camCreate – Talk

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Notes from before the conversion: In multiplayer camCreated objects are only visible locally (meaning they are client-side effects). In version 1.90+ createVehicle is a valid replacement (with special consideration to locality).

its not a valid replacement. one needs both.

rough, they both serve different purposes. think about sometimes you only want effects on one players computer.

example by Dinger: camcreate vs. CV: for example, with a DPICM shell, when the shell fuzes. it sends to allclients a function call (using createunit) with the details of the effects. each client camcreates the bomblets though.

--WGL.Q 10:44, 5 August 2006 (CEST)

Read it again.........

In version 1.90+ createVehicle is a valid replacement (with special consideration to locality).

The statement was qualified with regards the locality issue.

The original note btw, was made by Tactician on the OFPEC online command reference.

Planck 11:21, 5 August 2006 (CEST)