Reyhard/Sandbox/Character Gear Creation/Headgear/Prefab Configuration – User

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Previous part - Asset Preparation

This chapter covers following topics:

  • Helmet prefab creation & configuration
  • Adding headgear to arsenal
  • Testing & diagnosing issues with helmets

Prefab Setup

Creating Prefab

Inherit from Helmet Base or duplicate one of existing helmets

In this article, Enfusion links are used. With those links it is possible to open specific resource just by simply clicking on that link. Enfusion links has to be manually activated in Workbench options (Workbench -> Options -> Workbench -> Register "enfusion://" protocol) before it can be used]

Tweaking BaseLoadoutClothComponent

  • Enable PhysicsOnWearEnabled & AnimateCollidersOnWear properties
  • Assign item model to ItemModel in BaseLoadoutClothComponent & to property Object in MeshOjbect component
  • Assign worn model to WornModel
  • Change SoundInt parameter to 120
    • Cont

If you inherited from prefab, then you would also need to tweak following things

  • Change AreaType parameter in BaseLoadoutClothComponent to LoadoutHeadCoverArea
    • This will tell the game that this item should be assigned to head gear slot in inventory menu
  • Tweaking drop item sound (SCR_SoundDataComponent) to Items_Drop_Helmet.acp
    • Changes the sound which is being played when item is placed on the ground
  • Tweaking position of default action context

Inventory Configuration

Configuring inventory properties

  • Name
  • Size
  • Preview image

Adding to Arsenal

Testing & Diags