From Bohemia Interactive Community
- Description:
- execVM desired script with desired argument(s). This function is only really useful when combined with BIS_fnc_MP to execute a script remotely.
- Execution:
- call
- Groups:
- Program Flow
- Syntax:
- filename call BIS_fnc_execVM
- Parameters:
- filename: String
- Return Value:
- Script Handle - can be used to determine (via scriptDone) when the script has finished.
Alternative Syntax
- Syntax:
- [arguments, filename] call BIS_fnc_execVM
- Parameters:
- arguments: Anything - arguments are passed to script as magic variable _this.
- filename: String
- Return Value:
- Script Handle - can be used to determine (via scriptDone) when the script has finished.
- Example 1:
- Example 2:
- Example 3:
- // before Arma 3 v1.50 [[[_param1, _param2], "addBonus.sqf"], "BIS_fnc_execVM", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; // since Arma 3 v1.50 [[_param1, _param2], "addBonus.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM"];
Additional Information
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