYTITLE:<span style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px); clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px)">{{FULLPAGENAME}}</span>}}
= BIWiki To-Do =
*[[:Category:Example needed|Examples needed]]
*[[:Category:See also needed|See also needed]]
*[https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=Special:WhatLinksHere/BIS_fnc_exportFunctionsToWiki&limit=420&from=0 Need formatting]
*[https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Pages_with_broken_file_links Broken links]
*[https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=Special:ShortPages&limit=500&offset=0 Short pages]
*[https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Deletion_requests Deletion request]
*[https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Special:LonelyPages Lonely Pages]
*[[:Category:AnswerMe|Answers needed]]
= Text Formatting =
*[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Links/de Links]
= Revo_fnc_exportFunctionsToWiki =
Author: Karel Moricky, updated by Revo (23.12.2018)
Export function descriptions to Community Wiki.
Exported text will be copied to clipboard.
Import it to wiki using https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=Special:Import
If the page already exists, it will be replaced only when timestamp is newer.
0: ARRAY - functions filter in format [<tags>,<categories>,<functions>]
tags: STRING or ARRAY of STRINGs - CfgFunctions tags (e.g., "BIS"). Use empty string for all of them.
categories: STRING or ARRAY of STRINGs - categories (e.g., "Debug"). Use empty string for all of them.
functions: STRING or ARRAY of STRINGs - specific function names (e.g., "BIS_fnc_log"). Use empty string for all of them.
1: NUMBER OR STRING - Game Version, default will be the current one. For version 1.00 insert "1.00"
Export all functions: [] spawn bis_fnc_exportFunctionsToWiki;
Export all Array functions: [["","Arrays"]] spawn bis_fnc_exportFunctionsToWiki;
Export specific functions: [["","",["BIS_fnc_log","BIS_fnc_param"]]]  spawn bis_fnc_exportFunctionsToWiki;
_path = _this param [0,[],[[]]];
_gameVersion = _this param [1,productVersion # 2 / 100,[0,""]];
_pathTags = _path param [0,[],[[],""]];
_pathCategories = _path param [1,[],[[],""]];
_pathFunctions = _path param [2,[],[[],""]];
_text = "";
_cfgRoot = configFile >> "cfgfunctions";
_projects = ["arma2","arma2oa","tkoh","arma3"];
_indent = 1;
if (_pathTags isEqualType "") then {_pathTags = [_pathTags]};
if (_pathCategories isEqualType "") then {_pathCategories = [_pathCategories]};
if (_pathFunctions isEqualType "") then {_pathFunctions = [_pathFunctions]};
_allTags = {_x != ""} count _pathTags == 0;
_allCategories = {_x != ""} count _pathCategories == 0;
_allFunctions = {_x != ""} count _pathFunctions == 0;
_fnc_addLine = {
for "_t" from 1 to _indent do {_text = _text + " ";};
_text = _text + _this + endl;
_functionsList = call (uiNamespace getVariable ["BIS_functions_list",{[]}]);
_functionsListCount = count _functionsList;
_function = _x;
_meta = _x call bis_fnc_functionMeta;
_metaPath = _meta # 0;
_metaFormat = _meta # 1;
_metaTag = _meta # 6;
_metaCategory = _meta # 7;
_metaName = _meta # 8;
if (
(_allTags || {{_metaTag == _x} count _pathTags > 0})
{_allCategories || {{_metaCategory == _x} count _pathCategories > 0}}
{_allFunctions || {{_function == _x} count _pathFunctions > 0}}
_file = loadFile _metaPath;
_headerStart = _file find "/*";
_headerEnd = _file find "*/";
_fileHeader = _file select [_headerStart,_headerEnd + 2];
_description = if (_fileHeader == "" || _metaFormat != ".sqf") then
} else
format ["<pre>%1</pre>{{Informative|Placeholder description extracted from the function header by [[BIS_fnc_exportFunctionsToWiki]]}}",_fileHeader]
_project = getText (_cfgRoot >> _metaTag >> "project");
if (_project == "") then {_project = toLower (productVersion # 1)};
_indent = 0;

//Function template
"{{Function|= Comments" call _fnc_addLine;
<dl class="command_description">
"" call _fnc_addLine;
format ["| %1 |Game name=",_project] call _fnc_addLine;
<dd class="notedate">Posted on January 18, 2021 - 14:43 (UTC)</dd>
"" call _fnc_addLine;
<dt class="note">[[User:R3vo|R3vo]]</dt>
format ["|%1|Game version=",_gameVersion] call _fnc_addLine;
<dd class="note">
"" call _fnc_addLine;
Hello Stalker (⓿_⓿)
"<!---|arg= local |Multiplayer Arguments=--->" call _fnc_addLine;
"" call _fnc_addLine;
"<!---|eff= local |Multiplayer Effects=--->" call _fnc_addLine;
"" call _fnc_addLine;
format ["| %1 |Description=",_description] call _fnc_addLine;
"" call _fnc_addLine;
format ["|[] call [[%1]]|Syntax=",_function] call _fnc_addLine;
"" call _fnc_addLine;
"|p1= parameter: Datatype - (Optional, default defValue) description |Parameter 1=" call _fnc_addLine;
"" call _fnc_addLine;
"|Datatype - description|Return value=" call _fnc_addLine;
"" call _fnc_addLine;
"|x1= <code></code>|Example 1=" call _fnc_addLine;
"" call _fnc_addLine;
"| |See also=" call _fnc_addLine;
"}}" call _fnc_addLine;
"" call _fnc_addLine;
format ["[[Category:Function Group: %2|{{uc:%1}}]]",_metaName,_metaCategory] call _fnc_addLine;
format ["[[Category:Functions|{{uc:%1}}]]",_metaName] call _fnc_addLine;
_compatible = false;
if (_x == _project) then {_compatible = true;};
if (_compatible) then {
format ["[[Category:{{Name|%2}}: Functions|{{uc:%1}}]]",_metaName,_x] call _fnc_addLine;
} foreach _projects;
systemChat format ["Progress:%1/100%2",round ((_foreachindex / _functionsListCount) * 100),"%"];
} forEach _functionsList;

copyToClipboard _text;</pre>
<dl class="command_description">
<dd class="notedate">Posted on February 3, 2021 - 01:05 (UTC)</dd>
<dt class="note">[[User:7erra|7erra]]</dt>
<dd class="note">
<nowiki>*Stalking intensifies*</nowiki>

Latest revision as of 16:58, 3 April 2024

Biki Stats

Version: 1.39.0 Pages: 40,291
Articles: 6,240 Files: 25,063
Edits: 360,550 Regist. Users: 2,394
Admins: 29 Active Users: 19


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Posted on January 18, 2021 - 14:43 (UTC)
Hello Stalker (⓿_⓿)
Posted on February 3, 2021 - 01:05 (UTC)
*Stalking intensifies*