Icon – Template
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Preview | Additional Information |
Errors | |
-no parameter defined!- | |
-wrong parameter ("lol") defined!- | |
Dimensions | |
Bohemia Interactive | |
bi, bohemiainteractive | |
bi_alt, bohemiainteractive_alt | |
Operation Flashpoint | |
ofp, cwa, arma0 | |
ofpr | |
ofpe | |
Arma | |
arma1 | |
arma1_alt | |
Arma 2 | |
arma2, a2 | |
arma2oa, oa, arrowhead, operation arrowhead | |
arma2acr, acr | |
arma2baf, baf | |
arma2pmc, pmc | |
Arma 3 | |
arma3, a3 | |
arma3zeus, curator, zeus | |
arma3karts, kart, karts | |
arma3helicopters, heli, helicopter, helicopters | |
arma3marksmen, mark, marks, marksmen | |
arma3marksmen_alt, mark_alt | |
arma3eden | |
arma3apex, expansion, apex | |
arma3jets, jets | |
arma3malden, malden | |
arma3lawsofwar, orange, low, laws of war | |
arma3tacops, tacop, tac-op, tac-ops | |
arma3tanks, tank, tanks | |
arma3contact, enoch, contact | |
arma3artofwar, aow, artofwar | |
arma3oldman, oldman | |
arma3oldman_alt, oldman_alt | |
Argo | |
argo | |
Arma Reforger | |
armar | |
armaR_alt | |
Arma 4 | |
arma4 | |
arma4_alt | |
Take On | |
tkoh | |
tkoh_alt | |
tkom | |
tkom_alt | |
Other Games | |
carriercommand, carrier command, cc | |
dayz | |
dayz_alt | |
silica | |
vigor | |
ylands | |
Multiplayer Definitions | |
GAGlobal | globalArgument |
LALocal | localArgument |
GEGlobal | globalEffect |
LELocal | localEffect |
SEServer | serverExec |
Timeline | |
aan | |
person | |
real | |
Others | |
afm | |
Controls | |
mouseL | |
mouseL2 | |
mouseR | |
mouseM | |
mouseSW | |
mouseSWU | |
mouseSWD | |
mouse, mouseN | |
| gamepad, controller |
| keyboard |
| kbm |
Wiki | |
disamb | |
unchecked | |
checked | |
warning | |
unknown | |
Misc | |
steam | |
| xbox |
| playstation |
| switch |
One template to rule them all (icons). Icons LALocal should GEGlobal appear SEServer inline.
It also adds the page to the Icon template usage error category on usage error.
- iconName: (case-insensitive) - see table below
- size: (Optional, default 48 but for exceptions below) size in pixel
- Default value is 32 for mouseL, mouseL2, mouseM, mouse/mouseN, mouseR
- Default value is 24 for checked, unchecked
- unknown is not (yet?) an image
- link: (Optional, default game category, image link or nothing) link accessed on click, format page address or page address {{!}} hover text