Workbench Plugin – Arma Reforger
Workbench Plugins are script files that can be triggered from within any editor (Resource Browser, World Editor, Script Editor, etc).
Existing plugins are listed in Data
Editor | Directory | API Class (Module Type) |
Common Plugins | Data |
N/A |
Resource Manager | Data |
ResourceManager |
World Editor (Tools and Plugins) | Data |
WorldEditor |
Particle Editor | N/A | N/A |
Animation Editor | N/A | N/A |
Script Editor | Data |
ScriptEditor |
Audio Editor | N/A | N/A |
Behavior Editor | N/A | N/A |
String Editor | Data |
LocalizationEditor |
Procedural Animation Editor | N/A | N/A |
A Plugin must be named ClassnamePlugin, and its file too.
A Tool must be named ClassnameTool, and its file too.
A plugin inherits from WorkbenchPlugin and is decorated with a WorkbenchPluginAttribute attribute which signature is as follow:
- name is mandatory: it is the plugin's display name
- description: optional, it is the on hover description text
- shortcut: in format e.g "Ctrl+Shift+I" for Ctrl + ⇧ Shift + I - none (empty string) can be defined, the plugin will then need to be triggered from the Plugin top menu
- icon
- wbModules: to which editors does this plugin apply (e.g wbModules = { "ScriptEditor" })
- category: the plugins menu entry in which this plugin will find itself (e.g Plugins > Text > Plugin Name)
- awesomeFontCode: the FontAwesome icon associated with the plugin (see's Free Icons Cheatsheet)
A plugin must also override either or both Run or RunCommandLine methods in order to have an impact. It can also, but is not mandatory, override the Configure method to display a settings entry.
A tool is a system that allows for direct manipulation with a config panel available on the side.
A tool inherits from the editor-related class (e.g World Editor: WorldEditorTool) in order to be found in said editor's Tools menu.
It is decorated with a WorkbenchToolAttribute attribute which signature is identical to WorkbenchPluginAttribute (see above).
A plugin has access to the currently loaded game/project resources, but in order to be as adaptable as possible it should also be generic.
Each Workbench module (editor) API can be accessed through the following script:
Where ModuleType can be one of the classes listed at the beginning of this document, all children of the WBModuleDef class).
Each module has obviously a different API - see their classes for more information.
Other plugins can be accessed through caWorkbenchModule.GetPlugin(TAG_ClassNamePlugin);.
Common Methods
See WorkbenchPlugin.
The Run method is called when clicking Plugins > Plugin Name or using its shortcut if any. If this method is not overridden with a non-empty code, the plugin does not appear in this menu.
The RunCommandline method is called when calling the script from Startup Parameters's plugin option, e.g:
ArmaReforgerWorkbenchSteam.exe -wbModule=ScriptEditor -plugin=TAG_MyPlugin pluginArguments
The Configure method is called when clicking Plugins > Settings > Plugin Name. If this method is not overridden with a non-empty code, the entry does not appear in this menu.
The OnResourceContextMenu method is called when clicking Resource Manager Resource Browser Context Menu's Plugins > Plugin Name. {{Feature|important|For the plugin to appear, WorkbenchPluginAttribute's resourceTypes parameter must be defined (e.g cresourceTypes: { "fbx", "xob", "et" })
Generic Modal
The cWorkbench.Dialog() method can be used to create a modal addressed to the user. It takes a caption (modal title) a text (in-modal description text), and a detailed text if needed.
The end result is a modal with an OK button and a "Show Details" button if a detailed text has been provided.
Scripted Modal
The cWorkbench.ScriptDialog() method can be used to create a modal addressed to the user to confirm an action or set values. It can be used in any method (e.g not only Configure). It takes a caption (modal title) a text (in-modal description text), and a class instance - usually cthis.
The class instance can be anything but null, but it is much more interesting to offer options to the user, at least an OK/Cancel button choice.
Same as a Config Object declaration, the c[Attribute()] decorator is required.
A button method is decorated with a c[Button()] decorator which signature is as follow:
A button method's return type can be anything, but the value will be treated as a boolean int (1 = true, 0 = false). A void method will return 0.
The Workbench.ScriptDialog's return value can then be used to know if the user confirmed or cancelled an interface.