Killswitch/Sandbox – User

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Regular paragraph of text. Talk talk blah blah.


Subsection text.


Even more text.

A config.cpp snippet inside a <pre> environment:

class CfgPatches
	class Something
		units[] = {};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredAddons[] = {};

(A "pre environment" will result in tabs being rendered properly. This is useful for presenting properly indented code.)

ArmA server config file example

// comments are written with "//" in front of them.

// Example server.cfg
password = "xyz";		// password required to connect to server
passwordAdmin = "xyzxyz";	// admin password. Use "#login xyzxyz" in global chat in-game to login as admin

// The name of our server
hostname="Example OFP server";

// Welcome message. This is a list of strings
// separated by comma signs. Each string will be
// displayed on a new line. The example motd below
// will display two lines
motd[]= {
	"Welcome to the Example OFP server.",
	"Have fun!"
motdInterval=1; 		// if motd has multiple lines this setting
				// determines the delay in seconds between showing
				// lines (default is 5 seconds).

voteMissionPlayers=3;		// start voting for missions when 3 players connect
voteThreshold=0.33;		// when one third agrees, this is enough to confirm a vote

reportingIP=""; 		// private server - don't report
				// Use "" to
				// report to the master server

checkfiles[]={"HWTL\dta\data3d.pbo","dta\data3d.pbo"}; //list of files to check
kickduplicate=1;		// do not allow duplicate id

// If equalModRequired is set, players will need
// to connect to the server using the *exact same*
// -mod=... shortcut parameter the server is using.
// As an example: if the server was started with
//        -mod=@mymod
// all players will need to have exactly that parameter
// in their shortcuts. Note that the argument ("@mymod")
// is case significant. In other words, if a player used
// "-mod=@MyMod" connection would be refused.

class Missions {};		// an empty Missions class will lead to
				// players being presented with the full
				// list of missions the server has.
				// Players will have to vote
				// to select a mission