World Editor: River Generator – Arma Reforger
A River Generator is a generator drawing a river defined by a Shape.
River generators can be found in the Resource Browser in ArmaReforger > Prefabs > WEGenerators > Water > River and are prefixed with R_ for River Generator (the RG_ prefix being already used by Road Generator).
- A Shape (polyline, spline) defining the river's path (see Vector Tool)
- Said shape can be either a polyline or a spline, but the polyline cannot be closed
- At least two points are required
- A river generator entity as a direct child to this shape.
River's base width
Spline Offset Up
Vertical offset of the generated mesh from the spline
Reverse Flow
Invert texture coordinates to make the river flow the other direction
The material used for the river's surface
River's clearance ("empty space around it" for e.g Forest Generator to not plant trees there)
Shore Wetness
Enable shore wetness
Water surface game material
Physics Layer
Interaction layer of the river water body
Geometry As OBB
Generate physics geometry as an OBB (Object Bounding Box, a "brick") instead of exact polyline shape
Min Depth
Min depth of river for physics geometry
Water Offset
Water surface offset for physics geometry