Nyles – User

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About Me

My name is Dennis Schwarz. I go by the nickname of Nyles in the BI community. I was born in Germany in 1981 and am currently studying Game Design.

My OFP History

I started with Operation Flashpoint when the demo was released in spring 2001, while I was serving in the German Federal Armed Forces. It got me hooked immediately and restlessly I awaited the release of Operation Flashpoint in the summer. Playing singleplayer and fooling around in the editor kept me occupied the first months after release, but starting with early 2002 I started to play in some multiplayer sessions once in a while as the netcode improved with each patch. Following the astonishing progress of the community to create their own tools and first addons, I continued to play around offline with OFP mainly, until I was introduced to the guys from the Clan -[uTw]- united Teamwork, which I joined after the expansion OFP - Resistance was released in summer 2002. I quickly assumed a leadership position within the clan and helped to build it up again after a small internal crisis at the end of 2002. Together with some new faces, we participated in a number of leagues for Operation Flashpoint, most importantly the ESL.

During the time of adversarial multiplayer gaming, I learned a lot about flaws in OFP that were regularily abused by many players, like OFP's ability to lock on targets that were far outside the viewing distance. The entire ESL league focused on this type of gameplay, having tanks and helicopters dominate games by engaging enemies from distances retalliation was almost impossible.

Slowly turning away from adversarial multiplayer because of this, I started to look for alternatives within the Flashpoint community in the following years. The Finnish Defence Forces modification, released in summer 2003, was a very promising project as it modified the original OFP so it was more realistic in many aspects like ballistics, and furthermore increased atmosphere and immersion with its great cooperative missions. I became more and more involved in the FDF sub-community and started to suggesting changes and making adversarial missions for the mod, converted over from proven mission concepts of the ESL.

Eventually I joined the FDFmod as consultant and game designer for the planned WW2 expansion, which was released with Beta 4 of the total conversion in late 2005. After commencing my studies at the Games Academy, Berlin in late 2005, I had to put my job in the FDF team a bit in the background. I will be working as a Game Designer for future FDFmod releases and am currently one of two clan leaders for our united Teamwork gaming squad, unless my future profession won't leave me with enough spare time to continue.