Strangepete – User talk

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Revision as of 01:03, 18 February 2014 by Killzone Kid (talk | contribs)
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Could you please elaborate about "Lock Control" action you refer to from both enableCopilot and isCopilotEnabled pages? Where could this action be found?

Its not clear if the player has access to these actions via scripting (im assuming so, but its not documented). These are the actions shown to a pilot or copilot depending on enableCopilot...if enable the pilot has an action in their menu to Lock or Unlock controls.

there is this:

not sure if thats what the built-in uses tho.

to point out also, using these built-in pilot actions for locking the co-pilot controls doesn't seem to be able to be checked by any scripting command... disabling copilot controls removes these actions from both pilot and copilot.

suggestions? --Strangepete (talk) 23:14, 17 February 2014 (CET)

Could you please provide a repro to obtain in-built "Lock Controls" action? I do not have this action either with copilot enabled or disabled. Tested with UH-60.

sry, im away from home atm...test with 2 clients in MP...not clear if thats mp only result...


I have tested it and in MP, this is why I asked for repro. To me this sounds like 3rd party addon or scripted solution, but not a default functionality. I'm looking forward to your repro.