BIS fnc wpLand
{{TabView|selected= 2
|title1= Take On Helicopters
|game1= tkoh |version1= 1.00
|gr1= Waypoints
|descr= "LAND" custom waypoint. Land on specific spot.
|s1= arguments: [dirParam, visualize]
|p1= dirParam: Array - in format [dir, dirDiff]:
- dir: Number - required landing direction in degrees
- dirDiff: Number - direction tolerance (to both sides)
|p2= visualize: Boolean - true to show hint (default: false)
|r1= Nothing
|x1= [[[playe_this], position dude, 10, [42, 20], true] spawn BIS_fnc_wpLand;
|exec= spawn
|seealso= BIS_fnc_scriptedWaypointType BIS_fnc_wpTransport }}
|title2= Arma 3
|game1= arma3 |version1= 1.00
|gr1= Waypoints
|descr= Let group members land at the waypoint position.
|s1= [group, position, target] spawn BIS_fnc_wpLand
|p1= group: Group - group which is supposed to land
|p2= position: Position - waypoint position
|p3= target: Object - object the waypoint is attached to
|r1= Boolean
|exec= spawn
|x1= [group [[playe_this], [0,0,0], BIS_vehicle] spawn BIS_fnc_wpLand;
|seealso= BIS_fnc_scriptedWaypointType BIS_fnc_wpTransport }}