Audio: Occlusion – Arma Reforger

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Signal Name SoundComponent CharacterSoundComponent WeaponSoundComponent VehicleSoundComponent VoNComponent CommunicationSoundComponent
Takes values from SignalsManagerComponent and stores into a snapshot.
Interior 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1 0..1
UnderPlayerControl N/A True if the character is the player character True if the weapon is handled by the player character True if the player character is in the vehicle True if the character is the player character True if the character is the player character N/A
IsInPlayerVehicle N/A True if the character is in the same vehicle as the player character True if the weapon is a child of the vehicle, the player character is in. N/A True if the character is in the same vehicle as the player character True if the character is in the same vehicle as the player character N/A
RoomSize Returns volume in m3 of room the entity is currently in Returns volume in m3 of room the entity is currently in Returns volume in m3 of room the entity is currently in Returns volume in m3 of room the entity is currently in Returns volume in m3 of room the entity is currently in Returns volume in m3 of room the entity is currently in N/A


Building occlusion describes sound attenuation based on whether or not a sound emitter and the listener are in the same room (or a room at all). The system goes hand-in-hand with Light Portals and the room areas created by the system.

Signals and Variables

There are four main signals and variables that handle building occlusion:

  • GInterior: float between 0 and 1 (1 if the current camera position is inside a building, 0 if outside, may gradually interpolate from 0 to 1 when entering a portal).
  • Interior: per-entity signal that returns 1 if the entity is inside a building.
  • GRoomSize: returns the size of the room the listener is located in, or 0 if it's not in any room.
  • RoomSize: per-entity signal that returns the size of the room the entity is located in, or 0 if it's not in any room.

The listener and emitter are considered to be "in the same room" if

  • GInterior OR the emitter's Interior signal are 1 and
  • GRoomSize and the emitter's RoomSize signal are identical


Listener inside, emitter outside (or vice versa)
If the listener is inside (GInterior = 1) and the emitter is outside (Interior = 0), or vice versa, full attenuation is applied.
armaR-audio building occlusion example 1.png
Listener inside, emitter inside, matching roomSizes
If both listener and emitter are inside (GInterior = 1, Interior = 1) and GRoomSize and the emitter's RoomSize signal are identical, then the emitter is considered to be in the same room as the listener.
armaR-audio building occlusion example 2.png
Listener inside, emitter inside, but no matching roomSizes armaR-audio building occlusion example 3.png
Portal radius
Portals have a certain radius around them at which the Interior and GInterior values gradually lerp from 0 to 1. If an entity stands in the middle of a doorway, for example, the Interior signal will return 0.5 (GInterior for the listener respectively). With the current occlusion setup, this is only used for players/listeners.
armaR-audio building occlusion example 4.png
Edge-case: Different buildings, same RoomSizes
If the emitter and listener are in two different buildings and the rooms they are in happen to have identical room sizes, no attenuation will be applied.
armaR-audio building occlusion example edge case.png


Red: Base Coverage for the (driver) compartment, defined in CompartmentManagerComponent.
Green: Additional coverage for the turret slot, and the compartments that are influenced by the slot. Defined in the SlotManagerComponent.

Occlusion inside vehicle cabins uses the Coverage System and is defined by the GCurrVehicleCoverage audio variable as an arbitrary float value.

  • Each compartment of a vehicle can be given a "base coverage" value, defined on the CompartmentManagerComponent.
  • Inside the SlotManagerComponent, using the "Slot Mappers" class, each Slot can be assigned a coverage value that will be added to the overall coverage as long as the slot is not destroyed (e.g windows can break, resulting in a lowering of the coverage value).
  • Therefore, the overall coverage for each vehicle department is the sum of the Base Coverage defined in the CompartmentManagerComponent and all additional slot coverage values defined in the SlotManagerComponent.

armaR-audio vehicle occlusion gcurrvehiclecoverage variable mix.png