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Returns current vision mode of unit's weapon. Vision mode could be one of:
  • 0 - normal vision
  • 1 - night vision
  • 2 - thermal vision
Alternative syntaxes additionally return FLIR index (see setCamUseTI) of the thermal vision mode (See also "VisionModeChanged" entity event handler)

Syntax 1

currentVisionMode entity
entity: Object - unit or vehicle. Unit query returns current vision mode of the unit. Vehicle query returns driver seat vision mode
Return Value:
Number - vision mode

Syntax 2

currentVisionMode [entity]
entity: Object - unit or vehicle. Unit query returns current vision mode of the unit. Vehicle query returns driver seat vision mode
Return Value:
Array in format [vision mode, FLIR index]

Syntax 3

vehicle currentVisionMode turretPath
vehicle: Object - vehicle with vision modes
turretPath: Array format Turret Path - path to vehicle's turret. Use [-1] for driver turret, [] for default primary gunner turret
Return Value:
Array in format [vision mode, FLIR index]

Syntax 4

unit currentVisionMode weapon
unit: Object - soldier
weapon: String - unit's weapon. Use "" for current weapon
Return Value:
Array in format [vision mode, FLIR index]


Example 1:
_visionMode = currentVisionMode gunner _tank;
Example 2:
if (currentVisionMode player == 1) then { hint "nightvision active"; };
Example 3:
private _detailedVisionMode = currentVisionMode [gunner _tank]; _detailedVisionMode params ["_mode", "_flirIndex"];
Example 4:
private _detailedGunnerVisionMode = _tank currentVisionMode [0];
Example 5:
private _detailedWeaponVisionMode = player currentVisionMode "";

Additional Information

See also:
disableNVGEquipment disableTIEquipment camUseNVG setCamUseTI currentMagazine currentWeapon currentMuzzle currentWeaponMode currentZeroing magazinesTurret weaponsTurret


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
AgentRev - c
Posted on Apr 29, 2016 - 21:31 (UTC)
This information is obsolete as of Arma 3 v2.08.

The return value is somewhat erratic for UAVs. For example, if you are connected to a UAV, with the turret set to thermal vision and PIP feed enabled, "currentVisionMode gunner _uav" returns 2 when controlling the turret, but returns 0 after releasing control, even thought the PIP feed is still in thermal mode. WIth nightvision, it will return 1 whether or not you are controlling the turret, but if you switch from 1st to 3rd person before releasing control, then it returns 0 afterwards...